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henry quirk 07-25-2019 09:51 AM

with apologies to Shelly
I met a traveller from an antique land who said:

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand, half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown, and wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, tell that its sculptor well those passions read which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, the hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed.

And on the pedestal these words appear: My name is Mueller (or Nadler, or Schiff), king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away.

xoxoxoBruce 07-25-2019 10:24 AM

Another failed casino Mr Trump?

henry quirk 07-25-2019 01:36 PM

Right over yer head, yeah?

tw 07-30-2019 08:27 PM

One fact is apparent from the Mueller report. Trump did not commit impeachable crimes because his subordinates repeatedly ignored or obstructed his orders; or destroyed evidence. We can only thank subordinates for averting disasters such as a Pearl Harbor style attack on Iran. Another example of a president who gleefully massacres American servicemen on lies and personal glory.

Did we not learn from Nixon or George Jr? Only moderates do.

This clearly is a criticism of the problem: Trump supporters who post extremist (anti-American) rhetoric even here.

henry quirk 07-31-2019 10:12 AM

"One fact is apparent from the Mueller report. Trump did not commit impeachable crimes because his subordinates repeatedly ignored or obstructed his orders; or destroyed evidence."

Sumthin' neither Nadler or Schiff thought enough of to press Mueller on while they had him in the hot seat.

Pick better inquisitors.

Also: the 'press' apparently doesn't think enough of Trump's subordinates repeatedly ignoring or obstructing his orders to give it much play either.

Pick better propagandists.

tw 08-01-2019 09:28 PM

One fact is apparent from the Mueller report as reported / demonstrated by so many honest news sources (including foreign ones). Trump did not commit impeachable crimes because his subordinates repeatedly ignored or obstructed his orders; or destroyed evidence."

henry quirk 08-02-2019 09:16 AM

Trump did not commit impeachable crimes because his subordinates repeatedly ignored or obstructed his orders; or destroyed evidence.

Sumthin' neither Nadler or Schiff thought enough of to press Mueller on while they had him in the hot seat.

Pick better inquisitors.

Also: the 'press' apparently doesn't think enough of Trump's subordinates repeatedly ignoring or obstructing his orders to give it much play either.

Pick better propagandists.

tw 08-02-2019 11:45 AM

Fox News, Drudge Report, etc would not report it. Honesty harms propaganda. Meanwhile others, who are not pretenders, did report it. Communist propaganda type sources are not new sources. Pravda also would not report it.

henry quirk 08-02-2019 01:10 PM

"Fox News, Drudge Report, etc would not report it."

Pretty sure they did (so they could poo-poo it). But you pay more attention to Fox & Drudge than me, so mebbe you're right.


"others, who are not pretenders, did report it."

Indeed they did: MSNBC, for example, banged that drum when it was expedient. My point: they ain't bangin' it 'now'. Seems to me: the 'honest' media (the folks you like), after Ozymandias's lackluster performance, made no effort to salvage him or his report.

This: 'Trump did not commit impeachable crimes because his subordinates repeatedly ignored or obstructed his orders; or destroyed evidence.' you'd think would be trumpeted over & over (especially if the whole point of Ozymandias testifyin' was to more clearly put the report in the public square, as Schiff & Nadler claimed).

No, your ilk swung & struck out, and most them know it. Only Nadler, Schiff, and you wanna keep lookin' for a pot of collusion/obstruction at the end of the rainbow.


"Pravda also would not report it."

Yeah, I'm thinkin' they probably did, but -- again -- you pay more attention to Pravda than me, so mebbe you're right.

Urbane Guerrilla 08-02-2019 06:19 PM

There are the conspiracy theorists -- and there are the beyond conspiracy theorists.

Along with the ones who couldn't tell scalp massage from mental masturbation. You need to be shaky on the point to qualify for the position of senior anti-Trumpkin.

It is distasteful. Though well massaged.

tw 08-02-2019 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1036407)
Pretty sure they did (so they could poo-poo it).

I paid more attention to Radio Moscow in 1960. Back then I was trying to learn. I'm done listening long to Fox News, Radio Havana, et al. Obvious lies followed by lies are quite fatiguing. They manipulated facts to then poo-poo them. That is called propaganda.

What protected Trump? So many subordinates that ignored his commands, so many lesser subordinates whose work was stifled, obstructed or just ignored, and some (ie Don, Jr) who were even sidetracked his brother-in-law Jared.

We were only ten minutes from another Vietnam or Mission Accomplished. What we do not yet know is why bomber and troops, fully loaded to attack, were only called off in the last ten minutes. That Pearl Harbor attack on Iran would have only massacred American servicemen for no purpose. A question remains - what Trump subordinate stopped / averted that inevitable disaster.

Another example of why Trump is not currently subject to impeachment and removal. His people keep blocking, impeding, or not implemented his commands - from someone who only works for himself even at the expense of America.

Even Paul Manafort (Trump's campaign manager) routinely conspired with Russian spies Why do we know? Manafort's second in command (Gates) said so. Manafort demonstrates the integrity of Trump's senior staff. You don't violate the laws he wants violated. Your fired. So many were fired for simply protecting The Don (a business school graduate) from his own evil self.

henry quirk 08-03-2019 10:22 AM

"Another example of why Trump is not currently subject to impeachment and removal. His people keep blocking, impeding, or not implemented his commands - from someone who only works for himself even at the expense of America."

Seems to me: if Ozymandias had actually gotten anything conclusive, impeachment would be a done deal no matter who blocked for Trump.

But, no, the best Ozymandias could dredge up (after two years of investigation, spending millions) was a handful of events which, if placed in a certain context, might (not are, just might) be seen as obstructive on Trump's part.

Ozymandias had nuthin', you got nuthin'.

But, please, keep goin'...your extremism is instructive.

tw 08-03-2019 04:24 PM

Never ceases to amaze me how entrenched extremists are. You cannot even learn something as simple as the quote feature. Apparently the central committee of the communist party (or their disciple Trump) has not yet ordered you to learn it.

henry quirk 08-03-2019 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 1036463)
Never ceases to amaze me how entrenched extremists are. You cannot even learn something as simple as the quote feature. Apparently the central committee of the communist party (or their disciple Trump) has not yet ordered you to learn it.

I know the feature: I just don't like it.

What amazes me: how deeply you lie to yourself, truly believin' you're a unicorn just cuz you taped a cardboard tube to your forehead.

You're just like me: an ogre, a monster.

An extremist.

tw 08-04-2019 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 1036477)
What amazes me: how deeply you lie to yourself, truly believin' you're a unicorn just cuz you taped a cardboard tube to your forehead.

Another example of an extremists. Rather than post facts, an extremist post insults. Explains why extremists so love The Don. Other extremists are then quick to believe those lies justified only by insult.

"Send her back" is popular with wacko extremists. Does not matter that it is all based in lies. It is what they were told to believe. So it must be true.

Same was also demonstrated by Sander's supporters. Did you know the Federal Reserve is independent of government? So it must be a private corporation. They were also ordered what to believe and therefore knew it was true.

At least those extremists do not get violent and insult others. Or need assault rifles to fix America.

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