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monster 03-09-2009 08:14 PM

Enough! Both of you pack it in! I oughta knock yer bloody heads together. We all have more than enough data to decide what we all think of the both of you. Brianna is still alive, so is SG, this is absolutely pointless. Next one to comment further on this topic is a big fat poopy-head with ginger pubes and a belly button that smells like tw posted in it.

Aliantha 03-09-2009 08:46 PM

Well, at the risk of being a big fat poopy-head with ginger pubes and a belly button that smells like tw posted in it (lol) I'm going to reply anyway.

One persons troll is another persons friend. I believe the word troll is being bandied around this place far too frequently lately and some people are forgetting the contributions some people have made to this board during the time they've been here.

For the record, if lumberjim thinks I'm a troll, it's really a case of sticks and stones to me and I'll be just as happy if he goes back to ignoring me. My point was simply that although we might choose to take offense at some people's comments, they are not always meant with any kind of ill will. Of course I knew that he wouldn't encourage to SG to drink when she's clearly on the wagon. Although we may have our differences (although it still amazes me that he's decided to think the worst of me for whatever reason) I know he doesn't intentionally set out to be an arsehole.

So, also for the record, I think it'd be much more productive for this forum if people would just stop and think for a second before they decide to go ahead and think the worst of people and the comments they might make. Pretty soon if you get into the habit of it, with written communication, you can read the worst into almost any comment, and it's very rare than anyone is all bad.

Anyway, that it for this big fat poopy-head. :)

Pico and ME 03-09-2009 08:51 PM

Yes, everyones perspective may vary a bit, and how you view a situation is definitely colored by many factors, and so as a result, I can see how some may totally miss how nasty merc can really be, but that certainly does not excuse his nastyness.

Aliantha 03-09-2009 08:57 PM

Well, I wasn't specifically talking about Merc, but I get your point Pico.

I think it comes down to the fact that some people have a fundamentally different way of seeing and talking about things. It doesn't make them mean or nasty. It just makes their view different. If all I knew of Merc was what he posts on the forum I'd probably think the same thing as some of you do, but that's not all that he is.

Prior to this revelation for me, I was much harsher in my outlook of others that just seemed to annoy me all the time no matter what they said. Since then I've tried to be more understanding of other people's perspective and in the main it's worked except for one situation which apparently some people still feel the need to punish me for.

It's time to move on. Build bridges etc. What benefit can there be to all this conflict?

classicman 03-09-2009 08:59 PM

tonight in chat - NOTHING about this crap!
Drama Free - you have my guarantee (as long as I'm there anyway)

Trilby 03-09-2009 09:12 PM

not to put too fine a point on things ali: after I said thank you for not wishing cancer on me (very kind of you considering your good friend wished me dead - and that is certainly ILL WILL) you replied with "you annoy the crap out of me" -- so , excuse me while I find your shifting attitudes confusing to say the least.

But no worries. I'm going back to ignoring you. It's for my sanity, not yours.

Aliantha 03-09-2009 09:20 PM

Well you do annoy me sometimes. I don't mean to confuse you, and it doesn't mean I hate you or want to not see you around this place or anything.

That's what I mean about perspective. I could say that Merc annoys the crap outta me sometimes and he'd probably laugh at me for saying so. I was trying to be lighthearted about our 'differences', but it didn't come across that way to you and I'm sorry about that. You and I just don't seem to understand each other very well. It doesn't mean we have to be enemies. Maybe it means we should just try harder. I don't really know the answer, and a few years of bitching at each other might take some effort to forget or move past. Might be worth the effort though. I doubt that either of us really has a true opinion of the other at this point.

Anyway, there's not much more I can say about it except that I'm tired of avoiding some people in order to keep the peace. From what I can tell, although there's been no declaration of any intent, monster and I seem to have moved on from the spat we had going there for a while. I don't see what's so different about you or anyone else.

eta: If I could take the comment back that offended you I would do so. It wasn't my intention to upset you or appear insincere.

TGRR 03-09-2009 11:09 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 543258)
I suppose if SG wanted to be over sensitive or had a grudge against you, she might take offence at a suggestion she gets drunk when she's quite obviously been telling us all how she's off the booze.

Lucky she's not or you might be being crucified too.

I think you should apologize.

That's quite a shit-stirring stick you have there.

And you seem well practiced in its use.

DanaC 03-09-2009 11:12 PM

Oh no. No please don't. Just let this die and let's not start any new fights.

TGRR 03-09-2009 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 543492)
Oh no. No please don't. Just let this die and let's not start any new fights.

Technically, I wasn't starting a new fight.

NoBoxes 03-10-2009 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by TGRR (Post 543511)
Technically, I wasn't starting a new fight.

Then of what use are you? Start a TROLL POLL thread, complete with poll. Take names from here to include as multiple choices and don't forget to include yourself. Entertain us with something new.

Sundae 03-10-2009 05:44 AM

Damn, I missed how insulting to me LJ was being, suggesting I got drunk.
Jim, can you run that by me again so I can be properly offended?


LabRat 03-10-2009 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by LabRat (Post 543172)
May i respectfully sugggest Sundae takes a nap, stays up late and disses punks with you instead? ;)

::wonders how many people's ignore lists she's on::

;) :D ;)

Trilby 03-10-2009 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by LabRat (Post 543623)
::wonders how many people's ignore lists she's on::

;) :D ;)

You have to pass the 'crazy test' first, Lab! ;) doncha know that??

dar512 03-10-2009 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 543397)
Next one to comment further on this topic is a big fat poopy-head with ginger pubes and a belly button that smells like tw posted in it.

Made me chuckle out loud. :biglaugha

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