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WabUfvot5 11-19-2006 12:05 AM

Any cops worth a lick of salt could have taken him down and cuffed him without use of a tazer. I've seen cops take down big guys fully flipping out without problem before.

wolf 11-19-2006 12:31 AM

For a lot of departments Tasers are used before things get to the laying on of hands slamming a jackass to the ground stage.

I did see the sequelae of a nightstick beatdown once. There was no attempt to describe it as a "fall down the stairs" (which is amusing for people who know there are no stairs to the cells).

Trying to get the pistol out of an officer's holster is considered impolite in these parts.

I do see more people post-Taser than post-pepper spray these days, though. The Taser has the advantage of being more likely to work.

DanaC 11-19-2006 07:15 AM

And the disadvantage of possibly aggravating heart conditions.

Clodfobble 11-19-2006 08:34 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC
And the disadvantage of possibly aggravating heart conditions.

Whereas being bodily thrown to the ground and possibly punched until subdued is so much better for the rest of your organs.


Originally Posted by Jebediah
Any cops worth a lick of salt could have taken him down and cuffed him without use of a tazer. I've seen cops take down big guys fully flipping out without problem before.

Are you saying the situation and following PR frenzy would be better if they had brawled with the kid? A tazer means an exact, measurable amount of force is applied with each taze, and the shots (unlike punches) can be counted if the situation comes into question later. Imagine if Rodney King had been tazed, the incident would have been over very quickly, with no lasting damage to his body.

Trilby 11-19-2006 08:42 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC
And the disadvantage of possibly aggravating heart conditions.

Especially if it's one of those bleeding hearts already, eh? ;)

DanaC 11-19-2006 10:24 AM

Well yeah, cause wanting students to be able to get on with their students without being hassled/tasered by cops is the first sign of a bleeding heart :P

xoxoxoBruce 11-19-2006 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by 9th Engineer
Asshole gets shocked by third-rate rent-a-cop, so what. If this was state police or national guard, then I'm horrified.

As I understand it, the initial confrontation was with campus volunteers of some sort who came back with real police officers. But since he was heading out when they returned, then fell down refusing to move when they grabbed him, all they had to do was drag him out the door.

They certainly had run all kinds of extreme scenarios through their mind on the way. They didn't really know what they were dealing with, beforehand and were prepared to get the upper hand quickly. I wonder how much of their training is what to do and how much is when to stop?:confused:

zippyt 11-19-2006 11:30 AM

Imagine if Rodney King had been tazed

RK WAS tazed 3-4 times but kept on comeing ,
I would have hit him with the tazer 1-2 times then droped him with my pistol ,
I guess thats why I am not a cop .

I have NOT seen this video , but I would have told him to leave , then forced him to leave , if he resisted , well i would have tazed him , and if you can set one of these for cattle prod mode I would have led him out dancing on the end of the wires , some of the crowd tryes to interveen or interfeer , well that is what back up is for !!!

wolf 11-19-2006 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC
And the disadvantage of possibly aggravating heart conditions.

Seems like the determining factor in deaths subsequent to Taser deployment may be more about drug use, especially crack cocaine, than preexisting heart conditions. Every cop carrying a Taser has had it used on him/her. There are not a ton of reports about cops dropping dead after training, and cops are not the healthiest people on the planet (high stress level, poor diet, sit in a car and drive around through most of a shift), so it's not the Taser alone that's the problem.

Flint 11-19-2006 01:15 PM

If you watch the video all the way to the end, the cop startes telling people to back off and quit complaining about what he's done, or else he will use the tazer on them, too. Is this also an "acceptable" use of a tazer? It's the equivalent of a parent yelling "I'll give you something to cry about!"

zippyt 11-19-2006 03:23 PM

Flint have YOU ever been in the situation where it is YOUR job to controll an un ruley mob ??? I have had some riot training ( USMC ) , you get and keep the upper hand < True they could ALL bum rush you and overpower you , but you have to get and keep the Upperhand , that is why they make those BIGASSS cans of pepperspray !!!

jinx 11-19-2006 04:26 PM

[threadjack] Anyone know if it is legal for me to buy pepperspray and use it on dogs that are off their leash? How about the dog owners? [/threadjack]

zippyt 11-19-2006 04:33 PM

If the dogs or the owners are threatening you , you have the right to defend your self . Pepper spray , ball bat , shot gun , etc,,,

Disclaimer , this CAN and DOES varry state to state !!!

Here dogs running loose are SHOT !

DanaC 11-19-2006 05:21 PM


Here dogs running loose are SHOT !
What if they've managed to escape their yard and the owners aren't aware they're out, or the owners know they're out and are busy searching for them?

9th Engineer 11-19-2006 05:38 PM

Then if poochie decides to snap at someones kid before the owner finds it, it's hello doggy heaven:ghost:

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