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Aliantha 10-08-2008 11:37 PM

Oh I see. lol Well you know, it's probably just because I think everything is about me. ;) Anyway, it should be even if it isn't! :D

DucksNuts 10-08-2008 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 491577)
That's just one of the side effects of being pregnant, isn't it? think I'm fat. FAT??

HungLikeJesus 10-08-2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 491583) think I'm fat. FAT??

Oh, no. I think it looks good on you.

classicman 10-09-2008 09:13 AM


Shawnee123 10-09-2008 12:33 PM

I have short-timers syndrome. I have a week and a half left and my motivation level went from 5 to -3 (on a scale of ten.)

And I STILL have to do all these happy dappy events and will have no time to get caught up even if I tried. Story of my time here; I'm so glad I'm moving on.

Tonight is what I consider my swan song: I emcee the scholarship banquet and praise all the donors and recipients, and introduce speakers etc. I won't have to do anything like that ever again, in all probability. I'm good at it, I hate doing it.

I have a headache and a muscle spasm in my shoulder.

Can I get a rub?


Job change blues I guess.

DucksNuts 10-09-2008 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 491587)
Oh, no. I think it looks good on you.

I hate you

You are off my to do list

and you hurt my feelings

its just a bit of winter weight, if I want to look good in my 'kini this summer I will be rid of it

ya big meanie you

classicman 10-09-2008 06:18 PM

Knew that was coming.

HungLikeJesus 10-09-2008 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 491783)
I hate you

You are off my to do list

and you hurt my feelings

its just a bit of winter weight, if I want to look good in my 'kini this summer I will be rid of it

ya big meanie you

But, but, but... that was a compliment!

Here: :comfort:

Is that better?

classicman 10-09-2008 06:45 PM

gonna take a lot more ass kissin than that. IMO.

Razzmatazz13 10-10-2008 07:26 AM

Not irritating, per-say...but...I ended up getting sick last night...dizzy, fever, felt sick to my stomache...bad enough that I left work after only an hour being there (ugh!) I came home and slept until about which point my dad had me take nyquil so I could get less restless sleep. It worked out ok, but unfortunatley I can still feel the nyquil buzzing through my system...and I haven't stopped shaking I've got to decide whether or not I can drive to class. grr.

ZenGum 10-10-2008 09:49 PM

Mildly irritating me today is: computer speakers.

I bought some on Thursday.
The shop clerk picked up a box off the wrong pile - I wanted the sub-woofer + five woofer/tweeter set - he gave me sub-woofer + two speaker set. :right:

Today I went back and changed them over, paid a few dollars extra. All good.

I got home and read the instructions. Despite the clerk's assurances that it would "plug straight in" to my computer, there is a catch. My machine has a two channel sound card. I can connect the system, but the back two speakers (for surround sound) will not function at all. No sound. :smack:

Turns out that first set I had would have been more suitable.

I am considering whether to go back to the store again and change them back. I don't think so - I'll just leave the other two in the cupboard and maybe someday I will upgrade to a better computer which will be able to use all the speakers.

Any suggestions from all the techie types here?

ZenGum 10-11-2008 02:20 AM


The speakers have one subwoofer and two woofer/tweeter units operational. Music library accessible.

The cable for the TV tuner card for the computer does not fit in the TV socket on the wall. The TV is not operational.

The Audio input for the speakers does not fit in my phone (i.e. FM radio, music player). The radio is not operational.

The mobile internet has some connectivity, but is sometimes really slow (especially for the cellar :mecry: ) Audio streaming over the net is successful. Video streaming has variable success.

Why is it that so many things don't plug into other things. C'mon, planet Earth, what is it with you monkeylings? Get it together.

Treasenuak 10-11-2008 09:45 AM

Zen... you'se screwed, m'dear. Didn't you hear that NOTHING is supposed to plug into anything else until the year 3030?

Cloud 10-11-2008 10:11 AM

are you sure? My mom used the "plug in the socket" metaphor when I got The Talk.

Pretty sure some people are doing the whole "plug-and-play" thing right now.

Unfortunately, not me.

Treasenuak 10-11-2008 12:26 PM

-snorts- Me either, Cloud. As for "mildly" irritating today... apparently my mother lacks the brain-mouth filter thing and has been giving the future ex husband ALL the information I've been giving her (in confidence, I thought) about me and the baby and the job that I got in Hawaii. DAMMIT! >.<

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