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Aliantha 04-10-2012 05:15 PM

haha...I'm going to remember that one Clod. I'm sure I'll be able to use it today even. I'm taking the kids to the beach, so there's bound to be idiocy involved. :)

SteveDallas 04-13-2012 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 805400)
"When the double yellow lines in the road split up like that, it reminds me of DNA replication"

Wait till she sees this.

ZenGum 04-13-2012 08:06 PM


Dude, she's 14, and kinda dating. We're still worried about the "Hotter Otters" thing.

monster 04-13-2012 08:19 PM

She's not dating the Hotter Otters Guy. He wanted to last year, but she was all "ew that'd be like dating my brother". Swimmers kinda don't date each other so much -I suspect because swimsuits hide nothing so they have to act more like family to preserve their dignity/sanity

Aliantha 04-14-2012 06:20 PM

Specially the boys. lol

Sundae 07-14-2012 07:22 AM


- "You will eat today, won't you? I don't want you fainting on me tonight!"
- "Don't worry, I'll eat. Erm... I've never fainted in my life..."
- "Well you know, cold night, no food, long walk."

Does she really think I never eat?
And it's going to be 13 degrees tonight. Hardly Arctic conditions.
Still, I assume it all comes from a place of love. That and me not embarrassing her with my fainting behaviour :lol:

Aliantha 07-14-2012 06:55 PM you can wear your purple petti?

DucksNuts 07-15-2012 04:50 AM

Addi..."Tyler said the F word! Can I tell you it? I know its bad, but can I tell you?"
Me..."Just this once"
Addi....eyes real big...."SHIT!"

Undertoad 07-15-2012 06:39 AM


Sundae 07-15-2012 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 820207) you can wear your purple petti?

I didn't in the end because it was raining right up until we left. I was glad I chose not to - I wore a standard pink skirt and the bottom was liberally splashed with mud and scratched by bushes.

The petti deserves better treatment - especially on its virgin voyage.
Am hoping to wear it to add a gothic touch under my black skirt when I go out with colleagues in August. No-one will have seen anythig like it :)

footfootfoot 07-15-2012 09:19 AM

You totally should have mock fainted.

Aliantha 07-15-2012 07:14 PM

Addi needs to pay more attention at school. lol

footfootfoot 07-28-2012 11:06 AM

Me: (Muttering in the kitchen) What is the world coming to?
mm: (From the dining room) Daddy, worlds have always been that way.

monster 09-30-2012 08:19 PM

Swimmer Girl: I love the smell of laundry detergent, is that weird?
Me: Not really, you're supposed to like it otherwise what's the point?
Swimmer Girl: It's really good
Me: Wait, that's a whites load -that's bleach you can smell. Chlorine......

paraphrasing a conversation from this morning

ZenGum 09-30-2012 11:35 PM


I love the smell of chlorine in the morning...

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