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marichiko 12-05-2006 12:17 PM

I am not posting to this thread, anymore. Like Griff said, "been there, done that, and tore up the T-shirt. Some folks here like me, some are indifferent, and some think I'm making up fairy tales. I feel the same about various members here. BFD.

I tried to make peace with you, Labrat, but you aren't having any of it. You write a bunch of unkind things and then talk about attitude. Interesting.

rkzenrage, I take a vacation from this place every so often, too. Do what's right for you. Frankly, I wouldn't mind erasing this entire thread of mine, myself.

Glatt, I can post the police call page from my town's little paper from the week in question of the great road flare/dynamite fiasco, but that's old news, too. I really am that stupid about explosives, and I thank you all for yelling at me and wising me up. Lucky the damn things were just road flares, anyhow.

Now, back to Labrat's ass.

PS: Brianna, your ideas were certainly useful - let's see:


Originally Posted by Briana
Hire someone for 20.00/day to remind you. Even better-get a watch that tells the time/date/moon phase. Can't figure out the right route to take? get a cab; make those who hire you for your expert knowledge pay for it OR, get a GPS or similar. With all of your expertise and knowledge, it's kind of a slap in the face to those who need you that you don't work to the very best of your ability.

$20/day comes out to $600/month. I get $671.00, so I figured idea one was a joke.

Ummm... I did have a watch like that. I took it off to reach down in a crevice to get my fix a flat when I had a flat tire one day. I forgot about the watch and it now resides forlornly somewhere near Keyenta. Those watches cost $50.00 at least at Wal-mart. I don't have $50.00. Have you checked GPS prices these days? Obviously not.

As for not working to the best of my ability, how do you know what I'm trying to accomplish? I think that's an amusing statement coming from a former nurse who used to steal opiates from the hospital and now goes to school to get an English degree at tax payer expense, and whines about having to read Herrick and the like. You got off easy, girl, and you have NO right to point the finger at anyone else.

Trilby 12-05-2006 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
Over the years, I've slowly come to the same conclusion. I don't dislike Mari, but I tend to ignore her posts, especially about her personal life because there have been one too many that just seems a little too fantastic. I think it was around the time of the dynamite story that I decided to stop paying attention to her posts.

Like James Frey, Mari has a fiction addiction. I do sincerely empathize with addicts...however, when faced with irrefutable proof of the addiction I want an addict to come clean so real life can begin.

It's not that I am simply 'mean'--it's just that I don't buy it. At all. Money is tight/tight/tight? then don't take precious extra money to buy a pure-bred puppy and claim you needed companionship---Um, mongrels offer the same companionship, no? I could go on but I won't, it's fairly futile. But! i find it VERY interesting that mari did not (nor her familiar, tonchi) comment on my ideas for mari to live in "the real world"--they simply attacked me--no mention of the ideas. Classic. Classic Victim Mentality. I know mari has bread--if she wants to eat cake she should put forth some kind of effort--ANY effort at all would do.

Flint 12-05-2006 12:43 PM

hey...what are y'all talkin' about in here?

Shawnee123 12-05-2006 01:15 PM


rkzenrage 12-05-2006 01:17 PM

This is why I am backing off. I don't want to see the day where things I cannot prove are subjected to this kind of scrutiny.
It is the bane of the disabled...
Like I said, we all hear it eventually... "you don't look sick".

Trilby 12-05-2006 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage
This is why I am backing off. I don't want to see the day where things I cannot prove are subjected to this kind of scrutiny.
It is the bane of the disabled...
Like I said, we all hear it eventually... "you don't look sick".

truly, spare me. I've seen/known many people who are disabled--loads for psych reasons. Those folk can't put a sentence together despite meds and they are prone to hit innocent bystanders. Mari is intelligent, literate, articulate and able to use a computer. schizo's are rarely able to do this. Mari has never stated that she is in PAIN. she has said she cannot remember days, routes, faces (all things that could be helped) and she states she has been unable to learn new things--funny, after her diagnosis she learned ALL ABOUT CO else could she lecture us about said poisoning? she learned and incorporated that knowledge--not a thing poor mari has claimed she can do.

lumberjim 12-05-2006 01:45 PM

wanna know what I think?

rkzenrage 12-05-2006 01:53 PM

Just went to a shopping village in NC and could go into a whopping four shops out of a hundred or more and could eat at a Blimpies and inside a hot dog shop out of all of the places to eat... not ONE restaurant out of all of them.
The ADA is a sham.

I live this life... being the outsider, the one that is not thought of when plans are made, having to hear "why don't you just..." and this place used to be where I went as a refuse from that. This thread terrified me. If she had good and bad days, who are we to judge that? Who are we to know?
I don't really care.

(hit innocent bystanders?... people on meds should not drive)

Trilby 12-05-2006 02:00 PM

I have good days and bad days myself.

r--your predicament is v. different from mari's --you have a PHYSICAL impediment to access--mari cannot recall dates, places, math--UNLESS it is about her condition and then she holds all the cards. Funny--you'd think her condition would preclude new knowledge--in fact mari has said so--however she is very adept enlightening us all on CO poisoning--a thing that, BY HER OWN WORDS--precludes her from learning ANYTHING NEW. Case in point__she DID learn new things when she learned, to the nth degree, her own condition.

Makes me call BS.

Trilby 12-05-2006 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim
wanna know what I think?

yes. I do.

rkzenrage 12-05-2006 02:02 PM

I understand your point... the whole thing/attitude just makes me very nervous.
I was not always this bad and have dealt with a lot of the same "arguments".

Trilby 12-05-2006 02:09 PM

be it physical or mental (i am a firm believer that a mental illness IS an illness, ya'll) I sympathize with those struggling to find meaning in their lives and to have a FULL life despite disability. I think mari's own, personal story is full o' holes. Yours, r, is not.

Wanna know how many disabled American's i've helped? about 35. In 1 and 1/2 years. I've NEVER, EVER seen a disabled ohioan -rc'ving disability bene;s--ever, ever have to depend on the food bank. If I DID--I would also know that the food banks in Ohio are plentiful and well-stocked 24/7--I would also know that church's the city 'round are MORE than willing to donate to causes----MORE than willing. Actually they are begging for families to help.

America is a generous nation.

We suffer from fraudulent claims----we get a bit leary. people on welfare? they are disadvantaged--535/mo. and about 200/00month food stamps. that's 735/mo.(assuming two in the household) WITHOUT A HOUSING VOUCHER OR GAS/ELECTRIC VOUCHER! mari forgets to tell us that she gets BOTH.

rkzenrage 12-05-2006 02:21 PM

Still fighting for SSI and my own Ins. company's disability... no fun. I paid for both, have been since I was fifteen.
I am a HUGE burden on my family.

lumberjim 12-05-2006 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna
yes. I do.

oh, that was rhetorical. i think i'm on record somewhere here......

if it quacks like a duck....

Trilby 12-05-2006 02:36 PM

rkzen--I'm a specialist--I know how to score claims. My job as an occ. nurse was to try to deny claims..some claims just cannot be denied and other claims are too hairy to get into--easier to settle. PM me. As an occ health RN at GM AND AKSteel--I know what flies and what doesn't. You know that the average GM price of an auto is puffed up via three thou. b/c of ctd? (continuous truama disease)? Every time you buy a new GM auto you are subsidizing an elbow/wrist/shoulder CTD/surgery. With time off to heal. usual length --6 months. then, after said employee has been surgically fixed-90% come back with job-killing restrictions. You all expect GM to remain competitive after that? False claims have brought our production to it's knees. You wanna blame a senator for shipping jobs to China? Try blaming those who have fucked and sucked the system forever--

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