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wolf 02-20-2006 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by Jebediah
(Sidenote: nuclear power is different since you don't have to launch a plant and they designed not to blow up)

Theoretically designed not to blow up.

TMI and Chernobyl taught us otherwise. (TMI was stupidity, Chernobyl poor design, mismanagement and stupidity combined.)

Trilby 02-20-2006 12:16 PM

[quote=wolf (TMI was stupidity, Chernobyl poor design, mismanagement and stupidity combined.)[/QUOTE]

Plus, Homer Simpson. /sorry. you're all being serious./

wolf 02-20-2006 12:24 PM

I admitted Homer.

wolf: What do you do for a living?

Homer: I work the night shift.

wolf: no, I meant what's your job, what do you do on the night shift?

Homer: I work the night shift.

Several hours later, speaking to Marge ...

wolf: So, your husband wasn't able to answer some of my questions. What is it that he does for a living?

Marge: He's a radiation prevention specialist.

wolf: What?! (I know I didn't really just hear that correctly. She has to have said something else. That's the only possible explanation.)

Marge: He's in charge of the fuel floor.

wolf: You mean at the ...

Marge: Yes.

We're doomed.

Trilby 02-20-2006 12:36 PM

*tenting fingers with evil smile*


richlevy 02-20-2006 01:52 PM

Do Iodine tablets come in chewable flavors?

xoxoxoBruce 02-20-2006 03:51 PM

For 20 years, ze Nuke makes millions of kilowatts. Zen, two lettle oopsis, just two, and zay call Nuke ze big cork soaker. Sacre blu. :rolleyes:

tw 02-20-2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Jebediah
(Sidenote: nuclear power is different since you don't have to launch a plant and they designed not to blow up)

What the powers that be don't like to discuss. Depleted uranium removed from power plants (and stored in mass quantities at all nuclear power plants) is about equal to uranium used in Hiroshima. It's still bomb grade material.

Uranium used in power plants uses maybe 2% of the fuel inside that material. It is why Yucca Flats is so necessary and why Yucca Flats is so problematic. That 'used' material contains too much energy concentration.

Years ago, if you did not know that Iran was collecting and enriching uranium for bombs, then you also believed the president's lies about WMDs. There was not, for one minute, anyone (in positions of relevance these past years) that did not know this. But saying it would be politically incorrect - albeit the honest answer. So everyone pretended that Iran was claiming they were only building nuclear reactors for energy. The honest answer - Iran was all but saying they wanted and needed to build a bomb.

The unspoken reality that everyone involved knew - Iran needs a nuclear bomb. Their intent was clearly undisputed when Kaddafi blew the whistle on a nuclear proliferation network and its most central figure - Dr Khan of Pakistan. Pakistan being the number one nation proliferating nuclear weapons. So America turned a blind eye - and instead blames N Korea and Iran. The administration hopes you don't learn such realities. Again, we are defining the honesty of our president.

Pakistan being number one is but another fact that the 'powers that be' will not publicly discuss because it is politically incorrect - albeit the honest answer. Iran must build a nuclear bomb. Pakistan is the major supplier of nuclear proliferation. Even used nuclear material from nuclear power plants is sufficiently enriched to make a nuclear bomb. None will be bluntly and honestly admitted by international negotiators - who instead want to be politically correct. You are expected to be sufficiently informed enough to have known these facts.

Kitsune 04-25-2006 03:23 PM

How do you provoke the west? Try shaing the love.


"The Islamic Republic of Iran is prepared to transfer the experience, knowledge and technology of its scientists," said the supreme religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
No end to the fun on this one, it seems. :thepain3:

jaguar 04-25-2006 03:36 PM

I know if I was the leader of Iran I'd have been working on a bomb post-haste. Nothing else stops the US invading you (hello, DPRK) when you're arbitrarily designated 'evil' by the same country that overthrew your only ever democratic leader (operation Ajax mean anything to anyone?) and plotted to overthrow your replacement for the brutal autocrat they put in power.

It's also clear it doesn't make much difference whether you're guilty or not, truth, justice & soverignty have no place in US foreign policy. So you may as well go ahead and nuke up.

tw 04-25-2006 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jebediah
:headshake I certainly have to disagree with that. Human bungling being what it is I don't trust ANYBODY with TEH BOMB. Not the US, not Iran, not North Korea.

Then we apply realities to that principle. An Iran that is not threatened would then have a strong reform movement that was opposed to nuclear bombs. An India that did not have a friend in George Jr then would not have uranium to build more bombs. A Pakistan that was treated accordingly would be punished - not rewarded - for proliferating nuclear bomb technology throughout the world. A Turkey would not have so much to fear - and not start a nuclear program. And a North Korea that once negotiated away their nuclear program in exchange for short term economic assistance and long term relationships with the world has now been forced back into a nuclear program - complete with proof solid that their extremists were right: that the world wants to destroy N Korea.

What could have been a safer world as a result of containment has now been converted into a world where more countries must now want and need nuclear weapons. This traceable to a George Jr administration who suddenly made the world unstable by advocating preemption, undermining reform and promoting extremists in those 'enemy' countries (the axis of evil speech), and even intentionally undermining what makes the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty work.

Want to make the world more nuclear? Do what George Jr has done - from his 'axis of evil' to even giving India desperately needed uranium with no strings attached.

rkzenrage 04-26-2006 12:49 AM

I don't like that they have it.
But, I don't like that Pakistan has them either... I don't like that anyone has them actually.
Hardly the #1 problem.
World hunger, poverty, disease... take your pick.
#1 problem for the rich who could care less about the have-nots perhaps.

Jordon 04-26-2006 06:56 AM

It won"t be necesary to nuke Tehran. We have plenty of conventional weapons that will do the trick just fine. It's sad to see Russia jumping in to side with Iran, like that's going to help them at all.

Ibby 04-26-2006 07:57 AM

I'm sorry, tw, but I gotta say it; his name is not "George Jr." He's not George H. W. Bush Junior, he's George W. Bush. I'm sorry, but that was just bugging me. I get a little OCD over things like that sometimes.

Kitsune 04-26-2006 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Jordon
It's sad to see Russia jumping in to side with Iran, like that's going to help them at all.

I think Russia was offering to enrich the uranium for Iran so that it could be used for power generation. That way, the world would know for sure that the product Iran was getting could not be used for weapons.

skysidhe 04-26-2006 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by Kitsune
I think Russia was offering to enrich the uranium for Iran so that it could be used for power generation. That way, the world would know for sure that the product Iran was getting could not be used for weapons.

The U.S. was suppose to be buying all that from Russia.'INSTEAD' but NOOO nobody would listen to Gore.

See this is what happens when people listen to spin and the religious right. We can't save all those unborn fetus's from the threat of nulear ingagement. We should have been thinking of the living first.

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