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Pamela 02-09-2014 05:11 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 892221)
What questions do you think we should have/be asking, Pamela? What would you like us to ask? What do you feel we should know but don't feel comfortable telling us until we ask?

Good question there. I have no idea. I don't want to just prattle on, basically blogging here in a forum about whatever enters my head. There are appropriate places for that.

But I imagine that if I could get inside the head of, say, a serial killer, I would really wonder what makes it tick.

I can say that I get a lot of questions in my support group regarding tips/tricks and "how do you really know..." stuff. But those are usually from beginners in our world.

Let me try this; I will relate a short story.

One of the most important days in my life. Let me take you back in time, way back to the day of Rick Levy's BBQ when he lived in Springfield. I forget the date but it had to be early 90s or late 80s.

That was the day I met MaggieL and her then partner. Suddenly, I realized that I was not alone, that I was not a freak, that there was a name for the feelings I had and that there was a way to make it all right. I wish that I had talked to her more that day but... We still talk once a year or so.

A lot more had to happen before I was willing to admit that we had the same condition. But that was the game-changer. But for that chance meeting, I would probably have gone to an early grave never knowing who I really was or that it didn't have to be that way.

This is why I run the support room. And why I go out of my way to talk to others like me. Because you never know when someone else might be having that same epiphany.

I'm not leading you in any way. Nor do I have secret talking points or a particular story to tell. I am simply surprised that no one has anything more than superficial questions. Maybe I'm just overly inquisitive, but I would want to know as much as I could find out!

Pamela 02-09-2014 05:24 PM

Monnie, I'm not. I am only speaking for myself. YMMV.

monster 02-09-2014 05:31 PM

I won't call you Brian if you don't call me Monnie ;)

monster 02-09-2014 05:40 PM

I think maybe you would get more questions in a real room full of random people. we're kind of self -selecting here in that we are curious people and generally pretty schmart/ejumacated and if we had questions to ask, we've probably already asked them of you or Erica or whoever prompted the question to pop up. And we're also pretty accepting in the main (back to the self-selection thing).

As for the "woman thing" I think it probably just annoys me in they way reformed smoker/drug addicts/born-agains can irritate those who always walked that path. All the equality things we fight for (sometimes) being accepted as a human being whether we choose to wear pants or shave our pits or not ...oh bleugh...

monster 02-09-2014 05:49 PM

Bleugh my post vanished.

I think you may get more questions in a room of random people. We are pretty self-selecting and are generally a schmart and ejumacated group. if we had questions, we've already asked them of you or Erica or whoever prompted the question to pop up.

As for the womanly thing, I think it annoys me in the same way reformed druggies and born-agains annoy those who've always walked the path. And embracing differences that shouldn't be -like why can't a woman choose not to shave her pits? It's like a step backwards for some. Bah.

monster 02-09-2014 05:50 PM

and then it returned! I give up and leave both. what in the hell do I know anyway

xoxoxoBruce 02-09-2014 08:53 PM

Just because you stutter doesn't mean you're wrong. :lol2:

Dagney 02-10-2014 11:31 AM


Glad you found the happiness you had long been searching for in your life. I know that you weren't completely 'happy' when we were together - and I'm thinking this may be part of the reason why.

While I never wish anyone pain or heartache, I can say truly that I identify with what your wife is feeling - while physical relations is not 'everything' to a relationship - it is a big part of keeping one strong. So, I ask that you cut her a wee bit of slack on that feeling. (Although how she handled it, not exactly the best and grown up way to do so).

May your future bring you what you want and what you deserve - happiness - just like everyone else.

Warmly -


Sundae 02-10-2014 12:25 PM

Dags! Long time no see!
Good to have you back x

DanaC 02-10-2014 01:09 PM

Fuck me sideways! It's Dag!

Lovely to see you :)

Dagney 02-10-2014 03:19 PM

Yep - it's me - I hide a lot - but I'm around :)

limey 02-10-2014 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 892339)
Dags! Long time no see!
Good to have you back x


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 892350)
Fuck me sideways! It's Dag!

Lovely to see you :)

That's just what I thought earlier!

Pamela 02-10-2014 06:30 PM

Hello Dagney. How nice to see you again. We've missed you around here.



Dagney 02-10-2014 10:23 PM

Thanks everyone - won't hijack Pamela's thread - but will update folks later :)

Ya'll behave!

xoxoxoBruce 02-11-2014 09:25 AM

The Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini approved.


Gender change operations are legal in Iran according to a fatwa - or religious ruling - pronounced by the late Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, spiritual leader of the 1979 Islamic revolution. The law contrasts with the strict rules governing sexual morality under the country's Sharia legal code, which forbids homosexuality and pre-marital sex.

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