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monster 03-30-2014 09:27 PM

How do you define your sexuality at the moment?

tw 03-30-2014 09:54 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 895672)
How do you define your sexuality at the moment?

Unix. I can work with any platform.

orthodoc 03-30-2014 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Pamela (Post 892661)
No switching back and forth allowed.

I have to ask ... why would you deny switching back and forth?

Do you think that each of us has a hard-wired sexuality, no matter what his or her phenotype? Why or why not? Can this ever change? If not, why not? Why would switching back and forth not be allowed?

Pamela 03-31-2014 04:53 PM

The switching that I referred to is not related to sexuality but to gender presentation.

To wit, a boy could "feel like a girl" on any given day and expect to use the girls' room, then switch back to "feeling like a boy" the next day. We do not, as a rule, feel one way then the other. The rule is "persistant feelings". We know who and what we are, usually from an early age. That argument is bein advanced by persons fearful that they or the ones they care for might be assaulted by a transperson in the restroom. I speak here strictly of MtFs as no one really thinks that an FtM might assault some guy in the boys' room.

Our sexuality. Hmmm. Well, it's different for each of us so I can only speeak to my own.

It's hard to define since I am basically neutered right now chemically anyway so my usual method of turning on is gone. I'm relearning to do it the girl way. Unfortunately, there is an appalling lack of men upon whom to practice my feminine wiles, not to mention explore sex and social interactions.

I might sum it up the way tw did. I consider myself bi atm, subject to change.

monster 03-31-2014 05:47 PM

Thanks, I did just mean you personally, atm, sorry if that was too intrusive

Pamela 04-01-2014 05:58 PM

nope. It's a common question, really. No offense taken.

xoxoxoBruce 04-01-2014 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pamela (Post 895706)
That argument is bein advanced by persons fearful that they or the ones they care for might be assaulted by a transperson in the restroom.

No, I think the fear is some pervert with a dress, claiming to be a transperson, to justify being in the opposite gender toilet. There used to be a quick and easy way to determine where they should be. Now there's not. Life used to be difficult for the trans now they're succeeded in making it difficult for everyone... except the shoot on sight rednecks.

Pamela 04-02-2014 10:48 PM

Those rednecks worry me.

As for perverts in a dress, the usual laws against assault and rape and such still apply, no?

if they re going to go after women in the restroom, and ignore those laws, will they truly be stopped by a gender only sign? And would they really bother finding a dress that fits, never mind one that goes with their shoes! They could go in wearing men's clothes after all.

The fact that these laws already exist in many states and not one instance of a "man in a dress" assault has been recorded tends to be ignored in the hysterical ranting to preserve the status quo.

xoxoxoBruce 04-02-2014 11:19 PM

The assault and rape, yes, but we must protect the virtue of our fair maidens from those scornful peeping toms.

Or, that pussy costs me a damn fortune, as in an arm and a leg fortune, and I don't want nobody looking at it for free. ;)

Sundae 04-03-2014 06:27 AM

Hang on, if you're dating women that are showing their lady gardens outside of the locked cubicles in Ladies toilets... Well, you're doing it wrong :p:

Date me instead.
I only get my bits out in front of someone else when I fancy a bit.

monster 04-03-2014 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by Pamela (Post 895823)
As for perverts in a dress, the usual laws against assault and rape and such still apply, no?

yes but we'd like to prevent rather than punish If they're seen entering the restroom, it might be by someone other than the intended victim, someone who can do something in time. But if it's ok for them to enter...... It may seems like a lot of effort but there are some sick, sick men out there and it has happened. maybe by known attackers out for some sort of revenge. But date and marital rape are still rape.

xoxoxoBruce 04-03-2014 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 895829)
Hang on, if you're dating women that are showing their lady gardens outside of the locked cubicles in Ladies toilets... Well, you're doing it wrong :p:

Evidently your "locked cubicles" are much different than ours, which aren't that difficult to see over, under and through the seams.

Pamela 04-03-2014 06:29 PM

I do believe there are laws against peeping, too.

We just need to go potty, same as any other woman. I know, academically, what you are probaby doing in there, but I do NOT wish to confirm this.

I may be a pervert, but I am not THAT kind of pervert.

xoxoxoBruce 04-03-2014 08:10 PM

Yeah, but the men's room has locked stalls too, what's wrong with peeing there? Uncomfortable with the attention, and possibly danger, of entering the men's room in a dress? What makes you think women, and their waiting outside menfolk, don't feel the same way about you entering the women's room.

First of all 90%(made up internet number) of the public doesn't know what you're about, but think it's pretty strange, probably perverted, and surely sinful. That's what this thread is about, education... right?

But for the other 10%(made up too) who do understand, there's still the problem of the perverts using you as a cover story to do their naughty stuff. My experience is even out and out brazen hussies don't like to be spied upon when the are peeing or picking their nose. ;)

DanaC 04-04-2014 05:16 AM

Got to say - if I saw a man in a dress entering the ladies room, I'd just assume this was someone transitioning. Wouldn't bother me none.

P;enty of places these days have unisex toilets. Don't really understand why people get so het up over it.

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