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infinite monkey 04-30-2012 03:36 PM

I only roll in the virtual hay with that guy with the big sword. :lol2:

monster 04-30-2012 03:38 PM

That's not what it says in the men's bathroom

infinite monkey 04-30-2012 03:41 PM

Well duh, who do you think wrote that? I just keep forgetting to run in there and edit it.

classicman 04-30-2012 09:03 PM

Imma stalk merc tonight. Shadow his every move, counter his every punch...
parry his every thrust.

classicman 04-30-2012 09:58 PM

Holy Crap! I was reading some political stuff on the netski ...
After reading one particular article realized I dated the writer in HS.

Sundae 05-01-2012 05:06 AM

Started coughing again last night.
Not seriously, but it's a step back.
Finished the steroids yesterday morning...
Going back to school tomorrow, soddit.
I can take time off for an appointment if I have to.
Sick & tired of being at home and feeling useless.

Dad's 72nd birthday today.
Mum bitching because we were going to go down the Dairy Maid for lunch.
Then Laura suggested Wetherspoons in town as Tuesday is Steak Club. Dad loves a steak but Mum hates cooking it, so she thought it would be perfect.
Except Dad has a cold (Mum is trying to keep up, but I can tell she's over-stating her ailment) and isn't sure he can handle a steak. He fancies an omelette.

Main cause of row?
I came in with the Steak Club menu and Dad said he might be able to manage one after all.
Mum sees this as Dad changing his mind so as not to disappoint me - straight to RED ALERT on temper front. The time she threatened to smash him in the face was when we both told him different things and he went along with what I said.

I've been back-pedalling madly and found a pub in town that does 2 for 1 main meals AND serves omelettes. I don't care where we go.

Mum is now saying there is no point in going out anywhere.
Sheesh. His bloody birthday.

Sundae 05-02-2012 04:57 AM

Row blew over as you can see in Aylesbury thread.

Not in school after all.
Went for check up and written off for another week.
But there is progress. Temperature gone, oxygen level improved, peak flow good and sound of infection almost gone.

Acute bronchitis is the final diagnosis, which means they've been right to treat the symptoms all the way along as it's a viral infection and simply has to run its course. I'm just grateful to have news that I am getting better and to walk out of there without another prescription.

glatt 05-04-2012 08:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Everyone on FB is talking about the supermoon! Go outside and look at the supermoon. It will be the biggest moon of the year! It's at it's closest point in its orbit around the Earth, and is thousands of miles closer than usual.

All this is true. But you will be disappointed if you go look. It will look just like the regular full moon. It is like 1% bigger than normal, but you won't notice a difference. If you were able to compare a regular moon to a supermoon side by side, you would see a slight difference. But all alone in the sky up there, it will look like the same old moon.

Here's a comparison of a regular moon with a super moon.

Attachment 38594

I'm all in favor of getting people excited about astronomy and going outside to look up. But false advertising annoys me. There's nothing "super" about this moon. Rant over.

infinite monkey 05-04-2012 08:17 AM

You're really super, super moon.

monster 05-07-2012 01:36 PM

Thank goodnes Hebe does not suffer hebetude and Hector does not hector.

Sundae 05-07-2012 01:42 PM

How bout Thor?

(you're thor? I couldn't pith for a week!)

monster 05-07-2012 09:03 PM

Thor will becaome an eponym when he's good and ready. And you can bet it'll be an international meme/scandal.

infinite monkey 05-11-2012 11:39 AM

I made a joke referencing that old movie The Walls Have Eyes. While looking that up, I found this movie: Termite: The Walls Have Eyes (nothing to do with the former.) This movie looks totally and completely awesome and riveting and scary. Want!

DanaC 05-11-2012 11:44 AM

Holy awesome movies batmonkey!

That looks a must see. Am off to find now.

infinite monkey 05-11-2012 11:45 AM

Oh, let me know. I have no idea how I will get my hands on it. I'm sure it isn't carried in any movie store or department store around here.

DanaC 05-11-2012 11:59 AM

Gods damnit! Nope. Can't find it anywhere except on sign up and let them fill your computer with shit sites.

infinite monkey 05-11-2012 12:40 PM

Ahhh, Dana...found it on Amazon as a pre-order. It won't be released until June 5.

I'm getting it. What a great one for the collection!

DanaC 05-11-2012 02:09 PM

Fuckin 'A' !

That's totally cool. Can't wait for that to come out.

ZenGum 05-13-2012 04:12 AM

That supermoon was mighty fine for me, as I was in a forest in Victoria around a big bonfire with 30 or 40 freaky people playing drums and instrumental jams and getting wild and funky.

Darn that was fun.

BigV 05-13-2012 08:19 AM

welcome back zengum

monster 05-13-2012 10:20 PM

Just saw daughter on TV playing polo

monster 05-13-2012 10:20 PM

(we were channel flicking)

Sundae 05-14-2012 02:19 AM

Polo with horses?!

monster 05-14-2012 06:54 AM

You know your eczema's bad when you realise you're scratching it on the steering wheel as you drive :(

DanaC 05-14-2012 07:21 AM

Owww :(

anonymous 05-14-2012 08:56 AM

I asked God why he doesn't go ahead and kill me. Why's he keeping me around? I serve no purpose and am just a burdern. I don't see any sets of footprint in the sand except I see the outline where I fell and I see sprinting footsteps getting as far away from me as quickly as possible. So why bother, God. Do you actually have a plan or are you waiting for me to have a psychotic break?

Trilby 05-14-2012 08:58 AM

Anonymous - can you or do you feel you can be more specific
with whst is going on with you? Sometimes narrowing down the
problem helps from feeling so overwhelmed

anonymous 05-14-2012 09:59 AM

I think my family hates me, or is disgusted by me, or maybe just barely putting up with me.

My younger sibling in general. I don't think theylike me much anymore.

I keep getting hints and jabs about the things that are wrong with me, something I am pretty good at doing to myself. No one is ever proud of me, no matter how I try, and I am living in the shadows of greatness. How could I expect anything else? I can't possibly understand the dynamics of a life lived well, of the normal.

I am disappearing as I age. I'm disappearing and I have no meaning. I have little to offer. I am being punished for all the things Ive done wrong in my life and it's never been more clear. So God, what is the point? I'm not going to do anything but you could see clear to put me out of my own and everyone else's misery, couldn't you? Since there doesn't seem to be a place for me, anywhere.

Clodfobble 05-14-2012 10:33 AM

There is a place for you here. We love you, and we would miss you, and you don't make us miserable. I guarantee it.

Trilby 05-14-2012 10:38 AM

Sibling feelings come and go with time life experience and maturity
. Not to sound too Pollyanna about it nut every life_ has
meaning.' It heelpS

Trilby 05-14-2012 10:39 AM

It helps me if I remember this: thru love ALL pain
will become medicine. Not "some" pain but ALL pain.

Your pain will become medicine.

Sundae 05-14-2012 12:06 PM

Meh, I disagree Bri.
Sometimes pain is just pain. Sometimes life is shitty.

But if all you have are feelings Anon, then don't hoard them and hold them as inviolate.
The brain and the heart and even the stomach (as the powerhouse of emotions) can play tricks. This too will pass.

monster 05-17-2012 07:26 PM

Clodfobble 05-18-2012 07:24 AM

I'm so jaded. What about the other people in the theatre? I mean sure, they can watch the fake preview and clap when she says yes... but then they have to sit there while her whole family hugs her? When do they get to see the movie they paid for? Buncha attention whores. [/grumpy old lady]

DanaC 05-18-2012 07:34 AM

that's classy.

Blueflare 05-18-2012 01:00 PM

Jeez. That kind of proposal is pretty much my worst nightmare.
For people crazy enough to like that sort of thing, if you're going to do it, then that's an impressive way... I suppose... I wouldn't really know, not being crazy.

DanaC 05-19-2012 01:26 PM

I got the impression that the two of them were both on the same page. I think if you know your partner well enough, have kind of more or less planned to marry at some point (which it sounded like they had) it can be lovely.

It's when some dipstick tries the big public gesture with a girl who isn't on the same page that things get nasty.

DanaC 05-19-2012 01:27 PM

And since this is the post whore thread I'm sticking this in as a separate post!

I have become ever so slightly addicted to a show called Man-v-Food, which has been running on Dave channel lately.

I'd seen it in the listings a few times and thought it sounded dreadful. Then one day with fuck all better to do I flicked over in, I admit, a rather sneery frame of mind....only turns out it's really entertaining.

Sundae 05-20-2012 07:13 AM

My bro got me into it.
I've just watched some back to back eps right now!

I am conflicted about it.
I love it, but today he did a 50 wings challenge.
25 chickens (at least).
There is something disgusting about that.

I enjoyed the programme, but just feel a bit wrong about enjoying it.

Still, I'd make Adam's eyes water given half a chance. Yummy.

DanaC 05-20-2012 07:26 AM

That's pretty much where I am at with it. On the one hand it's entertaining and he is an excellent host. But it sometimes turns my stomach to see the sheer quantity of food!

infinite monkey 05-20-2012 10:02 AM

I had a small part in a skit yesterday. My brother's association (exec dir) participated in an earth awareness event at a local reserve. Through the week they had more than 2500 kids come. Great event. I had a lot of fun doing it.

Today my great-niece will be the honored guest at my 'rents Sunday dinner. She's 9 mo and starting to talk. Last I heard she had memorized the gettysburg address. ;)

morethanpretty 05-20-2012 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 812442)
I had a small part in a skit yesterday. My brother's association (exec dir) participated in an earth awareness event at a local reserve. Through the week they had more than 2500 kids come. Great event. I had a lot of fun doing it.

Today my great-niece will be the honored guest at my 'rents Sunday dinner. She's 9 mo and starting to talk. Last I heard she had memorized the gettysburg address. ;)

Very nice infi!

monster 05-21-2012 09:17 PM

Sping's in the air
Kids want less hair
now I'm itchy

monster 05-24-2012 05:41 PM

I stink. I should shower.

Blueflare 05-25-2012 11:03 AM

I keep getting a bubble of air behind my rearmost upper tooth, on the right. I can feel it there all the time and it makes a weird noise when I talk. It's most annoying.
Pretty sure I haven't randomly lost a tooth recently...
Maybe my face is making space for wisdom teeth?

Aliantha 05-25-2012 05:00 PM

Mav has stitches in his chin.

The girls are going to love it! (he's hoping)

ZenGum 05-25-2012 08:33 PM

Pain fades, wounds heal, chicks dig scars. Go Mav!

morethanpretty 05-25-2012 08:58 PM

I'm going to have1 beer. Light.

glatt 06-07-2012 08:10 AM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by glatt (Post 722686)
I never even heard of the museum in NYC. So I looked it up in Google Earth. It's just a pier, with barges floating next to it. They have the Concorde exposed to the elements on a barge just a few hundred feet from where ferries go chugging past every ten minutes. It's not like there have been any accidents on the Hudson where errant ferries have smashed into piers. Oh, wait...

They better build a nice building for the shuttle they get, and pull it up onto dry land. At least getting the thing to the museum on a barge should be pretty easy.

I don't know how I missed this. Must not have been reported very much, or maybe I haven't been paying attention, but they slammed the shuttle Enterprise into a bridge abutment when they were moving it to NYC the other day. Damaged one of the wings. WTF?
Attachment 38979
Attachment 38981
Attachment 38982

classicman 06-07-2012 12:42 PM
OK - I got this damn thing at work and I can't figure out how to adjust the settings for the four side buttons. I'd like the smaller one on the right to be "Open in new tab" which would be the equivalent of pressing down on the wheel of my other mouse.
I also need to know how to scroll through a page without having to go to the damn elevator bar all the time. This mouse is supposed to be an advancement, yet I feel like I may as well use the up/down arrows and the tab keys. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR


Also, I HATE this thing.

infinite monkey 06-07-2012 12:44 PM


I've been in solitary downstairs working on a deadline and I am having to use a regular mouse and already my wrist hurts like fuck.

But I never use anything but left click/right click, so I'm no help.

You'll get used to it.

classicman 06-07-2012 12:48 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
At least getting the thing to the museum on a barge should be pretty easy.

No way. Dragging that odd shaped thing not meant for water by a rope with the wind and tide pushing it around... :headshake

glatt 06-07-2012 01:25 PM

You'd think they could have designed a barge that would extend beyond the wing tips so that if the barge did bump something, the wing tips wouldn't take the full brunt of the impact.

classicman 06-07-2012 01:41 PM

looks like they came in from the wrong angle. The boat behind (as seen in 2nd pic) is off to the right (in this case port side) I'm assuming the tide/wind is pushing them starboard which is where it hit. It really looks like they cut the corner instead of traveling further up and sharpening the angle as they made the turn from the main waterway.
My initial impression is an overconfident or lazy pilot. Admittedly its a tight turn into a relatively narrow canal, but still.

ETA -That lookout boat (out front with the orange sides) - is supposed to be watching out for EXACTLY that. The speed of the tug is also a huge factor. They are VERY powerful, but VERY slow also.

Blueflare 06-07-2012 01:56 PM

Chrome's "new tab" screen judges me for how I spend my time.
YouTube, IMDB, Tumblr, Failblog. All up there.
Every day it shatters my image of myself as some kind of unemployed intellectual writer, when I'm actually just an unemployable adolescent waste of oxygen with an overly time-consuming writing hobby.
I need to find some source of revenue and I need to move out of my dad's house.
So, thankyou Google Chrome.
Without judgement and social pressure, I think most people just fail at life.

Undertoad 06-07-2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 814261)

Look in Control Panel and see if the mouse settings are Logitech's SetPoint or if a picture of the trackball appears. If not, look in All Programs for Logitech Mouse and Keyboard settings. You should be able to redefine all buttons.


Also, I HATE this thing.
A trackball is rarely a great pointing device IMO. But use of that one has sometimes helped me use a different set of arm muscles for a while, helps RSI problems.

infinite monkey 06-07-2012 03:51 PM

I can't see how a trackball isn't a better device than a regular mouse. That one I'm using downstairs, half the time I have to pick it up and use it up farther on the table. Or move it to one side so I can slide it far enough to the other side. It sucks like crap.

The trackball floats like a butterfly. It has tons of control.

Maybe it's just my exceptional eye/hand coordination.

And that other mouse hurts my formerly smashed wrist something awful. All that moves with the trackball is my fingers.

monster 06-07-2012 08:35 PM

I never have to move my wrist to move my mouse.

classicman 06-07-2012 09:46 PM


half the time I have to pick it up and use it up farther on the table. Or move it to one side so I can slide it far enough to the other side.
There are settings for that.
Ever wonder why a typical mousepad is the same shape as your monitor? Its not by accident.

Scrolling thru threads id ridiculous with that thing. I have to "wheel" all the way over to the frikkin elevator bar and click JUST FUCKING RIGHT to get it to move OR I have to grab the elevator and move it around - archaic I say!
center mouse wheel click set to "Open in new tab" ROCKS!
and when one clicks it where there is no link, it scrolls the page. mouseyball POS cannot do that.

infinite monkey 06-08-2012 07:25 AM

You're just jealous of mouseyball. Mouseyball is king. You hate change. ;)

No one will ever make me not love my trackball. It just takes a little practice. I hate those freaking slidey aroundy mice. ANd I don't need no stupid mousepad with some stupid company logo on it.

It's 2012! The pioneers had to put up with crappy mice. We don't have to. :)

Once you go track, you never go back.

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