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Bruce 9012 11-02-2008 11:18 PM


glatt 11-03-2008 12:40 PM

We always knew the guy across the street from us was a bit of a hoarder. "Treasures" were always appearing in his yard and driveway. Junk that he would find in people's trash, bring home, and store in his driveway for 6 months until you would notice it was no longer there. Broken lawn chairs, an old comforter draped over the fence airing out for a few months, broken wicker laundry basket. Stuff like that. Junk.

Well, over the weekend, there was a bit of excitement over at his house, and some guy was helping him clean up the place, and managed to convince him to throw some stuff away. He filled maybe half a dozen bags with trash, but during the cleanup, he had his front door open. The junk inside his house was about 4 feet deep just inside his front door.

Today, there was a huge orange sticker on the front door saying the house was uninhabitable, or something like that.

Guy has always been a little nutty. But now the local government has gotten involved.

I wonder how they found out? His place really wasn't that bad from the outside.

Clodfobble 11-03-2008 12:54 PM

We had a similar situation with a neighbor where I grew up. My dad told me a couple of years ago, all of a sudden stuff started coming out of the house. Lots of extra garbage each week, people occasionally coming by to carry out furniture, all sorts of things. This went on for weeks, until my dad happened to go talk to the guy one day, and found out the story: the wife was the hoarder, and she had died. The husband had just lived with it through the years as she got older and hoarder-ier, and now he was finally clearing it out, one cubic foot at a time. That crosses the line from dedication into enabling, for me, but I guess it's sweet in a way...

Sundae 11-03-2008 03:27 PM

Diz is becoming more independent. Which is great. But for a short space of time (I hope) it means he is being a major pain in the buttski. He is tired of living in one room and wants to explore, but isn't 100% ready to go out of the room alone, so he's being demanding, unsettled and attention seeking.

He was only confined to the room for the first week, since then the door has always been ajar. And I know what Diz wanting to play is like - and this is not it. He wants me to go downstairs, so he can follow me. Tough. He'll have to do it alone.

Also, I feel a bit grim tonight. No real idea why, just not happy in body or mind. Bleugh. Have to hope I wake up feeling better. And not having strangulated the Diz cat.

Sundae 11-03-2008 07:26 PM

Whoring it up!

For those of you following the Diz story, he is now trying to sleep in the small gap between my lap and the laptop. Occasionally resting his head on my arm until I move too much. I moan and moan, but I absolutely adore my cat, who is the best thing that has happened to me in years.

Anyway, I came because of the horror film thread. No point cluttering that up. I could do with a good scream. I'm not talking primal scream therapy or anything like that, I just mean the build up of tension and the release of fear you get from a real no holds barred all out scream. I've been thinking of this for weeks, although I've had horror on my mind for weeks thanks to Halloween I guess.

Funny thing is, the things that might genuinely make me lose control and scream without reserve... well I'd be worried I wouldn't stop screaming - ever. Bin looking at some of the top US haunted houses (tole you it's bin on my mind!) and I wouldn't even get through the queue. If I did, the first actor that jumped me would be the last. Not because I'd lamp him one, but because I'd curl up in a corner and whimper until security bodily lifted me - eyes firmly closed, fingers in ears - back into a well lit gift shop or restaurant.

I dunno, maybe I'm due a nightmare. Or maybe it's symptomatic of another kind of unrelieved tension.

monster 11-03-2008 08:26 PM

I wonder which joke has appeared most often in the humor thread?

Aliantha 11-04-2008 09:50 PM

I just thought you would all like to know that I predicted Obama to win 6 whole hours before BigV did. :)

Here's my post.

Cicero 11-04-2008 09:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My keychain.:)

Attachment 20287

sweetwater 11-05-2008 09:00 AM

The new pup is adjusting well to his new life & name. His new sister and he are starting to play, and it makes my heart laugh to watch them.

Treasenuak 11-05-2008 10:04 AM

Yay, sweetwater! Glad to hear it :) -now has warm heart cockles-

Cicero 11-05-2008 06:14 PM

Photos sweet! Don't be stingy!!! ;)

Cicero 11-05-2008 09:14 PM

Ok...Where's Treas? I went to buy mists of avalon, only to find out, mists of avalon is not the first book of the series, it's like the fourth or something. And, they didn't have the first books in. ;( Oh, so I walked out of there with 3 books to compensate. I am rolling up my sleeves Treas!!!

"get in, get out." With book in hand, but nooooo, it isn't the first book now is it?!? I had to buy 100 dollars worth of books, which I have just noticed, I have already owned two of. Maybe it's the third of one particular book, and this is all your fault TREEEAS!!! ;)

Well, I better get to reading, these books are large.

monster 11-05-2008 09:17 PM

Amazon, honey. Ebay. research......

Sundae 11-05-2008 09:18 PM

I have gastro-enteritis. And a temp of 38.5.
No wonder I managed to stay off the booze last night (equivalent of 2.5 pints).

Slept a lot today (after going to work, throwing up copiously then going to Doctors)

Aliantha 11-05-2008 09:19 PM

Nice...what're you doing thinking about food then? lol

I hope you're feeling better soon mate.

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