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Big Sarge 05-12-2011 08:08 PM

OIF III & OIF IX; KFOR IX; Desert Shield/Storm

SamIam 05-16-2011 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 733442)
3F - what Obama done for the VA since he took office? I honestly haven't checked, but I'm curious if anybody knows.


President Barack Obama today proposed a $61.85 billion budget for discretionary spending on U.S. military veterans in fiscal year 2012, including $6 billion to treat troops who return from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars with post-traumatic stress disorders and brain injuries.
Lots more here:

Big Sarge 05-20-2011 01:14 PM

My ills seem pretty minor compared to other folks on here. I still have a rough prostate infection. They gave me a shot of rocephin and put me on doxycycline. I've been on antibiotics since Feb. Talk about staying sick at my stomach!

Had my eyes checked at the VA. While my vision has worsened, there is no change to my peripheral vision. That's good.

I have another MRI scheduled for Wednesday.

morethanpretty 05-20-2011 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 735281)
My ills seem pretty minor compared to other folks on here. I still have a rough prostate infection. They gave me a shot of rocephin and put me on doxycycline. I've been on antibiotics since Feb. Talk about staying sick at my stomach!

Had my eyes checked at the VA. While my vision has worsened, there is no change to my peripheral vision. That's good.

I have another MRI scheduled for Wednesday.

Minor?! I certainly wouldn't categorize them that way. That is a long time to have an infection, I hope it gets cleared up soon. Good luck with the MRI.

bauer5152 06-17-2011 03:39 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 717020)
I've had nothing but bad news this week from the doctors. I feel like the VA is playing Russian roulette with my PTSD meds. Today they put me on 1 mgm of Xanax (as needed for anxiety) and 10 mgm of Valuim (bedtime because Ambien was causing problems with dreams). How do they expect people to be able function? I sure can't take this and work.

Next I get the results of a scrotal ultrasound and examination by a urologist. What was initially being treated as epididymatis turns out to be cysts that are linked to prostatitis. The urologist thinks the underlying cause might be linked to my Lupus.

For the final blow, my MRI shows I have a 5mm tumor on my pituitary gland. My primary care doctor is referring me to endocrinology. They think I might have Cushings syndromone. WTF!!!

I'm pissed. I'm scared. I'm falling apart

I also think so.

Big Sarge 07-26-2011 04:53 PM

Went to Urology and I still can't shake my prostate issues. I finally get to see endo next week & they are supposed to assess growth and treatment changes/options. Two days after that I go back to Camp Shelby for awhile. I know I'm too sick, but I need the money & my unit really tries to look out for me.

I feel more & more like my back is up against the wall

BigV 07-26-2011 05:15 PM

that is a terrible feeling Sarge. I'm saddened to hear you feel that way, and that sucks about your health issues.

Moving forward, and surrounding yourself with your supportive friends is a good move. Makiing things better for your head makes things easier on your heart and on your body. Good luck man.

kerosene 07-26-2011 06:32 PM

I am sorry you are going through this, Sarge. The med issues just suck. I hope you have some success with the endo and can start feeling better.

classicman 07-26-2011 09:21 PM

Hang in there Sarge. You got a lot of people who care around you. Let them do what they can.

Lola Bunny 07-26-2011 10:14 PM

Sarge: You know how I feel about you going to Camp Shelby, but I also understand love of a parent. Just remember to take care of yourself.

Clodfobble 07-26-2011 10:22 PM

Try to avoid pushing yourself over the edge, man. At some point they're going to figure out you're too sick anyway, and you'll have to come up with another plan. Surely you have at least some level of pension built up by now, right?

Big Sarge 07-31-2011 12:11 PM

horrible day. pain and swelling, even a low grade temp. it is so bad i considered trying to get to the VA emergency room, but it is almost 2 hours away. i'm trying to hold out till i go to endo on tuesday.

i have to admit my stuff is minor compared to busterb, mtp, and others here. i don't see how they manage so well. even the percocet just barely takes the edge off.

Nirvana 07-31-2011 01:06 PM

:( You are due for some relief I hope it comes your way soon.

wolf 07-31-2011 11:21 PM

Sarge, I don't know if you're a prayerful fellow, but I'll throw a few your way.

Good luck, man.

Sundae 08-01-2011 04:09 AM

Oh Sarge, I'm so sorry to hear that.
Could someone else drive you to the emergency room?
This doesn't sound like something you should be going through alone.

I don't do prayers, but my thoughts are with you, for whatever that's worth x

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