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DanaC 07-27-2004 03:18 PM

Good man. I'd like to say i always buy fair trade but I dont. There are occassions when I just buy the supermarkets own brand

wolf 07-28-2004 02:16 AM

You'd rather the kids not have jobs to support their families?

jaguar 07-28-2004 02:26 AM

Do you really want to get into the economics of child workers?

wolf 07-28-2004 02:45 AM

No, not really, but you're more than welcome to start a thread outside of the coffee thread if you really feel the need.

Cyber Wolf 07-28-2004 06:58 AM

Starbucks may have the coffee world wrapped up but they've got some work to do on their hot chocolate.

Kitsune 07-28-2004 07:53 AM

Starbucks may have the coffee world wrapped up but they've got some work to do on their hot chocolate.

Ever try their pastries? Especially that brown muffin with the big, creamy crater in the top? I've been trying for years to figure out what the hell that thing is supposed to be. I guess they have some more years to work on the food portion of their establishments, too.

...and I say this as I sip a $3 mocha with the big green logo on the side in the cardboard insulator. These cups could also use some work, too, but no one believes me. "Exploding coffee", I call it, when steam builds in the dome, a-la Mount St. Helens, and when you tip the coffee to take a drink the liquid covers the only exhaust hole big enough for gas escape (there is a little hole in the back specifically designed for vacuum and pressure release, but its not big enough!) The result is a small explosion of coffee that only seems to happen when you are on your way to work and have on nice clothing. Khaki pants and nice blue shirt are suddenly stained forever. I've experienced this, oh, four or five times, and trying to explain it to the staff is impossible.

Whats that smell? Impending lawsuit. Mmm. :o

Have you been traumatized by exploding coffee? Has your love life suffered? Did you lose your job as a consequence of stained clothing? I'm John Bellvue, attorney at law...

Clodfobble 07-28-2004 09:21 AM

My friend's dad once left his coffee cup on the roof of the car when he drove off.

Then he opened the sunroof. :D

Catwoman 07-28-2004 09:25 AM

I buy Free Trade but until they tighten up the label licensing pretty much anyone can label their coffee (or other product) fair trade as long as they don't use the 'official' logo. Nestle are going through an appeal at the moment.

DanaC 07-28-2004 09:33 AM

I didnt know that CW, that's interesting. I know that the Co-op only use fair trade on their own brand coffees and chocolate

Catwoman 07-28-2004 09:47 AM

Yes, as far as I know that's the 'real' fair trade. Always a good purchase anyway as it shows the consumer is becoming more ethically aware which forces people in my industry to reconsider the ethicality of the products they are selling - that glimmer of profitability from a new market gives any marketer wet dreams - I think we'll see a surprising increase in the number of ethically-aware products over the next few years.

jaguar 07-28-2004 09:48 AM
Is the site to check for the UK, similar sites exist for most countries. I'm yet to see one without the logo, if I do i'll go back and add some stickers to point this out.

Carbonated_Brains 07-28-2004 12:10 PM

(coffee wont stain unless it has milk or cream in it. Black coffee-stains wash right out.)

cowhead 08-09-2004 12:30 PM

ahh.. coffee...

love the stuff! although I have the kinda bass-ackwards metabolism that if I drink 1-3 cups it wakes me up, more than that the hyperactivity (aka. adhd.. whatever!) reverses the effect and it starts making me tired. used to piss off my roomates, I'd wake up @ 10:00 watch 'The Price is Right' and 'Days of our lives' (yeah I know.. but it's sooooo addictive!) drink a 1/2 pot of coffee and then take a nap before work..

although a body ought to drink quite a bit of water if you also drink alot of coffee, it can lead to dehydration and kidney stones (yuck) and also on a side note (especially to those who have asthma or allergies) it's a great bronchio-dialator (sp?) if you start getting all wheezy

and fair trade coffee is the only way to go (a local fellow roasts his own coffees and buys fair trade beans.. so.. I buy from him, he's also a.) really good at it and b.) a really nice guy

Trilby 08-09-2004 01:20 PM

Didn't someone say Starbuck's tastes like ass? I just had a Starbuck's latte--it was OK but not worth $3.55 (was a venti--I thought that meant 'small'--am idiot.) :blush:

lulu 08-09-2004 06:55 PM

I like coffee. I especially love turkish coffee in the morning. Nice kick to it.

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