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Sun_Sparkz 01-05-2006 12:26 AM

last night i saw Mr and Mrs Smith - i thought it was great.. i could So relate to their stupid little relationship squabbles - haha

beyond borders was AWESOME once you get into it - i'm going through an angelina stage.

wolf 01-05-2006 12:55 AM

American Gothic (the TV series)

It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the series aired. I was quite a fan of the show and participated in an online fanlist at the time. I didn't realize that there were four unaired episodes ... I can't wait until I get to them. So far I've watched the pilot and rewatched the pilot for the production commentary, which was very cool.

Happy Monkey 01-05-2006 07:23 AM

A friend lent me Mythbusters. That's a pretty fun show.

(adds American Gothic to Peerflix list. Not available now, but hopefully will be...)

dar512 01-05-2006 09:05 AM

Love, Actually
Sin City

both well worth watching.

Happy Monkey 01-05-2006 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas
So, while I still think the computers that are calculating their "short wait" and "available now" ratings are smoking something,

My guess is "short wait" means that someone before you in line has been sent the disc, and "available now" means that they have acknowledged receipt. You still have to wait for them to actually watch and mail it. And not everyone does that too quickly.

SteveDallas 01-05-2006 10:08 AM

If that's true, maybe they shouldn't auto-dump disks they send you into your "disks I want to trade" pile? (I got a request for "To Die For" a day after I received it.) That would probably make their availability stats plummet, but they'd be more accurate. (And it would acknowledge that some people, like me, are getting some things to keep and have no intention of ever sending them out. But I take that stuff off my list.)

Happy Monkey 01-05-2006 12:10 PM

Yeah, but then people might forget to put them into the trade pile again. I think this is probably the best way to handle it, even with the imperfections. Best not to pay too close attention to the availability estimate at all. I just use it to increase the likelihood that I'll get TV seasons in order...

BigV 01-05-2006 02:08 PM

Cinderella Man--Superior. Worth purchasing, maybe even new.
Stealth -- SonofV the Elder Christmas gift. I want his giftor's money back. Weak, very weak.
Lady and the Tramp (VHS, but who's counting, really?) -- Excellent. Plenty of replay value.
2006 Rose Bowl -- Loved the show, hated the ending. Very dramatic. (Also not "dvd". whatever.)
Mr and Mrs Smith -- Very Good.
Deliverance -- Christmas present to me (yay!). Good good movie, spooky still through multiple viewings.
Shrek 2 -- SonofV the Younger is fixated on it. Maybe...15-20/wk? Reeeaaaally tired of this one.
Payback -- Very Good with Mel Gibson. Dark, stylish, funny. Check it out.

SteveDallas 01-11-2006 01:58 AM

Well, I got a Worst Buy gift card for Christmas and I ended up with a list of about a dozen DVDs that I didn't really want to buy but felt like checking out from Netflix. The first unit was Cleopatra 2525. This is absolutely stunning--stunning in its badness. (Cleopatra's scream/whine is particularly annoying.) It's got its campy moments but over all it's beyond derivative. It was somewhat amusing to watch but I won't be bothering with discs 2 & 3.

We'll see what's next in my queue. (Oh and the disc doesn't like my DVD player--the menus make it freeze half the time.)

wolf 01-11-2006 02:03 AM

Would you respect me less if I told you that I actually watched that when it was on the air? I think it ran before Xena: Warrior Princess for a while.

The Chick Zorro pretty much sucked too. Avoid the Chick Zorro.

SteveDallas 01-11-2006 02:19 AM

Nope, not a bit--but I have to ask. Does Cleo EVER stop screaming??

wolf 01-11-2006 02:30 AM

I don't recall that she ever did, no. Healthy set of lungs on that girl.

Happy Monkey 01-11-2006 07:45 AM

When on the air, it was paired up with "Jack of all Trades", with Bruce Campbell as a spy in the Napoleonic era. Also pure camp, but with one perfect visual gag - Napoleon was played by the guy who played Mini-Me.

wolf 01-11-2006 10:14 AM

That must be why I watched it. I really liked Bruce Campbell from Brisco County Jr. and Xena.

SteveDallas 01-11-2006 10:41 AM

Yeah, "lungs." That must explain the screaming. And I saw the last episode on disc 1 after I posted that--tell me, did they pass a law while I wasn't looking that every series set in the future has to include an episode set on the 20th century (via time travel/holography/flashbacks/etc.)? I understand it probably saves on costumes and set costs but come one.

Speaking of costumes, if our intrepid heroines ever change outfits it doesn't show in the first 8 episodes.

Ah, well, onward and upward.

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