The Cellar

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Sundae 04-18-2012 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 807104)
Sundae, you've had this for what, a week or more? Yuck! :(

A month now.

ZenGum 04-18-2012 07:54 PM

Sundae, last year a cough went around down here which got called the 50 day cough, but was a variety of whooping cough. You might have that, which might not be good to take to school.

Infikey, I hate people who bring germs to work like that. I wonder, can anyone sue someone for exposing them to contagions like that?

And what was the name of that fish that hides up sea cucumber's arses?

infinite monkey 04-18-2012 08:02 PM


Not really, but it starts with Jo...

monster 04-20-2012 10:27 PM

My daughter so fucking rocks at water polo it's untrue! I can't believe how good she is. She's playing in a varsity tournament this weekend (tonight she played her 6th and 7th games ever) and people I don't know are congratulating me on her great playing. Yeah, I spilled out of the proud parent thread. This is the Post Ho thread, I can be as obnoxious and nauseating as I want. :p: Now I think I know why the swim coach was so pissy about her playing WP -she lost her first good breaststroker to WP (My girl is her 5th good breaststroker). The first one is now a senior, headed to college to play polo (not swim) and my daugher is clearly being groomed to replace her on the WP team.

Sundae 04-21-2012 07:55 AM

Update on My Cough
I went into school on Friday morning only to be sent home.
Basically I couldn't speak or move without coughing, so I was pretty much worthless. My voice disappeared somewhere between Thursday evening and Friday morning too.

So I sat around on Friday waiting for the Doctor to call.
She did at 11.20 and asked me to come in (surprise!) at 15.00.
Felt like a wasted day as when I was sitting stock still in silence and watching daytime TV I was only having coughing spasms every 15 minutes instead of constantly.

So, different Doctor, different approach.
She also checked my blood oxygen level - still low.
Checked me with her stethoscope - again, yup, there is something wrong there.
Checked that I'd had my chest xrayed, yes and it was clear.
Again asked me more than once if I was, ever had been or would ever consider being asthmatic. No, same as last time.

I did have a temperature this time, but then it was a warmer room :)

She also checked my throat, but apparently it's fine.

So I am a medical conundrum!
She put me on penicillin rather than steroids and gave me an inhaler.
And cheerily suggested that if I got worse over the weekend I should take myself to hospital.

Right here, right now, having taken 4 tablets I am feeling a little better. Last night was hellish.
And I've yet to have any sympathy at home. No, scratch that - Mum offered to make me scrambled egg for lunch. Didn't help me clean up Diz's cat sick though, despite the fact that the bending and movement involved made me convulse so hard I was seeing stars. Hasn't asked me how I am or how I feel. Too busy being pissed off at the bloody racket I am making.

Fingers crossed the seven day dose of anti-biotics will knock this damned thing on the head.

Oh and no-one, not the aged 'rents or the vulnerable childer, have anything like this. So whatever I am infected with, I'm not passing it around.

ZenGum 04-21-2012 08:06 AM


DanaC 04-21-2012 08:55 AM

It's it is always Lupus after all.

Sundae 04-21-2012 09:14 AM

OMG - you had me worried there.
I actually looked up the symptoms.


Although there are many possible manifestations of lupus, those listed below are some of the more common. Lupus is a disease which can present many different facets, rarely do two people have exactly the same symptoms, and these can vary from just one to many.

- Extreme fatigue and weakness
- Rashes from sunlight/UV light
- Parental indifference
- Weight gain
- Increased sensitivity to cat sick
- Seizures, mental illness or other cerebral problems
- Poor grasp of finances
- Hair loss
- Paroxysms of hacking coughs that leave you suspiciously damp in the crotch
- Headaches, migraine
- More coughing
- Having to spit in the sink like an old giffer

A person with lupus may have four or five symptoms, where some of these might recede and/or others develop.
Then I realised it was a joke about House.

monster 04-21-2012 01:31 PM

Why, yes, I am. How did you guess?

Aliantha 04-21-2012 05:41 PM

One of my friends has lupus. Those symptoms are pretty much right for her condition although so far no seizures.

It's a pretty sucky disorder.

She's actually the one with the alcoholic daughter that I mentioned somewhere around here.

Said daughter has been in a detox clinic for two days now. At the end of the week, when she's finished detoxing (hopefully) she'll be going into a rehab program for the next 10 months.

This is all very good if she will stick at it.

monster 04-21-2012 08:28 PM

Skyline Women's polo: CHAMPIONS. of the Saline MI Varsity invitational. Wondering how many Milfords there are in Ohio, though. Because they came to the tourney and it seems an awful long way to come from near Cinci, which is what mapquest suggests.... There were the three Ann Arbor teams, two from neighboring cities (one being the host), three from Detroit suburbs, one weaker team from the west coast of MI (understanderble -the polo is ferocious there, they'd get eaten alive in local tournaments).

Just found the official MI High School Girls website. Skyline are ranked 3rd in the state, after two of the ferocious west coast teams. Rightly so :).

Yes, I have paperwork i should be doing.

UncaDollas 04-22-2012 01:02 AM

Sundae 04-22-2012 02:47 PM

Sorry, the lupus post was meant as a joke.
I did copy some of the real symptoms over, but I interspersed them with some of mine.

I always knew it was a House ref.

infinite monkey 04-22-2012 06:32 PM

I couldn't find a thread about a 'movie I saw and a tv show I just discovered.'

Went to theatre to see A Cabin in the Woods. Not as scary as id hoped. More monster movie than scary but rather clever. It was worth seeing in the theatre.

I watched The Others here at home last night, which fulfills my desire for creepy surprises and eeriness better.

Now, has anyone ever watched Raising Hope? I watched some eps on free on demand today and omg what a funny show! And that girl from garfunkel and oates is on it. Great double ep with Nancy Grace basically lampooning herself, in a show about the serial killer mother of Hope. Quirky.

DanaC 04-23-2012 03:19 AM

Never watched it, though always intended to. Can't recall what drew me to it when it was first being talked about...probably one of the lesser roles is an actor I like ;p

Sundae 04-24-2012 06:20 AM

'Nother Health Update
Saw a different Doctor today.
He put me back on steroids but on a higher dose.
And I have a different inhaler (a powder one I think he said?) which I have to use twice a day. You click the base round and breathe it in.

I still have a respiratory infection and an appointment to go back on Friday when the current antibiotic course finishes, to see if I need another course.

It's cost a fortune in prescription fees, but that's a relative fortune. £7.65 (per item) is nothing compared to the cost of the medicine I guess. And Mum bought today's for me.

Told school I am unlikely to be in this week, because it's easier for them not to wonder day in and day out but adjust their planning accordingly. I will be able to get a certificate from the Doctor no problem as I've been treated for two weeks already, so I'm in the system.

Oh and when this has all cleared up, the Doctor I saw today wants to run me through a series of tests to see if I have asthma. He is the third one I have surprised with my asthma denial. And he thinks it might be why I have a new habit of having a terrible cough after a minor cold. Progress I suppose.

Lupus still not on the table though.

DanaC 04-24-2012 06:27 AM

Sundae, if you're expecting a few of these prescriptions,. might be worth getting a 3 month prepay certificate. They cost about £28 I think. Unlimited use during the cover period. Can do it online and set the date you want it to start.

[eta] Here's a link:

Don't actually need your NHS number btw to apply, it's just an optional. Costs £29.50 for 3 months.

Sundae 04-24-2012 06:31 AM

I know.
In hindsight I really should have done. But I did not expect five prescriptions in two weeks when I first went. No-one expects etc etc

Fingers crossed this will be the end of the medicines.
The steroids were a big help last time, and the antibiotics have at least cut down on the mucus.

glatt 04-24-2012 07:13 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 808278)
Sundae, if you're expecting a few of these prescriptions,. might be worth getting a 3 month prepay certificate. They cost about £28 I think. Unlimited use during the cover period. Can do it online and set the date you want it to start.

[eta] Here's a link:

Don't actually need your NHS number btw to apply, it's just an optional. Costs £29.50 for 3 months.

England is awesome.

DanaC 04-24-2012 07:17 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 808279)
I know.
In hindsight I really should have done. But I did not expect five prescriptions in two weeks when I first went. No-one expects etc etc

Fingers crossed this will be the end of the medicines.
The steroids were a big help last time, and the antibiotics have at least cut down on the mucus.

yeah I get caught out like that a lot. My other brilliant trick is to fork out for a prepay certificate (I get the yearly one now) and then forget to put in a request for routine stuff (48 hours ahead of need) and end up buying the over the counter version for immediacy, despite having already effectively paid for the damn stuff through the certificate :p

DanaC 04-24-2012 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 808284)
England is awesome.

ha! Yes. But it still feels wrong to me that there are prescription charges at all. 'Free at the point of need' should mean exactly that.

Or at the very least make it a charge per prescription rather than per item, like it used to be.

But...that said, the prepay option does take a lot of the weight off people who have regular meds and effectively serves as a prescription charge not tagged to items.

Sundae 04-24-2012 07:25 AM

Mrs G is on yearly prepay.
She gave me a spare salbutamol inhaler in anticipation of me being prescribed one.
I was and so I crossed it off the prescription. £7.65 I didn't have to pay, ker-ching.

Trilby 04-24-2012 08:04 AM

I've lobbied for this before and I'll do it again: Sundae needs
A freaking narcotic cough suppressant and no not just b/c
I think she'd enjoy it. ;)

ZenGum 04-24-2012 08:22 AM

Sundae and Big Sarge need to spend a month on a tropical island together.

morethanpretty 04-24-2012 07:17 PM

I got tipsy waiting for my internet to get installed (I was bored). Now its installed and I need to go to the store but can't because I'm too responsible to drink and drive :(.

monster 04-24-2012 09:13 PM

OK, now I know where Water Polo gets its reputation for roughness. If you can't play the game, brawl. Walled Lake 5, Skyline 13 and a quick exit. :lol:

Nirvana 04-25-2012 01:24 PM

Kind of cranky... yesterday walking into the barn past the tractor my boot caught on the wire panel sending me falling onto the loader bucket that has several tines. My leg now has a fabulous V with 29 stitches decorating it. Thankfully the tine missed the bone the tendons muscles and nerves. It never hurt so no drugs 'cept tetanus and amoxi.

I have to be on a plane Friday, going to Dallas to judge a dog show. Going to have to wear dress pants. Maybe I can tell them I cut myself shaving ...;)

BigV 04-25-2012 07:30 PM

shaving with a loader bucket... Wow, I guess Ibram isn't the only one who has a *lot* to learn about shaving. Wow, I hope your recovery is swift and uneventful.

infinite monkey 04-25-2012 07:35 PM

29 stitches? Damn! Take care of yourself. 'Cause, ouch.

Nirvana 04-25-2012 10:04 PM

Thanks {you like me, you really like me [/Sally Field]} :)

Now you know why I am posting all over the board I am not allowed to walk [much] on my leg til tomorrow... Pictures soon...

ZenGum 04-25-2012 11:19 PM

I was worried you may have kicked the bucket, but it seems you had the tine of your life.

Sundae 04-26-2012 05:16 AM

Shit, Nirv!
And way to go in the modesty stakes burying it here in the Post Whore thread.
If I'd needed 29 stitches I would hve started a whole thread of my own about it.

Look after yourself.

DanaC 04-26-2012 05:20 AM

Damn right. Fuck me sideways, Nirv, that's amazing. Hope you heal quick lass *smiles*

Clodfobble 04-26-2012 01:41 PM

Hey Nirvana... um... can we have pictures?

You know, for science. And, uh, it's easy to send healing vibes when we know exactly what we're healing, yeah?

infinite monkey 04-26-2012 01:45 PM

My younger brother has a V scar on his arm from going through plate glass when he was very little. (Never forget it, it was so horrible...big bro and I cried and cried and tried to clean up the blood.) They had to sew part of his muscle back together. Said he'd never play baseball. Ended up being 1st Team All State Pitcher.

So you see, 'vana, you can still be in the big leagues, you can still go to 'the show.' ;)

Nirvana 04-26-2012 10:07 PM

not for the squeamish
1 Attachment(s)
CF your wish is my command. I think it looks pretty good so far. The V is pointing to my left and down toward my ankle. Today in the high winds a cherry tree fell within 25 feet of me and my hub. WTF?

Attachment 38478

I am leaving for Dallas TX at 3 am so I won't see any posts til I return Monday or Tues. Enjoy ;)

monster 04-27-2012 06:08 AM

that is awful, ouch!

Trilby 04-27-2012 06:20 AM


What kind of pain pills? (It's my sworn duty to ask!)

ZenGum 04-27-2012 06:53 AM

Strong ones, I hope.

Tell everyone one of your chihuahuas did it. :)

infinite monkey 04-27-2012 07:04 AM

You poor thing! Ouchy ouchy ouch!

ZenGum 04-27-2012 07:09 AM

I think it's sweet to see a cellar crush developing.
And such passion and commitment, too.

Why else would Nirvana get herself a scar in the shape of a Big V?

glatt 04-27-2012 07:16 AM

Ouch, Nirvana, that sucks. It's a doozie.
At least God is trying to make it up to you by throwing cherry wood to you! ;)

infinite monkey 04-27-2012 07:43 AM

Servant Leadership: don't worry, it's just lip service.

Why hire an overachieving yet know-nothing megalomaniac to degrade and micromanage some who've been doing a job for over 15 years? I dunno. Not my supervisor, thank FSM, but my peers are miserable. I think I'm working in a morgue. :(

Sundae 04-27-2012 07:53 AM

Back from the Doctor.
Still have a chest infection. We're now "trying" erythromycin for the next 28 days.
I have an atypyical infection (of course!) so an atypical approach is needed.

Interested to note that it is used in cases of pneumonia and Legionnaires Disease.
Not that I'm claiming to have either of course, just that my infection has serious companions.

Nirv that is horrid indeed.
Good on you for posting.
It looks like it will be a great scar.

Clodfobble 04-27-2012 08:15 AM

Wow, Nirvana. That is really freaking big. You are a tough lady!

BigV 04-27-2012 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nirvana (Post 808481)
Kind of cranky... yesterday walking into the barn past the tractor my boot caught on the wire panel sending me falling onto the loader bucket that has several tines. My leg now has a fabulous V with 29 stitches decorating it. Thankfully the tine missed the bone the tendons muscles and nerves. It never hurt so no drugs 'cept tetanus and amoxi.

I have to be on a plane Friday, going to Dallas to judge a dog show. Going to have to wear dress pants. Maybe I can tell them I cut myself shaving ...;)

you heard it *here* first.

Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 808899)
I think it's sweet to see a cellar crush developing.
And such passion and commitment, too.

Why else would Nirvana get herself a scar in the shape of a Big V?

I know, right?


Trilby 04-28-2012 10:07 AM

Today: rainy and sorta raw like a radish.
Tasks: stay in pajamas. Watch re-runs. Eat inappropriate foods-stuffs like Cheetos ... McDonalds... pasta things...

Later: A nap!
And Maroon 5 videos of "Moves Like Jagger" etc.

infinite monkey 04-28-2012 12:10 PM

Me too bri! At awful waffle, then to grocery, then to library, then home to read, watch movies, and nap. :)

Trilby 04-28-2012 12:53 PM

Looooooove yhe awful waffle!

infinite monkey 04-28-2012 01:35 PM

It was so good and the people who work there are always wonderful! Now I'm going to read Emma Donoghue's new book, Slammerkin. :)

monster 04-28-2012 07:19 PM

beest: 3 water polo games 8am-5pm, same place. lots of hanging around
monster: 3 hockey games 10am-7pm, different rinks lots of driving.

Home an hour, feeling starting to return to feet. It was COLD.

monster texted beest after first polo game shoulda finished: Score? Beest texted (eventually): Lots. :lol:

DanaC 04-29-2012 10:35 AM

Carrot did a Big Dog bark today. He's practiced his Big Dog bark before, and there are various times he barks at me (such as when on the loo....go figure), but this was the first time he's done a proper Big Dog bark, to alert me to something on our turf.

Something had blown past the door (it's hella windy) and caught on the way past making a clattering noise.

Wro-wroo, barked Carrot as he ran purposefully towards the door.

I know...I'm a puppeh-bore...but it really gave me a catch in my throat.

classicman 04-29-2012 11:55 AM


monster 04-29-2012 01:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 38508

infinite monkey 04-30-2012 11:57 AM

Yeah, I hate when trolls 'distrupt' me and 'destory' me. I mean, ouch!

And what does this mean:

...based on the established fact that trolls don't hang around in newsgroups where they don't get many people to respond to them. Trolls have always been part of newsgroups.


monster 04-30-2012 03:01 PM

I have no idea, i just like the picture. Reminds me of someone.

infinite monkey 04-30-2012 03:02 PM

Who, moi?

I thought it was a Where the Wild Things Are character from the book.

monster 04-30-2012 03:29 PM

No, not you. It isn't all about you, you know. besides, there's a coyote in the background, so it can't possibly be Ohio.

infinite monkey 04-30-2012 03:30 PM


When did it become not all about me, anyhoo? :p:

monster 04-30-2012 03:35 PM

When you started rolling in the hay with JBK

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