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ladysycamore 12-06-2003 07:53 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
Bacteria are everywhere. They don't make you sick. Your body has an immune system that fights off these things.
Unless it's being compromised by chronic illness. Knock wood, mine seems to be holding up pretty good so far.


Ironically, worrying about bacteria is less healthy than bacteria -- because worry causes hypertension and hypertension is in the top five of killers.
Ah, there's where my high blood pressure comes from. *sheepish grin* I've become such a germaphobe in the last couple of years, and it's been really bad recently. :(

insoluble 12-06-2003 08:55 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim

them's fightin words, nancy.

how does the fact that i close the lid of the toilet make me less manly? I still fart, scratch, spit and watch football. I also have 2 kids, and when they were younger, you had to get in the habit of closing the lid, or risk little fishing experiments. calling someone you don't know an idiot is risky at best.....compound that by questioning their manhood, and you'll probably get in over your head.

I'll give you a pass this time and not fire back, mainly because there is no reason for you to attack me, and I must assume this was just an attempt at humor...


Well I was really hoping that you were being humorous with the "ppop molecule" theory, in which case I was being humorous as well.

So how long does the pass last for? Can I use it to validate my parking ticket? Is it an all access pass?


lumberjim 12-06-2003 09:35 PM


Originally posted by insoluble

So how long does the pass last for? Can I use it to validate my parking ticket? Is it an all access pass?


sorry, passes are distributed on a case by case basis. we do, however validate parking.

ticket please.

insoluble 12-07-2003 05:08 AM

So - roughly a week into the poll and the shower pissers outnumber the hygeine freaks by roughly 3:1. I would really like to see more female votes, so come on ladies - stand and unite! Be heard! Down with Athletes foot!

xoxoxoBruce 12-07-2003 07:09 AM

In public toilets, I've seen a lot of evidence of people flushing toilets with their feet. Shoe marks on the walls, seats, etc. I wonder if these people, that are afraid to touch the flush handle, are planning on washing their hands after they leave the stall?

wolf 12-07-2003 09:50 AM

Wow, I thought the foot-flush was an exclusively female trait ... or have you been in women's bathrooms a lot, bruce?

elSicomoro 12-07-2003 09:56 AM

Anytime I see a co-worker walk out of the restroom without washing their hands, I'm like, "Ewwww!"

xoxoxoBruce 12-07-2003 10:12 AM


Originally posted by wolf
Wow, I thought the foot-flush was an exclusively female trait ... or have you been in women's bathrooms a lot, bruce?
Having been both a janitor and a plumber at various times, I've spent plenty of time in both. The one that amazes me the most is the guys that flush urinals with their foot. Those handles are at least 4 to5 feet up and half don't flush them at all, so why bother. I should point out also that they never do it when someone else (me?) is around so it's not a showoff thing. Some don't want to touch the faucet handles after washing so they leave them on.
I guess it's their personal phobia to avoid germs like I avoid pinless hand grenades, covered with poop, sitting in a rattlesnake's nest. Silly I guess.;)

juju 12-07-2003 11:05 AM


Originally posted by sycamore
Anytime I see a co-worker walk out of the restroom without washing their hands, I'm like, "Ewwww!"
Why, do you find that people often piss all over their hands?

elSicomoro 12-07-2003 11:23 AM's more like this: I'm going to shake your hand with the hand that I used to wipe my ass 10 minutes ago. Oh, and I haven't washed it.

wolf 12-07-2003 11:56 AM

And people wonder why I don't shake hands with patients.

We even have special one-use-and-discard pens that we give to people who are either really icky, known to be infected with something we are scared of, or have come from prison. There is only one real passtime in prison, and we assume everyone takes part. Thus, disposable pens. On the rare occasions we forget to take the dispostable pen "please just drop that on the clipboard, no don't hand it to me" our own pens get liberally swabbed down with alcohol swabs or sprayed with disinfectant.

From what I understand, recently pissed on hands actually have a lower bacteria count than a hand that has touched the flush-lever, water spigot, or bathroom door. Piss is relatively clean, by bacterial/viral standards. That's your killer ... the exit door handle. And, as we know (HHGTTG), public telephones.

The OSHA approved method for handwashing, incidentally, requires that the water be left running while the hands are being dried with a clean towel. The faucet is turned off with said towel, otherwise you are recontaminating yourself. You should also retain said towel for egress from the restroom ... no knob/handle touching there either. Dispose of towel in next available trashcan.

I wash my hands nearly as many times a day as someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but I do have an excuse. My only problem is that in winter months especially, this tends to take it's toll on my hands. Nasty chilblains. I'm still in search of a good hand moisturizer that doesn't leave your hands all greasy and slippery. I'm at the point where if I can find one here, I'll have to go down to the Agway feed store for a container of Bag Balm. Of course, I don't need the "large barn" size ... mebbe they have a sample container?

juju 12-07-2003 12:31 PM

I guess people always fear the most what they can't see.

elSicomoro 12-07-2003 12:32 PM


Originally posted by wolf
Piss is relatively clean, by bacterial/viral standards.
That's why I don't sweat peeing in the shower.

Kitsune 12-07-2003 12:52 PM


Originally posted by sycamore

That's why I don't sweat peeing in the shower.

Exactly -- peeing in the shower is nothing. Urine is extremely friendly to bacteria growth once outside the body, which is why washing up after using the public restrooms is a really good idea.

wolf 12-07-2003 01:19 PM

Speaking of clean urine ... just in case you need some.

They really have thought of everything, including the temperature differential.

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