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gonzo_4_life15 10-11-2005 11:16 AM

Im araid i cant do that, thats exactly what they want me to do trap me in a scared akward room and tell me im weird, i might as well join the army if thats the case. I need regular doses of alcohol and marijuana to counter act the medication that they give to me otherwise i might as well just be stoned for ever

Troubleshooter 10-11-2005 01:36 PM

Ok, I'll bite chucklehead, what awful medications are you supposedly prescribed?

Trilby 10-11-2005 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by gonzo_4_life15
I need regular doses of alcohol and marijuana to counter act the medication that they give to me otherwise i might as well just be stoned for ever

Oh, fer the love of..! If I had a nickle for every time some nut case gave me that song and dance bullshit..! Grow up! Take your meds, and quit thinking you're the next Dylan Thomas!

Tonchi 10-11-2005 05:23 PM

OK, "Gonzo", so when did you decide to make us your Sociology term paper project? Aren't you through writing it yet? Well hurry up and finish then, because your game is getting boring. The strain of having to pretend to be a stoner is beginning to show through the BS :turd:

plthijinx 10-12-2005 08:36 AM

animal house:

from here


Originally Posted by Mark Metcalf
You're a goddamned disgrace


Originally Posted by John Vernon
fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, son.

gonzo_4_life15 10-12-2005 11:38 AM

Were all friends here man, im still a very big fan of this place even though the recent discourtisies towards my personal self, i dunno whats ur guys problem is, and the medication doesnt really matter its just in there somewhere, you guys are assholes anyways, omg like why are people so stupid why cant you guys just let lindsay lohan live her life, were so lucky to have plinjinx making fun of me on here now we have the privilage of listening to that tub of lard all day long...... if i were him id walk my fat ass right into oncomming traffic. but im sorry will you still be my friends come over and see the rural life outside of your freakworld, i will take you for a ride on my motorcycle.

Trilby 10-12-2005 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by gonzo_4_life15
, i will take you for a ride on my motorcycle.

Not until you sober up.

Tonchi 10-12-2005 05:24 PM

More BS. If he WERE getting serious meds the doctor is required to report to the DMV that he is not able to safely operate a vehicle and they pull your license. Catch you after that and they pull the whole car, bike, or whatever he thinks he is flying at the time.

plthijinx 10-12-2005 06:47 PM

dude, know humor when you see/read it. fat? yeah, 5'9" and 165. stupid? yeah, they only give commercial pilot licenses to dumbasses. get off your high horse and pick up your young inexperienced self and live like you've got a pair. oh, and by the way, i used to race supercross when i was your age.

marichiko 10-12-2005 07:48 PM

You get what you give, Gonzo, and Cellurites are superb at catching insults in mid air and sending them right back without even blinking an eye or a hair out of place.

Maybe Hunter killed himself because too many young punks who wouldn't know fear and loathing if it hit them between the eyes were sounding off in his name. No doubt, you'll be getting a call from a legal firm in Samoa soon about an anti-defamation suit that's pending against you.

This ain't no nursery school where you can punch the kid next to you and run whining to Mommy that he "hit me first."

Grow up, sober up, and learn to spell at least as well as I do (lowering the bar considerably for you on this last).

Respond like an intelligent adult with a sense of humor, or else stop whining about the responses you receive.

busterb 10-12-2005 09:23 PM

I'll even go so far as translating the above post for ya. Fuck off dude.

plthijinx 10-12-2005 09:43 PM

busterb, you go boy!

plthijinx 10-12-2005 09:44 PM

oh, and get your pathetic ass off of this domain gonzo. you are not welcome anymore.

xoxoxoBruce 10-13-2005 12:55 AM

Now, kids play nice.
You shouldn't pick on the retarded child, he's one of God's "special children". You've probably driven by his school. It's the one with the yellow sign that say "SLOW CHILDREN". :lol:

busterb 10-13-2005 10:24 AM


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