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OnyxCougar 12-10-2003 08:44 PM

I wish there was something else that the less techno of us could use. Any suggestions?

juju 12-10-2003 08:55 PM

Yeah, it is a little complicated to set up, as the configuration options are all in text files that you have to edit. But I don't know of any other programs that allow for the level of flexibility and power that Privoxy provides.

Elspode 12-10-2003 09:46 PM

Wow...this thread has really grown. Quickly. You a cancer.

lumberjim 12-10-2003 09:58 PM

psst! lovebugz......i have an idea.........[color=brick red]post under a new name[/color].........what you are experiencing is "the red headed step child" treatment. You admittedly stepped in shit a few times and, although you have made the effort to right yourself with those cellarites that had issues with you, they still remember.

It doesn't seem like people are going to forget, either. Seemed to me like you didn't really do much to deserve the gang tackle you took for using sea green. However,I can't argue against them either,as I don't know enough about what you did to provoke them. This is because I am unwilling to go back and read all of your old flame wars . Mostly because I'm lazy, but also because I don't think it would be meet of me to hold a past that I had no personal stake in against you. Now, my opinion, honestly is a bit shaded by what I've read about you, and I'm sorry about that, but thats just the way that're infamous.

Anyway, you have a mostlyclean slate with me.
and cougar, :beer: your advice to FnF and Luvbugz was right on target. Salud!

LUVBUGZ 12-10-2003 11:10 PM

Well, thanks again for the kind, helpful advice. I have, as usual, taken it to heart and will do my best to follow through. You *know* how hard that Ignore Button can be.

On a more cheerful note, I can't wait to get my tree and decorate it so you can see how purple it will be. For the last four or so years I've gone totally purple, before it was purple and green, and it is beautiful. I *know* you'll be jealous.;)


bmgb 12-10-2003 11:19 PM


Yeah what Onyx said.

And don't listen to lumberjim. If you posted under another name, people would be able to tell it's you, and it would cause a shitstorm like you've never seen before. :rattat: :turd: :turd: :turd:

Welcome back,


LUVBUGZ 12-10-2003 11:26 PM

Well, the name change has been suggested to me before, but I never felt comfortable with that. I am me and no matter what user name I use I'd still be me. Which, coincidentally, would be extremely easy to figure out and as you may have noticed, trying to change your Cellar stature by pulling the 'ol name switch a roo is definitely frowned upon here, therefore I have never gone that route. I figure if people don't like me as LUVBUGZ they'd hate me more as something else.

Anyhoo, I thank you for taking the time to ask AND listen to my view of the situation and for not jumping on the band wagon just because *almost* everybody else is. :)

[sarcasm] I'm sure given enough time I'll manage to piss you off too:D . [/sarcasm]

LUVBUGZ 12-10-2003 11:49 PM

Hey B,

Yeah, what you said too. I was just finishing up my post to Lumberjim when I saw what you posted. That's exactly why I never have and never will post under a different name. Great minds think alike;) .

Thanks for the welcome back. How's Dusty doin'? Kiss the little begger for me will ya? Too bad we live so far apart cuz I have this really cool cat that I rescued earlier this year that I have to find a home for. I usually end up keeping everything I rescue, but I'm currently two over my limit and my landlord is getting on my ass about it. He is an adult so it's harder to find him a good home, but I know you would be a great mom for him.

I went to your site that was linked here, somewhere, to look at your "Nakkita" thingie you did, I know that's not it, sorry I can't recall the title. I wanted to see some of your "pixel magic" in motion, but it took FOREVER to download and then after all that it said I couldn't view it. I'm no 'pooter wizard and my 'pooter sucks so I don't know what the deal was, but I wanted to see it.

Oh, and your name is really neat too. What nationality are you or is your name just unique in and of itself? PM me if you don't want that common knowledge, I'm just curious.


bmgb 12-11-2003 12:39 AM

Re: Brita

Originally posted by LUVBUGZ

I went to your site that was linked here, somewhere, to look at your "Nakkita" thingie you did, I know that's not it, sorry I can't recall the title.

I think "Malaika" is what you mean. I've tried to make the thing as downloadable as possible. You need Quicktime to view it.

My name is Swedish. Dusty's cool as ever. I can PM you some other pleasantries.

LUVBUGZ 12-11-2003 12:57 AM

Re: Re: Brita

Originally posted by bmgb

I think "Malaika" is what you mean. I've tried to make the thing as downloadable as possible. You need Quicktime to view it.

My name is Swedish. Dusty's cool as ever. I can PM you some other pleasantries.

Yeah, that's it. Actually, come to think of it I was using my friends 'pooter, not mine, cuz mine was screwed up as usual and he *hates* Quicktime so I didn't risk the fecal plume that would errupt if I downloaded Quicktime on his 'pooter. I have somewhat fixed mine and I do have Quicktime so I'll try again.

Cool name, cool cat, cool B. :cool: :cool: :cool:

Pleasantries, in any form, would be greatly appreciated.:D


LUVBUGZ 12-11-2003 01:04 AM

Hopefully, one day, we'll all find Inner Peace
Symptoms of Inner Peace:
- An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
- Loss of interest in judging others.
- Loss of interest in interpreting actions of others.
- Loss of interest in conflict.
- Loss of ability to worry.
- Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.
- Contented feelings of connectedness with others and nature.
- Frequent attacks of smiling through the eyes from the heart.
- Tendency to let things happen rather than make them happen.
- Tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than from fear based on past experiences.
- Susceptibility to love extended by others as well as the uncontrollable urge to extend love.

Author Unknown


Beestie 12-11-2003 08:56 AM

I think a map would be more helpful than a description of the destination. :)

OnyxCougar 12-11-2003 09:14 AM

99 44/100% pure 12-11-2003 10:47 AM

Re: Brita

Originally posted by LUVBUGZ
. . . I'm no 'pooter wizard and my 'pooter sucks . . .
Personally, I don't care whether LUVBUGZ continues to post or not, but I wish she's stop constantly talking about her cunt.

***note to BUGZ: You might want to check out what says about your pooter. Looks like someone already included you on the site (8th definition).

LUVBUGZ 12-11-2003 12:00 PM


Originally posted by Beestie
I think a map would be more helpful than a description of the destination. :)
You are so right about that. If I had the map none of us would be having this conversation. I don't know what got into me last night when I posted that. I was feeling kinda warm and fuzzy with a little Rodney King mixed in.:rolleyes:

Thanks for the map OC, now if I could only read the darn thing.;)

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