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mrnoodle 02-13-2004 06:59 PM

Re: Herby Turkey makes me giggle.
I just "quit" last week after smoking almost daily for about 6 months, and semi-regularly for the last 7 years. For the previous 10 years, it was an occasional thing, mainly due to the fact that I worked in a field where a hot piss test would not only get me fired, but get me in trouble with the gub'mint.

I quit because I got tired of a) being sleepy; b) being unable to have normal conversations with people who weren't stoned; c) feeling more paranoid than mellow when I fired up; d) throat and sinus infections.


Originally posted by headsplice
did anyone name their piece something interesting?
I named all of 'em. There was Blue Balls (it was blue, had little balls on it), the powerpuff pipe, Junior Deputy (just a bong, but we put a junior deputy sticker on it), Muggles (inspired by Harry Potter, but a google search of the term revealed a pot-related definition), Princess Sofia (my girlfriend named it), the Wizard (a tall ceramic thing shaped and painted as such), the Jolly Green Giant (6-ft. tall neon green bong).....I can't remember the rest lol. Damn weed.

lumberjim 02-13-2004 10:09 PM

nice... i like to see that we're up to 7 daily smokers......honesty is refreshing.....

staceyv 02-13-2004 11:18 PM

i was a potthead from age 14-16. then i quit for my ex-husband. i tried to smoke five years ago and i had a major panic attack. so i tried again and the same thing happened. GOD i wish i could smoke weed!!!!!!!!!!but for some reason it doesn't agree with my heart. (my ex-boyfriend was with me. he said he thought i was going to die the way it was racing)

wolf 02-13-2004 11:37 PM

You were married before? How many times?

staceyv 02-14-2004 12:01 AM

i married when i was 18. i dated him for 3 years and was married for 2 years. i am 27 now. this is my second marriage.

farfromhome 02-14-2004 11:15 PM

I'm disappointed.Although this database may be slightly skewed,I was hoping for a higher percentage of free thinking individuals.I guess my prediction of the end of the marijuana prohibition in my lifetime was optimistic.I feel sure it will be in my childrens generation anyway.

Happy Monkey 02-15-2004 07:39 AM

Don't be too disappointed. I'm teetotal (don't drink or smoke), but I am 100% for legalizing pot. I still wouldn't use it, but I don't think other people should be stopped.

Troubleshooter 02-15-2004 07:26 PM


Originally posted by farfromhome
I'm disappointed.Although this database may be slightly skewed,I was hoping for a higher percentage of free thinking individuals.I guess my prediction of the end of the marijuana prohibition in my lifetime was optimistic.I feel sure it will be in my childrens generation anyway.
I must admit that I'm a little disappointd that you're disappointed. Wouldn't it stand to reason that being freethinking would mean that you would be able to choose to not smoke pot as well?

slang 02-15-2004 09:11 PM

Hey LJ, you forgot the voting option "I'm smoking it right now".

farfromhome 02-15-2004 11:01 PM


Originally posted by Troubleshooter

I must admit that I'm a little disappointd that you're disappointed. Wouldn't it stand to reason that being freethinking would mean that you would be able to choose to not smoke pot as well?

It sure would TS.Something was "troubling" me about my post even as I typed it.Good point.
I used that word only in a context of someone trying to advocate for a stupid weed that just grows from the ground.In the grand scheme of things,what does it mean?
Don't answer.

Artie Greene 02-17-2004 04:43 PM

Count me in...
I realize that I'm a little late with my responses (perhaps because my reflexes are cloudy from all the pot haze swirling around between my ears,) but Hell, I'll add my two cents.


My pot consumption has amounted to one oz per year for the last 3 years. That said, I toke up with a drag on my one-hitter pipe almost every night.

My useage is akin to the business man who unwinds with a nightcap. It isn't a necessity, but it makes my very happy world even happier for a few hours. I consider my pot use an exercise in hedonism more than anything sinister, destructive or immoral. I don't really enjoy being TOASTED.

What I haven't been able to come to terms with is all of the negative publicity pot seems to garner. Would I want my kids to smoke pot? Never. Did I smoke pot as a kid? Never. Nancy Regan's "JUST SAY NO" campaign still echoes in my brain. Have I worried that I'm addicted? Yes. Have I voluntarily gone weeks on end without a puff just to test my addiction? Yes.

Have I ever succumbed to the oft-believed scare tactic that Pot is the gateway to other more ilicit drugs? Nope. That is untrue.

There's a line from the musical HAIR that says, "Anybody who tells you that pot is bad for you is full of SHIT," and there's a lot of truth to that.

I pay my bills, I honor my friends and family and have a very stylish apartment in the Hollywood section of Los Angeles, CA. I sometimes earn my living as a musician, and career-wise, the benefits of my pot consumption far outweigh the negative aspects.

What nobody has commented on yet is how amazing it is to listen to a symphony when you're stoned. Or pop music. Listen to ANY kind of music while stoned, and you're hearing your FAVORITE piece for the very first time. Have you ever eaten a delicious meal when you're stoned? How about enjoyed pot brownies? Organized your closet while stoned? Had sex while you're stoned?

There is a time and a place for everything, and you're a dork if you let yourself turn into a lazy slob just because you've enjoyed too much of a good thing. Therefore, I believe the real problem here is the abundance of dorky, lazy slobs in our society, not people who have a healthy respect for the Earth, and everything beautiful contained therein.

xoxoxoBruce 02-17-2004 05:36 PM

Bravo, bravo, applause, applause.:cool:

be-bop 02-17-2004 05:47 PM

Do you smoke pot
Ahemmm!!! 36.07% of people that voted say they have'nt tried it,methinks some one or ones are fibbing. :D
Don't do it now as Ive stopped smoking tobacco but you can't beat puffin a doobie then clamping on the headphones to a little Pink Floyd (Wish you were here) a favorite of mine and just mellowing out to the end of the cd.

SteveDallas 02-17-2004 05:52 PM

Re: Do you smoke pot

Originally posted by be-bop
Ahemmm!!! 36.07% of people that voted say they have'nt tried it,methinks some one or ones are fibbing. :D
I'm one of those... what can I say? I've downed my share (at least) of booze and indulged in smokin tobacco for a few months, but I just never felt the urge to try weed.

mrnoodle 02-17-2004 06:04 PM

Re: Do you smoke pot

Originally posted by be-bop
Ahemmm!!! 36.07% of people that voted say they have'nt tried it,methinks some one or ones are fibbing. :D
Even considering such a small sample, that actually seems a little low -- I mean, 63.93% of those polled confirmed having at least smoked it at some point. Most national polls (for the US and Canada at least) tend to show a 30-50% usage level.

My personal experience with the whole "is it addicting" thing. I haven't smoked for over 2 weeks now, and I haven't particularly missed it. I'm an addictive-type personality anyway. If pot was addictive, I would definitely have noticed by now. I also have an extra $50 to spend on Godiva chocolates with nacho cheese sauce. woot.

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