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Sundae 09-14-2008 12:58 PM

MPFC (or even MP himself) is not solely a nerd-based phenomenon (at least in this country YMMV).

Now if they had released their work with DVD commentary (no, please don't talk about The Holy Grail "commentary") then knowing phrases from that might be a bit much. Like me quoting The League of Gentlemen commentary.

freshnesschronic 10-02-2008 06:15 PM

I just saw a video where Palin couldn't even name a journal that she reads. Wow. I don't think she remotely knows what she is talking about. <<2cents>>

DanaC 10-02-2008 06:47 PM

Wow. The Republican party have managed to find a politician who makes George Bush seem positively intellectual.

The sickener with Palin (apart from the fact she appears as dumb as a dumbfuck and twice as dangerous) is that her biggest selling point appears to be the fact she's a feisty, kickass girlie. A feisty, kickass girly who can take the boys on at their own game. A feisty, kickass girlie who can take the boys on at their own game and who'd do more to set back the cause of women's equality than the most rabid, right-wing family-values, misogynist, male politician ever could.

There was a joke in Britain in the early 90s:

Margeret Thatcher did for women's liberation what the Boston Strangler did for door-to-door sales.

Though at least Maggie wasn't an embarrassment to the rest of us when she was on TV. Shameful maybe, but not embarrassing.

*blinks* oooh. Yeah, I'd probably better stop there. Whew, that was close....very nearly went off on a major vent about gender politics....

monster 10-02-2008 08:49 PM

I don't like what maggiie did politically, but i think she was a fantastic catalyst in breaking sexist stereotypes. yes, she wasa ball-breaker, and very masculine in some ways, but she had kids, she wore skirts, make-up and jewellery and she just led her life the way she damn well pleased and fuck what anyone thought. she was in no way the woman I wanted to be, but I think that she demonstrated that, as a "modern woman" if you didn't want the traditional female role, it wasn't compulsory to fit into the one or two other sterotypes available. you could make new paths.

monster 10-02-2008 08:58 PM

OMFG! watching the debate.. I'm, sure she said nucular.... twice....


(prolly thinks it's cute :rolleyes:)

monster 10-02-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 483544)
You still sound like she can't be both a mother and a VP or President. That is why she has a supporting husband to pick up the slack when she is working, just like any other head of state with children. It is just a role reversal. Hell, people keep forgetting that Pelosi is the mother of 5. No double standard there.

mother yes
full time no.

how many "other heads of state" have no non-parental help with children? that's what she is (or maybe was) claiming would be the case. if she expects to work presidential hours, she cannot expect to be the mom she describes herself as. that said, I've seen so many more interviews since that I've realised this is totally a moot point. she doesn't think this deeply.

classicman 10-02-2008 09:01 PM

Thatcher is a great person. You may not like her position on things, but from across the pond she is still very well respected.

monster 10-02-2008 09:07 PM

I'm loving Palin in this "debate"! She's preety much nailing McCain's coffin :D

monster 10-02-2008 09:11 PM

scarily more of an imitation than a parody

SamIam 10-02-2008 09:22 PM

Watching the debate. Palin as the possible leader of the US? Aaaargh! If she uses the word "maverick" one more time, I think I'll puke! :headshake

monster 10-02-2008 09:24 PM

u can't puke, I stole ur bukkit

Trilby 10-02-2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 489253)
OMFG! watching the debate.. I'm, sure she said nucular.... twice....


(prolly thinks it's cute :rolleyes:)

I heard it, too, on NPR (was in car)---my seventeen year old son looked at me, wide-eyed, and said, "She just said NUCULAR!" and we burst out laughing. If a 17 year old male, who's focus is definitely NOT politics but chicks, notices how dumb this woman is, hopefully others will, too.

My ex-in laws, who don't believe dinosaurs once walked the earth (satan put the dino bones there to "confuse" us) WILL be voting McCain/Palin.

richlevy 10-02-2008 10:56 PM

Well, she came off well on the personality front. I'll bet hardly anyone noticed that she named a Civil War general as the commander in Afghanistan. Also, she was snide, condescending, and essentially accused Biden of being an opportunistic coward. I'm sure Biden was very carefully coached not to engage her, so he did not fire back. That took a lot more discipline than I would have credited to him.

She got past her inexperience by speaking in generalities and in many cases ducking the question. Biden did not call her on it.

I do think the part where she wanted to go further in redefining the vice presidency than Cheney has was frightening.

The fact checkers are going to be working overtime on her claims, and some of Biden's too.

lookout123 10-03-2008 12:16 AM

plenty to focus on besides her pronunciation. If I remember, Mr Carter had a rather unusual pronunciation as well. Of course he was a shit president, so that probably isn't a comparison she'd want.

Sundae 10-03-2008 04:39 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 489256)
Thatcher is a great person. You may not like her position on things, but from across the pond she is still very well respected.

If her politics are anathema to you, it's very hard to call her a great person. I agree that she was a great politician. And I agree with Monster that she was a ground breaker for women in politics in this country. Great person? Hmmmm. I'm not entirely sure she was a person. Still.

I'll have to look up some clips from the VP debate on YouTube. I'm pleased to hear that Biden didn't rise though.

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