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dave 11-23-2003 01:50 PM

I just figured it out.

HaywardNelson is Nic Name's wife. Who else is an easily offended retard from the 51st state?

wolf 11-23-2003 01:52 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
The words are offensive to some people. THAT is a fact.
The fault lies not in the words themselves, but in the people.

Your belief does not a fact make.

HaywardNelson 11-23-2003 02:34 PM

According to, CUNT is an offensive word.

cunt ( P ) Pronunciation Key (knt)
n. Vulgar Slang
The female genital organs.
Sexual intercourse with a woman.

Offensive. Used as a disparaging term for a woman.
Used as a disparaging term for a person one dislikes or finds extremely disagreeable.

The word was not originally offensive, it originally meant "sheath" or "hollow place" but that does not change the fact that the word has a negative meaning currently.

The words are offensive to some people. I doubt you would be okay with someone calling your mother a cunt, or another person you cared about.

As for retard, the word is a rude reference to a real disability. It is not considered a polite term. Earlier, someone said they were "watching the retards fight." As a noun, retard means "A slowing down or hindering of progress; a delay" or it is used as a slur. The definition clearly doesn't fit in the sentence, so it was used as a slur. I don't enjoy the kind of relationship with whoever said it that allows a playful "aw, you're retarded."

When I said there is something wrong with the words, this is exactly what I meant by it: The words are considered by society to be derogatory, negative terms.

I'm sorry that some of you are having difficulty acknowledging that the words are generally considered offensive. What's the point in arguing this? Are you trying to say that whoever called me a cunt and a retard was not name-calling, was not trying to offend me? There was a disagreement, but prior to the use of those words it had been carried on in a relatively adult way. Especially considering that this is written communication and you have time to think about what you post, if all that someone come up with is "cunt" or "retard," that's a pretty sad comment on what you have to say.

HaywardNelson 11-23-2003 02:38 PM


Originally posted by dave
I just figured it out.

HaywardNelson is Nic Name's wife. Who else is an easily offended retard from the 51st state?

You can quit playing guessing games. I'm not anyone you know.

You can call me whatever you want to, I'm not the one who is going to look callous and ignorant by your lack of respect for what may or may not offend other people.

I don't think everyone would be so defensive if you all really thought this was an okay thing to do. Unless it's normal to gather up your torches and pitchforks every time someone new disagrees with the consensus.

slang 11-23-2003 02:38 PM

Ok, I'll call you a blue balloon instead. Or a lampshade.

Can we move on to something interesting or funny?

wolf 11-23-2003 02:43 PM

So wait ... it's an ACTUAL FNG that's being an asshat here?

HaywardNelson 11-23-2003 02:46 PM

Well, if you're going to call me a blue balloon I just might have to spend the night in tears. :)

slang 11-23-2003 02:48 PM

How about "lampshade"? Can we move on, lampshade?

HaywardNelson 11-23-2003 02:51 PM

Nevermind, I'm apparently too much of a lampshade to get that photo to post.

slang 11-23-2003 03:07 PM

prolly too large. Check the properties for the size. It needs to be under 100k er so.

ladysycamore 11-23-2003 03:22 PM

[quote]Originally posted by HaywardNelson

Regarding stating opinion as fact, I feel it is a great waste of time to preface everything with "In my opinion." Clearly, I am writing it, thus it is my opinion.
No, not ALWAYS is it that clear. It may be TO YOU, but not to everyone. I'm not saying that you have to say "in my opinion" every single time, but to qualify some statements would help in many conversations.


When in a discussion of morals or other non-concrete ideas, I generally take what everyone says as their opinion. This is a conversation, not a game of Jeopardy.

Precisely, so why should anyone have to guess what another is implying/saying/expressing?


I will continue to post my opinions without the opinion disclaimer, especially in cases like this.

Then people will continue to call you on it, and act accordingly.

ladysycamore 11-23-2003 03:29 PM


Originally posted by HaywardNelson
Again, JuJu, I'm sorry you feel I am back-pedalling. If this makes you feel better, here:

I feel that it is a fact


You feel that it is a fact....mmmkay! :confused:

dave 11-23-2003 04:12 PM

Hayward, you're a joke. You can't be taken seriously. Here's why:


A disagreement calls for banning? And which camp do you guard, Schadenfrau?
You said that. In response to a sarcastic comment. There are two ways that phrase is likely to be interpreted (in my experience, anyway): serious or sarcastic.

If it's serious, then essentially what you are saying is "You are a Nazi." Calling someone a Nazi over a single comment on a message board is... well, extreme, I would say.

It could also be sarcastic. Fair enough.

jeni then responds as follows:


i don't know if you're referring to me, but my comment was made in jest.
And you say:


I thought it was common knowlege that sarcasm doesn't carry well in written text and thus is not conveyed as the poster had intended.
Whooops, my bad.
Now, some sarcasm picks up pretty well in written text (is there another type of text, or are you trying to use as many words as possible?), and one of those is your sarcastic "Whooops, my bad." I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but sarcasm tends to make people think you're condescending.

Anyway... you're pretty clearly using sarcasm in the two posts of yours I've quoted, once before and once after you said "I thought it was common knowlege that sarcasm doesn't carry well in written text" - after jumping on someone else for being sarcastic!

In other words, "Sarcasm is cool as long as it's me, and obviously everyone will understand what I mean - but when other people do it, I can't be counted on to figure out whether or not they're being sarcastic." Obviously, then, you're totally justified in calling someone a Nazi.

And you wonder why people laugh at you?

This is a board for grown ups. Why don't you find another place to play? Or perhaps you could start making some sense. Your call.

HaywardNelson 11-23-2003 05:26 PM

Um...because grown-ups *usually* call people cunts and retards.

God 11-23-2003 05:35 PM guys are still at this?

( Dave, it's smee, Slang.....could you tell? Have I made your ignore list yet?)

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