The Cellar

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Aliantha 07-05-2007 06:24 PM


Cloud 07-05-2007 07:18 PM

Green Lemonade:

1 bunch romaine lettuce (or celery; or dark lettuce)
several stalks kale
1 whole lemon
1 (or 2) apples
ginger or mint

juice. drink.

I drink this most mornings for breakfast. Organic stuff is best for this, and you need a juicer. It's from the Raw Food Detox Diet by Natalia Rose. The lemon helps cut the "green" taste, and it's pretty yummy, especially if you put 2 apples in it.

DucksNuts 07-05-2007 07:32 PM

I HATE end of financial year shit and I fucken hate PAYG certificates!!!

Oh and Cloud - that looks awesome. I have a super juicer but forget to use it.

Cloud 07-05-2007 07:39 PM

thanks. What are PAYG certificates?

DucksNuts 07-05-2007 07:42 PM

Umm....Group Certificates? Your earnings summaries for the year.

Cloud 07-05-2007 07:47 PM

okay. The official document you turn in to the government for your taxes? Like W-2s here?

Uisge Beatha 07-06-2007 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 361576)
okay. The official document you turn in to the government for your taxes? Like W-2s here?

Really!? Cloud, how the heck do you get the government to pay you taxes? I send my W-2 in every year and they expect me to do the paying, too. :D

DucksNuts 07-06-2007 09:29 PM

I'm a bit in love with my new boots!!

Now I am seriously shitty because overstock has sold out of them (Steve Maddens knee high wedges) and zappos/shoe mall want $143 for them when I paid $54 on overstock....WAAAAHHHHH!!!!

I want them in another colour!!!!

Sorry - princess moment over (kinda....not really)

Cloud 07-06-2007 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Uisge Beatha (Post 361783)
Really!? Cloud, how the heck do you get the government to pay you taxes? I send my W-2 in every year and they expect me to do the paying, too. :D

Now, you're making fun. (pout)

Gaelic Ninja 07-06-2007 11:53 PM

Oh, we can be post-whores here? What if we'd rather be post-sluts instead?

Uisge Beatha 07-07-2007 05:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud
Now, you're making fun. (pout)

Sorry, Cloud. I was hoping for something of a laugh along with, not a laugh at you kinda thing. I'm a sarcastic so-and-so, but don't mean any harm. Heck, you've got a heart as big as Texas (good thing you live there) and I just love that, so I wouldn't want to be nasty to you. :blush:


Originally Posted by Gaelic Ninja
What if we'd rather be post-sluts instead?

No, sorry; that's next door. Pre-sluts are o.k., though. :D

Cloud 07-07-2007 11:26 AM

(startled) nah, I'm the Grinchette!


Cicero 07-07-2007 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Gaelic Ninja (Post 361847)
Oh, we can be post-whores here? What if we'd rather be post-sluts instead?

Hey- I finally get the chance to get paid for this, and have a chance to evade the awkward 2 days later phone call.
Quit trying to ruin it for everybody.

Gaelic Ninja 07-07-2007 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Uisge Beatha (Post 361874)

No, sorry; that's next door. Pre-sluts are o.k., though. :D

Ah, damnit. You people and your fun-ruining! :P

Urbane Guerrilla 07-11-2007 01:44 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 361913)
(startled) nah, I'm the Grinchette!


[even more startled] You're green and you have a really really long, pointy upper lip??


Cloud 07-11-2007 08:56 AM

hey! where'dya see my piccie?

Cloud 07-11-2007 09:15 PM

took 3 grandgirls to library today. Looked at books on ocean, and poetry for oldest. Littlest one was only interested in Disney princesses.

Cloud 07-20-2007 07:06 PM

went on a job interview today, for a paralegal position with the City. They probably won't be able to offer enough money to tempt me away, but we'll see.

The government thing bothers me, too.

DanaC 07-20-2007 07:08 PM

what government thing?

Cloud 07-20-2007 07:12 PM

working for it.

I've always worked for small firms in the private sector, and I'm a bit concerned I'll have a problem with authority and rules. Iconoclast that I am.

MalzB 07-20-2007 09:16 PM

Does anyone have any suggestions to help me talk my parents into getting a 3rd cat since we just lost our dog even though I'm going to college? My argument to them is that the 2 cats that we have now need another playmate since they've just lost one. And although I am going to college and wont be around like I am now I am only going an hour away and will still be home sometimes. Also that cats are pretty easy to take care of. They do their business in litter boxes, you fill their dishes and they feed off it, they sleep most of the time, they dont get into the garbage, and we have a water cooler that the 2 cats we have now know how to use so they get themselves water when they're thirsty. So I'm begging them to take me to the ASPCA to get a new cat. Can anyone help??

monster 07-20-2007 10:22 PM

Not really. 2 cats is enough.

Clodfobble 07-21-2007 10:37 AM

No kidding. Get your own damn cat if you want one so badly.

MalzB 07-21-2007 11:45 AM

What is your problem? It was a simple question. Chill out.

theotherguy 07-21-2007 11:52 AM

Are you planning to take the cat to college?

Sundae 07-21-2007 03:01 PM

I've just found the software that allows me to upload pictures from my camera. Yay!

There aren't any pictures on my camera at present, but I did have a paranoid suspicion I'd lost it in the move, so it's a good thing.

Oh and I have a spot on my chin. First I've had in months. I blame it on the lack of alcohol.

And I had scallops, poached egg and peas for tea. I think that's all I wanted to tell you right now.

Squid_Operator 07-21-2007 03:30 PM

*posts whores*

Rhianne 07-21-2007 03:49 PM

I dislike dogs. I really, really hate cats.

Weird Harold 07-21-2007 07:48 PM'm not political, I think all politicians, whether republican, or democrats are scum, and deserve to be made fun of. MalsB wanting a cat reminded me of it. So blame MalsB, and MalsB I am a carpet installer, so I have first hand knowledge that cats don't use the litter box.

monster 07-21-2007 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rhianne (Post 366553)
I dislike dogs. I really, really hate cats.

So there's an argument for MB to use -they'd be preventing one cat and you from encountering one another. Baby steps......

MalzB 07-21-2007 10:08 PM

Ok ok I know that cats dont always go in the litter box. If we wait to long to change the litter box, the 2 that we have now will let us know by leaving a little gift somewhere in the house. My point was that they have the option to go in the litter box and most of the time they do, unlike dogs where you have to let them out every time they need to go.

And to monster...your comment made me laugh and you are right. And I just have a really big heart for animals...maybe I should just go work in an animal shelter. I've never understood how someone can "hate" dogs or cats. to explain whyyou hate animals so much?

Clodfobble 07-21-2007 11:08 PM

I went to my high school sweetheart's wedding tonight. It was satisfying--I definitely still care about him and his future happiness, and this girl he's found is exactly perfect for him in all the ways that we weren't right for each other. I'm happy for both of us, that we both found the right person instead of sticking with the expected fairy tale that would have been anything but, in the long run.

But boy howdy, am I in a weird mood now.

DucksNuts 07-21-2007 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by Rhianne (Post 366553)
I dislike dogs. I really, really hate cats. HAVE to like one of them.

Unless you or something?

Weird Harold 07-22-2007 04:14 AM

I like my own dog, but I hate our neighbor's dogs that bark for hours at a time. Not too thrilled with the neighbors who won't get off their fat asses, and do something to shut them up either.

monster 07-22-2007 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Weird Harold (Post 366662)
I like my own dog, but I hate our neighbor's dogs that bark for hours at a time. Not too thrilled with the neighbors who won't get off their fat asses, and do something to shut them up either.

kind of how I feel about kids

yesman065 07-22-2007 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 366628)
I'm happy for both of us, that we both found the right person instead of sticking with the expected fairy tale that would have been anything but, in the long run.

Very profound - and true.

Rhianne 07-22-2007 04:26 PM

I like to walk - dogs like to annoy, threaten and/or slaver all over people who like to walk.

Next door's cats shit all over my garden.

MalzB 07-22-2007 06:31 PM

Well have you ever stopped to think that they are only animals? I don't believe dogs "try" to annoy and when they "threaten" well, once again...they're animals. It's what they do. Sorry you seem so miserable...

Rhianne 07-22-2007 07:54 PM

Yes, you're right, that's what they do. That's why I don't like them.

MalzB 07-23-2007 03:19 PM

Whatever. I'm glad I never held anything against them for being animals and I'm glad I'm not a miserable person.

Rhianne 07-23-2007 03:48 PM

It was never my intention to, nor did I believe I would upset anyone with such a casual remark. Please allow me to apolgise. Really though, I'm not sure why you would think I'm a miserable person - I like people and I meet far more humans than dogs.

Shawnee123 07-23-2007 03:56 PM

What is slaver? Is it like slobber?

I think I could turn and live with animals,
They are so placid and self-contained,
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not sweat and whine about their condition,
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God.

Walt Whitman, Song of Myself

i.e. no ulterior motives ;)

glatt 07-23-2007 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rhianne (Post 366781)
Yes, you're right, that's what they do. That's why I don't like them.

I laughed out loud when I read that this morning. I never do that when reading stuff on the internet. Did anyone ever welcome you to the Cellar? Welcome to the Cellar.


Originally Posted by Rhianne (Post 367106)
It was never my intention to, nor did I believe I would upset anyone with such a casual remark. Please allow me to apolgise.

It's nice of you to apologize, but whatever you do, don't take it back. You should dislike dogs that harass you when you go for a walk. It's reasonable.

Uisge Beatha 07-23-2007 05:55 PM

That's a very nice gesture, glatt, yet I fear you've been beaten to it. I think Rhianne has a marvelous sense of humor, as indicated by her very first post and seakdiver's response.

Rhianne 07-24-2007 04:38 PM

Haha, thanks everyone, I think this may be the message board I've been looking for for years - why did no-one tell me you were here?

Uisge Beatha 07-24-2007 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Rhianne
Haha, thanks everyone, I think this may be the message board I've been looking for for years - why did no-one tell me you were here?

Ah, that's part of the screening process. ;)

DanaC 07-24-2007 05:52 PM

1st rule of the Cellar....don't talk about the Cellar

DucksNuts 07-24-2007 06:10 PM

Is it rule #2 where she has to get naked? if shes over 18 that is :)

DanaC 07-24-2007 06:12 PM

I think there was a rule in there about posting pics of naked newbie self, is that the one you're thinking about?

DucksNuts 07-24-2007 06:41 PM

That be it

Rhianne 07-25-2007 05:25 PM

Comfortably over 18 but I'm really a fat, sweaty, hairy-backed biker - and I'm sure you already have all the naked pictures of those you'll ever need!

DucksNuts 07-25-2007 08:12 PM

You really can never have enough hair-backed, smelly bikers :)

Uisge Beatha 07-25-2007 08:23 PM

D'oh! :smack: You mean I shaved my back for nothing?

DucksNuts 07-25-2007 08:51 PM

Were you at least creative?

Like, did you shave my name into it or something???

That would really impress me.

Uisge Beatha 07-25-2007 09:51 PM

Ha ha ha. You are a delight, Ducky!

jester 07-26-2007 04:05 PM

1 Attachment(s)
He did do this though....

Attachment 13873

glatt 07-26-2007 04:18 PM

His back hair is longer than his head hair!

jester 07-26-2007 04:29 PM

I know - scaaary:)

Shawnee123 07-26-2007 04:38 PM

Where's the involuntary shudder/dry heave smilie?

jester 07-26-2007 04:43 PM

i didn't look for it

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