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BigV 04-04-2012 06:29 PM

Well... I'm as over the rejection from XX as I guess I'm gonna get for now. *sigh*

In other news, I have another phone interview scheduled for 9 am on Friday. I've exchanged several emails with the recruiter, including filling out her phone screen form. I'm pretty excited. The position hasn't been posted yet, but she has my resume. I guess that means she thinks I'm a good candidate for the job. We'll see.

I know a little about the company and I'd like to work for them. But not knowing what the job's about puts me at a bit of a disadvantage.

wolf 04-04-2012 07:54 PM

Best of luck, V.

classicman 04-04-2012 09:18 PM

Go get em, V.

kerosene 04-05-2012 08:39 PM

You can do it, dude! Hoping for the best for you!

BigV 04-05-2012 09:02 PM

thank you thank you thank you! check with me at 0930 tomorrow.

BigV 04-06-2012 12:15 PM


The recruiter was pre filling pre screening potential candidates for upcoming, but not yet published positions. They may be published as soon as this time next week, but nothing now.


classicman 04-06-2012 01:16 PM

Sorry V....
It seems we are living parallel situations on opposite ends of the country.

Was supposed to work this afternoon - just called him - nope.
Also, another FT position which I was led to believe I was in line for, fell apart.
I was removed from contention. Apparently I am over-qualified... AGAIN! :mad2:

BigV 09-25-2012 06:39 PM

phone interview yesterday went GREAT

phone interview today went terrible.

yesterday was with internal recruiter, today was with hiring manager.

BigV 09-25-2012 07:15 PM

back to the crying about the interview. I was writing the post when I got snookered by some fucking bill collector. fuckingfuck.



I could do the job, the job description is very similar to my last job. but this one just went horribly. I don't think I got anything wrong, but the vibe on the call was cold, curt. ended quickly. no connection, y'know? He seemed to be getting all the answers he needed, and they indicated this is a dead end. fuck, I'm so sad. I need a job.

I wasn't quite prepared for the first question, and I should have hit it out of the park. "I see you were the IT Supervisor at xyz company back in... June 2011. What have you been doing to keep current in IT?" Then I blathered on (truthfully) about the time off being something of a vacation at first, then my "job" was getting a job. Then when I reconnected my (stupid ill-advised free association monologue instead of a canned) answer to his original question, I realized that I hadn't given him anything about me staying up to date with IT, no, just hanging out here at the beach, blah blah. dumbass. I realized my foolishness and was chastened, but not before I could shut my mouth, and I said, as my brain was spinning up some connection to his question, "that's a good question, I hadn't been prepared for that one" (fires bullet into mouth). Then I gave some weak shit how I'm the go-to-guy for my circle of friends and family when it comes to computer questions, example this and example that, see? I do this work even when I'm not being paid, ha ha ha.

and kinda downhill from there. fuck.

I don't know how downhill, I did answer the other questions, are you more of troubleshooter/problem solver or designer/architect? pretty easy, troubleshooter. why? I'm good at it, I like solving problems, puzzles. I like fixing things, and the other part is I like helping people. It's a good natural fit for me.

"What is your number one tool in your toolbox?" Another easy one, my observational skills, my ability to listen. If I had technical skills, they're useless unless I know what the user needs or wants.

then questions about dns, group policy, and cloud backup. we're done, click. no actually, he was polite, there was a tiny acknowledgment of my answers/examples on the last one when I spoke plainly about how important a user's data is relative to applications or hardware. It wasn't ALL crickets chirping on his side, but they only stopped to let him respond enough to indicate he heard my answer and move on to the next question. I asked about the next step and the timing, he said they'd move by the end of the week.

At this moment, I feel I'll get a thanks but no thanks email, it may well be in my inbox now. drinking heavily seems to be my next move, but I am really joking. ha. I need to apply to another five ten twenty places, and just get these kind of "bad dates" out of my system, or so in my system that I don't get crushed by the rejection. Of course, that's easier said than done. Maybe I'll start with a drink after all.

[/pity party]

footfootfoot 09-25-2012 09:21 PM

Well, at least you got to talk to them. I've yet to get any responses from applications even with inside referrals.

xoxoxoBruce 09-26-2012 02:03 PM

Most likely they've gotten a thousand applications for the job, with 900 of them not remotely qualified but faking it. So if he seemed cold, it maybe he was tired of talking to fakers. Your first answer may have put him off a little but it sounds like the rest would convince him you know your shit.

Of course he may have been short because he knows he has to do all these phone interviews knowing full well the job is going to Thurson III's nephew. Don't assume if you don't get it, you blew it, there can be other shit at play.

Keep plugging, you got the skills, just have to find the right fit.

Trilby 09-26-2012 02:04 PM

best of luck, BigV.

I know how shattering bill collectors can me the shakes just thinking of them.

footfootfoot 09-26-2012 08:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
If you undertook your quest in this car, it would be puzzling.

BigV 10-01-2012 06:01 PM

Well, I heard back from them, which puts them in rare company. Sadly, they chose the most common answer.


Just wanted to follow up with your regarding the Systems Engineer position. P enjoyed talking with you but has decided to move forward with other candidates that are a stronger match for the requirements of the position.
This part is not getting easier. If it were, I would be doing it more. Yes, yes, I know this is a personal problem of mine, for me to solve. Dammit.

orthodoc 10-02-2012 06:20 PM

Sorry to hear this, V. Hang in there.

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