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skysidhe 05-16-2006 08:57 PM

* duly noted Tonchi and Happy Monkey*

I should have used the 'yeah right' emoticon. I thought calling myself a whitey would have given it away. * sigh * I guess I don't have any street talk. It would have made it more sarcastic. Don't mind me. I'm probably like Napoleon Dynamite :) ( although I've never actually seen Napoleon Dynamite . I can imagine it )


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
That would be babies and toddlers which is the most selfish, self-centered, group I can think of. ;)

@ Bruce, ha! That is exactly the age I was thinking. :apickle:

Ibby 05-16-2006 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Tonchi
Give them the bomb and we will never catch up, darn it

"give them the bomb"? They HAVE the bomb. Pakistan and India aren't white, and China definitely has the bomb too, who you specifically mentioned. North Korea may have the bomb soon, if they don't already. Its definitely not just us honkies who have the bomb.

Tonchi 05-17-2006 12:10 AM

At last count, nobody in the list of examples I gave has any semblance of wmd except China. Uganda, Ruwanda, Congo, Sudan, and Somalia do just fine with drug-crazed children carrying rusty machetes or tribal militias. North Korea did not go into my equations because We wiped out just as many of them as they did their breatheren in South Korea. Pakistan may have the bomb, but so far they have contented themselves with killing Indians/Hindus on a relatively small scale. And my point is that all these non-whites have very industriously been wiping out huge numbers of their own kind without benefit of "the bomb". If you want to get technical, blacks slaughtered twice as many other blacks in Ruwanda over a month or so than died in the bombing of Hiroshima. Hate does not require that much science.

Ibby 05-17-2006 12:25 AM

I get what you're saying, you just weren't clear before when you said "Give them the bomb and we will never catch up, darn it", because you were talking about non-white people killing lots of people, and therefore I assumed you were talking about non-white people when you said "them". So I replied with examples of non-white people who have nukes.

Tonchi 05-17-2006 12:36 AM was sarcasm ;) Like we are in a race for the highest total or something....?

Ibby 05-17-2006 12:50 AM

I know it was sarcasm, you missed my point, I was just saying that white folk ain't the only people with nukes.

rkzenrage 05-17-2006 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
That would be babies and toddlers which is the most selfish, self-centered, group I can think of.
That is why my two-year-old piles his favorite toys on top of me saying he is giving them to me to try to get the pain to stop when I am having a bad pain day/event? Why, when he gets his favorite foods/toys he always tries to share them without being prompted... he just enjoys sharing, it simply brings him joy.

My belief system is such that I, and the Path is, believe that all nature is benevolent in nature.
All pain is from unbalance, confusion and grasping.
All those who cause pain to others are confused, in pain themselves and know no other way to express it but to share that pain.
It is far more complicated than that, but in this form (posting) it will have to do

Originally Posted by skysidhe
snip~ I could presume to think he meant people at their core and before any acquired behavior.
That is what I meant. Thank you.
Though, again, a bit more complicated. It does take some personal discipline to get in touch with stated nature and more to accept it. Though there are exceptions where some are just in touch without the work... I envy them.

wolf 05-18-2006 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage
I feel that your event set is too small, though, unlike you, I do not presume so much to act like I know. You know nothing of what I have been through or have learned.
Hubris is an unattractive trait.

Spend an hour talking to a multiple offense child rapist and then get back to me.

wolf 05-18-2006 01:43 AM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage
That is why my two-year-old piles his favorite toys on top of me saying he is giving them to me to try to get the pain to stop when I am having a bad pain day/event? Why, when he gets his favorite foods/toys he always tries to share them without being prompted... he just enjoys sharing, it simply brings him joy.

Sharing is a learned behavior.

Ibby 05-18-2006 03:56 AM

I don't think all people are inherently bad... I think all people are inherently stupid. Homo Sapiens is a herd species.

Trilby 05-18-2006 06:40 AM

Some people are simply bad. If you don't think so it's only 'coz you haven't met them yet.

rkzenrage 05-19-2006 06:29 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Spend an hour talking to a multiple offense child rapist and then get back to me.

Like I said you know nothing about me.
My wife was raped by her father from two to fifteen. He did the same to her sister... I stand by my statement.
My wife has the same conviction.

He is not the worst person I have met or spent time with. Speak of what you know.

BTW, I don't believe in evil.

Originally Posted by wolf
Sharing is a learned behavior.

The desire to do it is not.

Flint 05-19-2006 08:13 AM

Naturally-selected altruistic behavior is a valid benefit to the collective gene pool.

skysidhe 05-19-2006 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
Spend an hour talking to a multiple offense child rapist and then get back to me.

That's that old 'nature' or 'nurture' question isn't it?

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