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LabRat 09-15-2006 12:37 PM

My daughter had broken out on her nose from the sunscreen I had been using on her. I wanted to put a little 'zit creme' on it before she went to bed. She said she didn't want any. Why? "Because I want to look like you mama!"


footfootfoot 09-15-2006 01:51 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BigV
SonofV handed me a little plastic "jewel",
a faceted red heart, and said, "Because you don't get enough love."

ouch. Just wait till he's old enough to do "the tiny violin"

rkzenrage 09-16-2006 12:57 AM

My three-year-old said "oh, snap" tonight.
I about busted a gut.

LabRat 09-19-2006 09:12 AM

The other day my daughter said "Oh, cricket". Dunno where it came from, but we immediately adapted it and it became the phrase of choice for our houshold immediately.

footfootfoot 10-20-2006 08:20 PM

Being the Beastie Boys fans that we are, we taught Inchling to refer to cold weather as "chilly most."

Tonight we are having our usual friday bachelor pizza fest with much frivolity, juice, wine, and Thomas the tank engine.

Also we get to do "guy things" like the perennial favorite "pull my finger"

I offer my finger and invite the inch to pull it. After the report, which was hilarious- trust me, inchling looks up at me and says
"That was funny most"

What can I expect the future to bring?

DucksNuts 10-20-2006 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot
Tonight we are having our usual friday bachelor pizza fest with much frivolity, juice, wine, and Thomas the tank engine.

That sounds like Fridays at my house too :D

morethanpretty 10-20-2006 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by LabRat
This morning I was in line with Rugrat at Panera Bread getting goodies to bring to work.

Yea! I work at Panera Bread!

When I was in first grade we were playing a rhyming game...we were using words ending in -uck
and yes when it came my turn I use f-uck...all the kids laughed but I didn't know it was a bad word...I might not have even heard it before. My mom laughed when I told her later that day.

My mom had my hair cut super short once, like a boy's, and when my sibs got home one of them (cant remember which) asked who the boy was.

Ibby 10-22-2006 03:50 AM

Ohhh man, Pantera pwnz.

Oh wait, you said Panera.

morethanpretty 10-23-2006 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram
Ohhh man, Pantera pwnz.

Oh wait, you said Panera.

Panera pwnz too! atleast my store does

My second cousin (5), Moose, told me that he was gonna marry his mother's sister. It took me ten minutes to explain to him that his mother's sister was aunt K or aunt V. After he understood, he said he wanted to marry someone like his mother then. I didn't know how to respond, his mother married an abusive man, neglected Moose and his sibs, did/does drugs, almost gave them up for adoption, it took her 3 kids to figure out birth control, dropped outta HS...the list goes on. One day he'll understand, or maybe she'll clean up her act by then, in the mean time his Nanny (my Aunt) and his Aunt K are practically raising them. I love Moose and his sibs. His bro, Bay, will sit in your lap for hours if you let him, and his sis Al told me my name was true. Also Moose has developed a new habit of whispering to you. At his birthday party he ran around the room and whispered in everyone's ear "Thank you for the present"

footfootfoot 10-23-2006 09:18 PM

Inch and SWMBO were at the grocery store today and he stared at the chicken going around the rotissery for a while then pointed at them and shouted at the top of his lungs:
"umm, that's actually its tail."

footfootfoot 11-16-2006 06:44 PM

"A mouse is a kind of tiny, itsy-bitsy, creature that you give cheese to it."


Griff 11-16-2006 08:03 PM

Lil' Pete farted. Pete says, "That was musical." Lil' Griff replies, "Lets play musical chairs!"

Pete says, "I'm feeling flakey today." Lil' Pete says, "Yeah me too." Lil Griff says, "My scalp is flakey."

footfootfoot 11-16-2006 08:06 PM

haha. how old is lil Griff?

rkzenrage 11-17-2006 02:35 AM

My three-year-old says, as he is closing the door to our van, after trying to lock down my wheel-chair by himself; my wife trying to keep him from breaking all of his fingers...
"I can do things all by myself in this big crazy-crazy world MOM!".
*Very exasperated sigh & rolling of the eyes*

My wife messed-up and cursed with "oh, Hell" where he could hear recently... he misheard her and now his favorite exclamation is "oh, hound!"

LabRat 11-17-2006 08:42 AM

Last weekend my daughter (almost 4) went to a freinds birthday party. Unfortunately it was from 1-3, prime nap time. She obviously needed one when I picked her up. She fell asleep in the car on the way home, and unfortunately woke up in a very foul mood when I tried to carry her to her bed. I put her in bed and told her she needed to take a nap, wherupon she threw a fit. I closed the door and left to get her stuff out of the car.
When I come back in the house my husband informs me I was told to "get my ass back in her room and get her some food!"

Good thing I didn't hear her or she still wouldn't be sitting down.

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