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Hubris Boy 11-21-2002 02:05 AM

For reasons I don't fully understand, I've been on a Sinclair Lewis kick lately.

In the past month or so, I've plowed through Main Street, Babbitt, Elmer Gantry, Arrowsmith and It Can't Happen Here. I haven't been able to find a copy of Dodsworth anywhere; I tried to force my way through Kingsblood Royal, but it was so awful I had to stop.

I was especially amused by the dedication of Elmer Gantry:
      "To H.L. Mencken, with profound admiration"

which was probably much funnier back when the book was originally published, and Mencken's coverage of the Scopes Trial was still fresh in everybody's mind but, hey... a laugh's a laugh.

elSicomoro 11-21-2002 12:19 PM

Rho's been on a magazine kick lately, so I get to read what she reads...Upscale, Jet, and XXL magazines.

XXL has to be one of the worst magazines I have ever read, in that it is written in straight up ghetto talk. However, it did have some interesting articles on LL Cool J, Slick Rick, and a very nice photo spread of model/actress Sundi Carter.

j03L10T 11-21-2002 12:25 PM

Old Brown Shoe-
THAT I will remember. Strangely enough- in a very nicer way someday.

: )

j03L10T 11-21-2002 12:36 PM

That was for 'Hubris Boy', and NOT Sycamore. In case you were wondering.

: )

snapdragon072985 11-23-2002 10:52 PM

Quick Question
Hi Alana Again. I was just wondering if you all just stick to the author you know. I am not trying to bring up arguments I just want to know if you like to read the well know as well as the newer authors.
Well talk to you later.


snapdragon072985 11-23-2002 10:54 PM

Oh I forgot
Well anyways since I brought up the subject. Who are your favorite authors anyways? I myself don't really have a favorite author I just read anything I like. Well talk to you later. Hope to see your replies soon.

wolf 11-24-2002 02:48 AM

Re: Oh I forgot

[Originally posted by snapdragon072985
I was just wondering if you all just stick to the author you know.

I'm not like a lot of people ... i read anything and everything. sometimes i find out about new authors because a friend recommended him/her, other times i'll take a chance because i liked what was written on the back of the book, or i saw an interview with the author, or's recommendation bot told me i'd like it (i've actually purchased several books this way that i've been happy with). But yes, I do also stick with authors i know...


Well anyways since I brought up the subject. Who are your favorite authors anyways?
Harlan Ellison
Andrew Vachss
Mercedes Lackey (sometimes - earlier stuff is better)
Robert Heinlein
Andrew MacDonald
Tom Clancy
Jerry Ahern
Tanith Lee
Larry Niven
Terry Pratchett
Stephen King
Anne McCaffrey
Michael Marshall Smith
M.R. Sellars
Jonathan Gash
Dick Francis
Jonathan Cain
Walter Farley
J.K. Rowling (yes, really)
Marion Zimmer Bradley
(there are TONS more. I didn't feel like getting up to look)


I myself don't really have a favorite author I just read anything I like.
That then naturally brings up the question ... what DO you like? And of the authors you've read and enjoyed ... have you ever read more than one of their books? Have you bothered to find out if they've written anything else?

What leads you to choose the books you have read?

Do you buy in a bookstore, dept/discount store, online or supermarket? Or do you still use the *gasp* library?

(incidentally, I don't use the library a whole lot, because I much prefer being able to read at my own pace, and well, I'm also very acquisitive with respect to books ...)

Cam 11-24-2002 02:50 AM

I'm a huge Stephen King fan. I got into them my sophmore year in high school and have nearly read all of his stories. Some of them aren't that great but I loved The Standand the Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. Besides King, I usually just grab whatever my dad finished reading, usually something along the lines of Nelson Demere(I think that's how you spell it, too lazy to look it up).

j03L10T 11-24-2002 08:50 AM

Re: Re: Oh I forgot

Originally posted by wolf

That then naturally brings up the question ... what DO you like?

I am more of a writer than a reader. King, Koontz, Pratchett, and Clancy- I have enjoyed there company since I was a child. And among the same circle, probably even more famous authors than I ever cared to have known or have recognized at a literary level. In an unexpected way, I recognize my error by soley laying credit for all of Pratchett's works. I'm very calm and relaxed about this whole matter, and I think it is very nice for any of my well establihed friends to have ever allowed my own works to be published under their very own pseudonyms. I'm a very lucky guy to be able to say that the publishing rights to "the green mile" were already secured under another title before the work ever changed hands this time, and still a big fan of the man himself. "The Green Mile" was written during my sophmore year of high school, beginning with the script itself. The year was 1984. No offense intended, merely facts you would never have been aware of by way of any other venue. Yours Truly-

Joe Q. Elliot

Post Scriptum- I did write a few stories published under the name of "John Irving" as well and yes the picture on the back cover of the author is the same man whose picture is on the back of every "John Irving" story.

: )

snapdragon072985 11-24-2002 01:29 PM

Re: Re: Oh I forgot

Originally posted by wolf

That then naturally brings up the question ... what DO you like? And of the authors you've read and enjoyed ... have you ever read more than one of their books? Have you bothered to find out if they've written anything else?
What leads you to choose the books you have read?

It depends on what I am in the mood for. Sometimes romance, action, drama, murder mystery, or a comedy. Yes I do follow up on the authors I read. I have read atleast 2 books of each author. Also I usually buy their books when they are released. Actually I read a book from Catherine Coulter and I wrote her an e-mail telling her the book was great to read which it was and she asked for my address and sent me an autographed book. At first I found a book in my house by Agatha Christie, I enjoyed the book and have read 3 of her books. I read from time to time anything and sometimes my friends suggest a book then they pass it along to me, we trade then talk to eachother about the books. Well thanks for the interaction, atleast you cared to ask.


gonzo_4_life15 09-26-2005 03:19 PM

right now HST fear and loathing in america, ayn rand - fountain head, and short stories on pirate history

superbaton 09-26-2005 06:41 PM

Stephen L. Carter's 'The Emperor of Ocean Park'

wolf 09-27-2005 01:14 AM

Gonzo, if I might recommend ... The Pirate's Own Book (I've also read a couple of other pirating books, including two on lady pirates and another called Under the Black Flag, which had the coolest cover art).

Current read is The Essential Kaballah.

ashke 09-27-2005 01:31 AM

The Opium War 1840-1842 by Peter Ward Fay

I like descriptive books on historical events.

gonzo_4_life15 09-27-2005 04:34 PM

Ya i was reading under the black flag but i lost it like a month ago, things were crazy back then reaal crazy

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