The Cellar

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Shawnee123 01-11-2008 12:37 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is Gaines, at rest, and play-fighting with The Homeless Guy.
I need to work on settings and lighting...he is a beautiful gray (like a russian blue) and has dark green eyes. He is devil spawn. Love him to death!

Shawnee123 01-11-2008 12:39 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here is Tajjy, at rest and waiting to be fed some turkey or something from her little kitchen island perch. She is a striped, with some calico, and has bright green eyes which don't easily photograph with my limited knowlege of settings and lighting. She's quiet, shy and very loving.

glatt 01-11-2008 12:41 PM

Shawnee is posting pictures!!!

Shawnee123 01-11-2008 12:43 PM

Wooohoooooooooooooo! (Don't expect one of me anytime soon. When I try to take one I look at it and want to throw up!)

Would like to photo my livin' space this weekend.

Cicero 01-11-2008 04:06 PM

I usually find that turning some lights on helps!! (Actually the photos are quite cute)


Look once she starts taking photos she's not going to stop......she owes us a couple of years worth anyway.

Cute Kitties............I like gaines.

Undertoad 01-11-2008 05:06 PM

Yes, that first picture is awesome.

TheMercenary 01-11-2008 05:20 PM

I like pic #3.

"I am goin to pounce on you if you move one inch. Try me."

classicman 01-11-2008 07:35 PM

Verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice.

Sundae 01-14-2008 09:51 AM

Shawnee it's so good to see your babbas! Well, your cats anyway ;)
They are so beautiful, I'm not surprised you missed them so much.

I take it when you lose Homeless Guy you lose your feline company too? :(

limey 01-14-2008 01:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Jasper likes to keep an ear out for trouble ...

Shawnee123 01-18-2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 424298)
Shawnee it's so good to see your babbas! Well, your cats anyway ;)
They are so beautiful, I'm not surprised you missed them so much.

I take it when you lose Homeless Guy you lose your feline company too? :(

I thought I had replied to this. Duh.

But, no, the cats are me and my ex-husband's cats. I had them for 3 years in my apartment in the sky, then moved in with the artist formerly known as The Homeful Guy and my ex took them, then when my ex and his roommate had a houseful of fleas (from the dog who has since passed) I took them while he "bombed" the house. We decided I'd keep them. I'm home more, and I do love them, even if sometimes they drive me bonkers! I walk into the house at night with a "Hi kitties, how are you today, huh?" Silly, huh? :blush:

xoxoxoBruce 01-18-2008 10:11 AM

Not at all. Pets are for talking to.

ZenGum 01-18-2008 10:16 AM

It's when they talk back that it's time to worry.

Shawnee123 01-18-2008 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 425545)
It's when they talk back that it's time to worry.

:eek: :worried:

Bullitt 01-19-2008 10:02 PM

Roommate bought a new puppy tonight... no name yet, she's 8 weeks old

classicman 01-19-2008 11:59 PM

very cute, what breed is she?

Bullitt 01-20-2008 01:43 AM

German Shepard and No Idea

xoxoxoBruce 01-20-2008 06:42 AM

Right on, mutt's rule. Papers are for peeing on.

DanaC 01-20-2008 11:34 AM

Oh. My. God. Look at the little nose! And the cute little pads on the paws! Awwww. I want it. I want to take it home and throw pilau away, he's got way boring now ;P

ZenGum 01-20-2008 11:43 AM

So cute, Bullitt, and so kind of you to give her that special chew-toy that looks just like a pair of shoes. I'm sure she'll love that.

pilau 01-20-2008 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 425946)
Oh. My. God. Look at the little nose! And the cute little pads on the paws! Awwww. I want it. I want to take it home and throw pilau away, he's got way boring now ;P

Woof, woof, Grrrrrrrr, bark, bark, bark.

DanaC 01-20-2008 01:08 PM

hahaha. Oh dear me, that made me laugh til my sides hurt!

[eta] If you really are Pilau (aka PilauDog, Mr P., Browndog, PilauPudding, The Pud) then you should know the answer to this question: On finishing your dinner, how many biscuits do you get as your after dinner treat? (Answer in number of barks please)

pilau 01-20-2008 03:05 PM

Woof (not enough)

Shawnee123 01-22-2008 09:57 AM

Pilau, you can come stay with me! ;)

thealphajerk 01-22-2008 10:33 AM

this is my best dogboy friend hendrix, 4months, 6 months and now,a year and a half:

xhaos01 02-10-2008 01:06 AM

My cat Pandora

These are picture of our cat Pandora. we got her as a kitten, only a few weeks old and raised her for two years... she passed away today after fighting a long illness. My wife cried for three and a half hours and is finally asleep. I had a good weep myself for her and miss her a lot.

The top picture is a motivational poster I made a while back, so you can see how small she was then. the others are pictures my wife took last christmas (2006) of her with a Santas' Elf hat curled up and (mostly) asleep. She was an adorable kitteh and she will be missed greatly.

Cat Poem

They will not go quietly,
the cats who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.

Old habits still make us think
we hear a meow at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometimes, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.

And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them. . . and always will.

- Linda Barnes

zippyt 02-10-2008 01:16 AM

Sucks to loos them ,
Rember the good times !!!!

DanaC 02-10-2008 06:34 AM

That's so sad. My condolences.

Elspode 02-10-2008 09:35 AM

Condolences to you and yours. Losing a familiar is a lot like losing a piece of yourself. I've been through that. Have a read if you like, and know that there are kindred souls out there who know what you're feeling.

xoxoxoBruce 02-10-2008 11:04 AM

Bummer, xhaos01, that sucks bigtime. I sincerely hope you, and everyone, will read the link in Elspode's post.

classicman 02-10-2008 12:47 PM

:grouphug: from the cellar
really sorry to hear about her passing, but after a long illness perhaps she's finally at peace or chasing mice in the kitty afterlife

Cloud 02-10-2008 02:12 PM

I'm sorry about your kitty, xhaos. She looked very sweet.

I can't bear to think of my little furboys passing on. I actually think this is an excellent use for postyourpet--allows and allows the grieving furparent to share, and lets us all to do a little memorial thing.

binky 02-11-2008 09:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16832

Gus, our new dog (not actual size lol)

binky 02-11-2008 09:22 PM

any guesses on his breed? We got him from the animal shelter, and our guess is chihuahua and dachshund

classicman 02-11-2008 10:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
looks like an opossum from here...

binky 02-11-2008 10:34 PM

true especially the ears :eek:

seakdivers 02-12-2008 01:04 AM

chihuahua and beagle maybe?

binky 02-12-2008 07:30 AM

hmmm maybe

xoxoxoBruce 02-12-2008 09:20 AM

Long eared rug soiling ankle biter?

binky 02-12-2008 09:52 AM

just the long eared part, although he is pretty fierce

Elspode 02-13-2008 10:16 PM

Looks a little Welsh Corgi-ish to me.

Gravdigr 03-02-2008 11:56 AM

Ya know what...Cellar won't let me load the pic I wanted because it's also somewhere else the site. ? And three other pics are 'too large'. So you don't get to see. Yes, I could fix the pics, but after four tries to load a pic, there's a principle involved. I'm a complicated person...

So, :comp1:

BrianR 03-02-2008 08:28 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Here is a pic of the new addition to our family: he joins Google (the minipoodle) and Junior, the canine patriarch.

DanaC 03-03-2008 04:44 AM

How long you had the weim? He's beautiful. Looks very comfy with the other dogs too!

BrianR 03-03-2008 10:02 AM

He's new, only four weeks. He was five and a half weeks old when I adopted him from a truck stop in Ohio. I couldn't leave the poor guy. I see strays and unwanted doggies all the time and, if I had my way, I'd load 'em ALL up and take them home.

The wife does NOT agree.

She doesn't want to live on a "dog ranch" and my pit bull would have a nervous breakdown trying to maintain control over so many other dogs.

Toby is still finding his place in the pack; I think he'll capture the #2 spot, behind Junior and Google in the last place, due only to his size. Google otherwise tries his darndest to bully the Weimie but fails.

They can be so CUTE when getting along and annoying when they don't.

Bullitt 03-03-2008 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 436319)
Ya know what...Cellar won't let me load the pic I wanted because it's also somewhere else the site. ? And three other pics are 'too large'. So you don't get to see. Yes, I could fix the pics, but after four tries to load a pic, there's a principle involved. I'm a complicated person...

So, :comp1:

Beest 03-13-2008 11:52 AM

how many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb...

I've had the one n the right about 6 months, it was the same size as the one on the left (which I've had 6 days) then.:eek:
The two blackskirt tetras kinda behind the large angel are at least 6 years old.
the one in the middle is a head an tail light tetra it has highly reflective patches above it's eye and at the case of it's tail.

Sorry, about the blurryness, fish won't sit still and pose:headshake

Shawnee123 03-13-2008 11:55 AM

Beautiful, beest! I've been thinking about getting a small fishtank, see how I do.

Beest 03-13-2008 12:35 PM

This is the whole thing, 30 gallons, a small tank by most hobbyist standards.
(crappy pic because I was in a hurry and used flash)

I think it's the perfect size, like looking at a large widescreen TV.

(did Monster tell the story that she bought it me for Christmas, and hid it behind the sofa for a month and I didn't notice it :rolleyes:)

Shawnee123 03-13-2008 12:48 PM

you didn't notice a 30 gallon fishtank? funny!

It looks great. Love the decorations inside (what do you call that...the interior design?)

Beest 03-13-2008 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 438576)
you didn't notice a 30 gallon fishtank? funny!

Men :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 438576)
It looks great. Love the decorations inside (what do you call that...the interior design?)


monster 03-13-2008 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 438576)
you didn't notice a 30 gallon fishtank? funny!

honestly, I stuck it (and the stand) behind the sofa that's angled across a corner -it was about the same height-, draped a sheet the same color as the wall over it and just left it there. I could not believe he didn't see it -the room wasn't even messy then, either. Frankly these days we could lose a live elephant in there for a week....


It looks great. Love the decorations inside
Thank you ;) (I made 'em, they're ceramic)

Shawnee123 03-13-2008 02:30 PM

Very cool, monster. Your fish are artsy!

Sundae 03-21-2008 10:19 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Me playing Kamikaze Death Cat with Diz.

jinx 03-22-2008 09:08 PM

Our unnamed kitteh:

DucksNuts 03-23-2008 12:41 AM

He/She's gorgeous Jinx.

Im not happy with my fish at the moment. I spent a small fortune on fish yesterday and my fuckers ate the most expensive one and the tetras. Turds.

lumberjim 03-23-2008 11:10 PM

it's a boy. the name would appear to be Dennis. seems to have stuck. monster is all pissed off about it.

York 03-24-2008 04:20 AM

Hèhè, sharing the territory or just because the kitten is there? :D
It looks great! What a nice color...;)

DucksNuts 03-24-2008 04:49 AM


Sundae 03-24-2008 06:25 AM

What a beauty!
Anyway, nothing wrong with Dennis.
Dennis the menace.

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