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Radar 05-06-2008 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 451591)
I guess you're schooling didn't include sarcasm. Have you ever been diagnosed with social interaction problems?

Oh I admit it alright, but I believe my approach of challenging stereotypes and discrimination is better and more likely to improve the situation than your approach of buckling down and saying yessir. But then it appears you don't want the situation to change. Because you are racist and sexist, and the status quo suits you just fine.

I'm neither racist, nor sexist. Discrimination based on names I find stupid is neither of these. On the contrary, I support meritocracy in all areas. I want TRUE equality for women.

For instance, if I had a company where people had to move bags of cement all day. If Bob can lift and move ten 50 lb bags of cement per minute, and Sally can only move 5, Sally should earn half of what Bob does. If the opposite is true, Bob should earn half of what Sally earns.

If Bob can be drafted in the military and sent to the front line to fight, Sally should have the same chances of this happening to her. I expect a woman to open her own door just as I'd expect any man to do. I expect a woman to pay for her own dinner or drinks as any man would do.

I am against any affirmative action programs to put more women or minorities in colleges. I would go purely based on standardized test scores, and nothing else.

Radar 05-06-2008 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 451596)
so, you are afraid they'll laugh at you.

Perhaps you need a little more humor in your life.

and compassion.

I'm not afraid of anyone laughing at me. I want to make sure those we do business with will take us seriously. I do have compassion, and I want others to have compassion for their children instead of being cruel and naming them something freaky. Love your kids enough not to do this.

Radar 05-06-2008 08:40 PM

I'll give an example. I've had guys join the team who had a decent skill set and job experience. But after getting the job, they thought they were too important to open computer boxes, or climb under desks to check cabling, or load servers onto racks.

They don't fit in well with the team. I expect everyone to put in a full day of work for a full day of pay. When I pay someone, I'm renting their labor for the day. It doesn't matter if I tell them to fix the mail server or sweep the floor. They do what needs to be done. This is the attitude I've always had, and the attitude I expect from those who work for me.

My team likes to joke around with each other. I've seen people come here who couldn't take a joke, or who wanted a meeting every time someone was kidding around with them. They also don't fit they are a lawsuit waiting to happen. I don't want 'em.

jinx 05-06-2008 08:41 PM

What were their names?

monster 05-06-2008 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 451593)
The best person for the job isn't always the most qualified or best educated. You can have someone who knows pretty much everything, but if he can't get along with others, or doesn't fit in with the rest of the team, he's worthless to me.

not arguing with that, but you can really tell all this from the person's name? They won't get along with you team because they will bully them based on the name? or is there a secret naming code?


I went through a lot of people at my last job. I've hired people and told them to pack up their things and leave before lunchtime came around. I've gone through 3 or 4 people in a week until I get someone who has skills and who can actually get along well.
and you don't htink that says anything about your hiring skills?


I've met more techs with padded resumes claiming to have skills when they don't know shit about I.T. (like you perhaps)

I could care less about whether or not you're female, but I wouldn't hire a bitch like you. Minimum wage would be too much for your ilk.

As far as your qualifications and earnings go, congrats on making more money than me. Good for you. If I were you, I wouldn't bet your qualifications were better than mine, but it's nice that you can find work for that much money....assuming you don't really live in a trailer somewhere collecting welfare, with 2 kids that have freaky names, making up lies about being in I.T.
right. I can live with that if it makes you feel better. But at least allow me a double-wide. Did I graduate High school? I guess not. Can i please have 3 kids? Thor may be a handful, but he's pretty cute and he might keep me in my old age. I'd miss him

monster 05-06-2008 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 451600)
I'm not afraid of anyone laughing at me.

That is so good to hear.

Radar 05-06-2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 451603)
not arguing with that, but you can really tell all this from the person's name? They won't get along with you team because they will bully them based on the name? or is there a secret naming code?

It's just how I feel. I want people on the team I can count on, who will work hard for me, who actually have the skills they put on their resume, and who won't make themselves or the rest of the team targets for ridicule.


Originally Posted by monster (Post 451603)
and you don't htink that says anything about your hiring skills?

All of the candidates were supposed to have been screened by the H.R. department. Most of those I got rid of had padded resumes. Most of them lied about certifications or degrees. I know they were lying because when I put them in front of real computers, printers, etc. they stood there with a blank look on their faces. Many couldn't figure out how to answer the phone. When I hired them, I told them they had a maximum of 3 days to show me they could hit the ground running. I didn't lie to any of them.


Originally Posted by monster (Post 451603)
right. I can live with that if it makes you feel better. But at least allow me a double-wide. Did I graduate High school? I guess not. Can i please have 3 kids? Thor may be a handful, but he's pretty cute and he might keep me in my old age. I'd miss him


You can have the best trailer in the whole trailer park. You can have a penthouse in New York. You could have several PhD's or a GED. It wouldn't matter to me unless you were applying to work for me and I think the chances of that are pretty slim.

I will tell you this, if your name was actually "monster", you wouldn't get hired.

Cloud 05-06-2008 08:52 PM

I agree that names can be a burden and should be chosen carefully. That's about all I can agree with you on this topic, however.

monster 05-06-2008 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 451601)
I'll give an example. I've had guys join the team who had a decent skill set and job experience. But after getting the job, they thought they were too important to open computer boxes, or climb under desks to check cabling, or load servers onto racks.

They don't fit in well with the team. I expect everyone to put in a full day of work for a full day of pay. When I pay someone, I'm renting their labor for the day. It doesn't matter if I tell them to fix the mail server or sweep the floor. They do what needs to be done. This is the attitude I've always had, and the attitude I expect from those who work for me.

My team likes to joke around with each other. I've seen people come here who couldn't take a joke, or who wanted a meeting every time someone was kidding around with them. They also don't fit they are a lawsuit waiting to happen. I don't want 'em.

This is why you only make $85. And I'm not suprised it's a fortune worth bragging about to you. And no wonder you get new jobs so easily. But a quick heads-up -the going rate for what you claim to do in where you claim to live is at least twice if not three times that. :)

Maybe a wake-up call?

Of course, what would I know about such things when I scrub it out collecting cans off the edge of the freeway to get the recycling deposit to pay my rent.... giving the odd blowjob to a hobo for a buck a piece (if I'm lucky...)

sweetwater 05-06-2008 08:59 PM

Radar, are you arguing against unusual names because you think the name was given by usual parents who probably raised the child in an unusual way and that way would be incompatible with the more traditionally named and reared employees? And would it matter if parents named the person or the person changed names when reaching legal age? I'm curious.
Check my post count, I'm new here, be gentle. I'm curious, not confrontational.

monster 05-06-2008 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 451605)
It's just how I feel. I want people on the team I can count on, who will work hard for me, who actually have the skills they put on their resume, and who won't make themselves or the rest of the team targets for ridicule.

So it's based on your name prejudice. period.


All of the candidates were supposed to have been screened by the H.R. department. Most of those I got rid of had padded resumes. Most of them lied about certifications or degrees. I know they were lying because when I put them in front of real computers, printers, etc. they stood there with a blank look on their faces. Many couldn't figure out how to answer the phone. When I hired them, I told them they had a maximum of 3 days to show me they could hit the ground running. I didn't lie to any of them.
Would you accept this excuse from a potential employee?


unless you were applying to work for me and I think the chances of that are pretty slim.
Oh so do I, hon, so do I.


I will tell you this, if your name was actually "monster", you wouldn't get hired.
note to self: have another kid (need different babypapa) and name it monster.

Do your employers ever see what you post here? I find it hard to believe they could support this crap. Especially the bit about rejecting resumes on the basis of first name not being racist. No wonder you were so touchy when i brought up your job.

monster 05-06-2008 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 451501)
may even effect his ability to get work later in life.

btw, it's affect. I would have said something earlier, but I didn't want to make you look stupid until you'd done it for yourself.... ;)

Radar 05-06-2008 09:06 PM

I make $85,000 per year and I wasn't bragging. I did get new contracts very easily, but I don't do that anymore. I've taken a permanent job as the I.T. Director for a movie company so I can have something with a bit more stability for my wife and daughter.

Since taking this job, I've been getting a lot of calls (some for a lot more money) to go back to doing contract consulting, but I won't take it. The going rate for a network manager in this part of California averages less than what I earn. Some people make a lot more money doing this, and some make less. I make enough. I took the job for it's growth potential and because I'll get to build the network from the bottom up because the last guys they had didn't know shit.

I've historically worked for very large companies where I was one cog in a giant machine. I've seen how bureaucracy kept them from doing what was best for their networks and how resistant they were to change.

Now I'm in a job where I get to make 100% of the decisions and where the network will be exactly the way it should be. That alone is worth taking a hit in the wallet. Besides, once the job is done, I'll be getting a very big bump.

LOL @ blowing hobos for a buck. That was actually very funny. :)

Radar 05-06-2008 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by sweetwater (Post 451610)
Radar, are you arguing against unusual names because you think the name was given by usual parents who probably raised the child in an unusual way and that way would be incompatible with the more traditionally named and reared employees? And would it matter if parents named the person or the person changed names when reaching legal age? I'm curious.
Check my post count, I'm new here, be gentle. I'm curious, not confrontational.

This is a pretty accurate way of describing my feelings toward these unusual names. The job thing was only part of it, though the discussion seems to have gravitated toward it. I genuinely feel for kids getting picked on for something like that.

If a person changed their legal name, I'd have no way of knowing. I might be surprised and have a great employee I can depend on. I might also find someone who comes to work with a green mohawk, tatoos a swastika on their forehead, and pierces their cheek after a month on the job and who shows up late everyday.

All I'm saying is it's wrong for parents to do this to their kids. Have a little compassion and understanding. Don't pretend that they won't be picked on because that's the kind of world you WISH it would be. Don't let your kids get beaten up because you want to be Rosa Parks.

monster 05-06-2008 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by Radar (Post 451599)

For instance, if I had a company where people had to move bags of cement all day. If Bob can lift and move ten 50 lb bags of cement per minute, and Sally can only move 5, Sally should earn half of what Bob does. If the opposite is true, Bob should earn half of what Sally earns.

But if you could only interview one of them? Which one would you choose?

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