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classicman 11-02-2011 04:14 PM

Cain who? ... He's done.
It took a little more than my 15 minute prediction though.


A veteran Republican pollster and former NRA employee said Wednesday morning that Herman Cain sexually harassed a woman at an Arlington, Va., restaurant in the late 1990s.

Chris Wilson, now the principal of an Oklahoma-based GOP consulting firm, said in an interview on Oklahoma City's KTOK radio station that the episode took place in the neighborhood where Cain kept an apartment when he headed the restaurant trade group.

"This occurred at a restaurant in Crystal City (Virginia), and everybody was aware of it," Wilson said on the station. "It was only a matter of time because so many people were aware of what took place, so many people were aware of her situation, the fact she left — everybody knew with the campaign that this would eventually come up."

In an interview with POLITICO, Wilson said he was present for the episode and that it took place in the late '90s.

Wilson declined to say specifically what Cain said or did to the woman, but that the CEO's actions made other individuals at the table uneasy.

"It was very uncomfortable," said the pollster, recalling that other individuals present asked Cain to stop.

Wilson said there were at least three other people at the gathering but wouldn't share the name of the woman for publication.
Read more:

Lamplighter 11-02-2011 04:41 PM

Classic, your link has two other links.
One seems to be Cain making a false accusation about who leaked the story.
The other is yet another incident of Cain saying something inappropriate to a radio station staffer.

It's getting to be almost like the Nixon/Times fiasco... drip... drip... drip

TheMercenary 11-02-2011 06:40 PM

Did Herman squirt his DNA on a blue dress while in the White House?

Did he cheat on his high profile wife, currently the Secretary of State?

Did Herman shoot his load on one of his employees?

Is there any duplicity in these attacks?

Did Herman stick a cigar up a woman's vagina?

Did Herman get accused of RAPE?

A former President Bill Clinton did all of that. And he was a Demoncrat.

DanaC 11-02-2011 06:45 PM

Seriously? You're wheeling out Clinton? What's the statute of limitations on that being at all relevant to what's going on now?

Do Republicans get a free pass on outrageous womanising and/or harrassment because a Democrat president got caught out over a decade ago?

TheMercenary 11-02-2011 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 769664)
Seriously? You're wheeling out Clinton? What's the statute of limitations on that being at all relevant to what's going on now?

Do Republicans get a free pass on outrageous womanising and/or harrassment because a Democrat president got caught out over a decade ago?

Do Demoncrats get a free pass on outrageous womanising and/or harassment? Please the duplicity is palpable. What Horse Shit. Anytime some one brings up old Willie's indiscretions people jump on the band wagon "Who cares about his personal sex life"? Are you freaking kidding me. Clinton may have raped a woman and you act like you don't care?!!? WTF?

TheMercenary 11-02-2011 06:51 PM

At least have the decency to be consistent.

DanaC 11-02-2011 06:55 PM

Accused of rape, not convicted of rape.

And I still don't see what any of that has to do with Herman Cain.

TheMercenary 11-02-2011 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 769668)
Accused of rape, not convicted of rape.

And I still don't see what any of that has to do with Herman Cain.

Herman has not been convicted of anything. He has been "accused" in the news, not in the courts, as Clinton has been and was subsequently convicted of perjury! This is nothing short of a Smear Campaign.

classicman 11-02-2011 07:59 PM

At least Clinton and Lewinski had a mutually agreed to affair. Simple as that.

Cain has been accused of something completely different. In my opinion, something even worse. He has been horrible at coming forth with his utter lack of recollection one day and then very specific tidbits the next.

I do not like what Clinton did, nor do I like what Cain has been accused of doing. I cannot do anything about Clinton. However, I can certainly not vote for Cain.
Sex scandal aside, he'll have even more trouble defending the pending issue with campaign money. Stick a fork in him. He's done.

All that aside, his lack of knowledge about foreign affairs and his ridiculous 9-9-9 are reason enough not to vote for him.

Lamplighter 11-02-2011 08:51 PM

Of a sudden, Merc seems to have a dog in this fight !

Don't forget, Kennedy was a Democrat with a less-than-sparkling reputation.
And LBJ was accused of having affairs and he was a Democrat

Funny thing is, I don't think anyone accused Nixon or Little Bush of having affairs.

What should we surmise from all this ?

BigV 11-02-2011 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 769662)
Did Herman squirt his DNA on a blue dress while in the White House?

Did he cheat on his high profile wife, currently the Secretary of State?

Did Herman shoot his load on one of his employees?

Is there any duplicity in these attacks?

Did Herman stick a cigar up a woman's vagina?

Did Herman get accused of RAPE?

A former President Bill Clinton did all of that. And he was a Demoncrat.

None of us know because the settlement contained a non disclosure agreement. Do you know the answer to any of these questions? I think Cain has drawn so much of the worst kind of attention to himself in this imbroglio. He *acts* guilty by the way he's changed his story, by the way he's parsed words "I'm not saying I didn't sign it, I'm saying I don't recall signing any settlement." etc etc. The last time I heard this kind of response was from my eight year old trying to get out of punishment for not taking out the trash. "I am not saying I didn't take it out, I'm saying I don't remember if I took it out."

FFS. You have children. Don't you recognize this voice, this uncomfortable squirming? If he did it, he should man the fuck up and say so. If he did not, he should man the fuck up and say so. He's had ten days BEFORE the story broke to get his shit together. ****THIS**** constitutes his shit being together?

Not good, not good at all.

DanaC 11-03-2011 03:21 AM

Yehbut.....Clinton didn't have his shit together and he was a democrat!

Griff 11-03-2011 05:49 AM

The accusation seems to be bolstering his support. It is working backwards, his lack of serious ideas is being lost in the automatic left / right side picking.

glatt 11-03-2011 07:18 AM

The funny thing is, it's got nothing to do with the left. It's right vs. right. I'm a lefty, and I see all this unfolding and I don't care. Cain looks like an idiot, sure. But they all do. It wasn't a liberal smear job against Cain, it's the conservatives tearing each other apart.

Lamplighter 11-03-2011 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 769759)
The funny thing is, it's got nothing to do with the left.
It's right vs. right. I'm a lefty, and I see all this unfolding and I don't care.
Cain looks like an idiot, sure. But they all do.
It wasn't a liberal smear job against Cain, it's the conservatives tearing each other apart.

Glatt is right on...
Fox News
By Chris Stirewalt
November 03, 2011
The Curious Case of the Cain Conspiracy

The big question among Washington hacks and flacks today is this:
Who’s the tattletale?

Washington Worries Over Who Zapped the GOP Frontrunner,
But They’re Looking in the Wrong Places
“We’ve been able to trace it back to the Perry campaign
that stirred this up in order to discredit me.

The fingerprints of the Rick Perry campaign are all over this, based on our sources.”
-- Herman Cain speaking at a event on Wednesday.
Rick Perry’s campaign team says they didn’t do it and
points a sidelong finger at Mitt Romney’s organization.
And besides all that:
If you can't trust your fellow GOP friends, who can you trust ?
Cain is getting trustworthy advice from Gingrich

Atlanta Journal Constitution
November 3, 2011
Newt Gingrich advises Herman Cain:
Stop talking until you have a handle on the facts



“My first advice is what he hasn’t done, which is say nothing
until you sit down with your lawyers and with the people who know the facts,” Gingrich said.
“You thoroughly and completely understand them and you go through a period where everybody asks you
— in your team — every possible negative question so you thoroughly understand what will happen.”
Gingrich is to appear with Cain in Houston on Saturday evening.
Some polls indicate the former U.S. House speaker from Georgia
would be the one to benefit from a Cain collapse.

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