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Happy Monkey 09-25-2013 08:39 PM

It's not single-payer.

BigV 09-26-2013 04:04 PM


well played.

xoxoxoBruce 09-26-2013 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 877088)
It's not single-payer.

That's the biggie. There are many flaws in the program, the result of the compromises necessary to get the big money/power players to not fight it. But these can be fixed, one by one. The problem I see is ever getting those changes made. Look at what Medicare pays for drugs as an example of continuing malfeasance.

tw 09-26-2013 09:44 PM

While extremists are making war on a good idea from a Conservative think tank; previously callled RomneyCare. We are not advancing mankind by moving on to the next problem: excessive hospital costs and charges.

Their obstruction further exposes why they only naysay. As Limbaugh said, "We want America to fail." It explains why wackos have nothing to replace ObamaCare. That would require intelligent thinking.

Remember intelligent thinking? Same wackos rhetoric surrendered to the Taliban in Afghanistan to invent an unnecessary war called Mission Accomplished.

Even Ted Cruz did a 21 hour filibuster ... to do what? He had no purpose other than to grandstand. To rally wacko extremists to be even more hateful, destructive, and obstructive. His filibuster had no useful purpose other than to naysay.

If Congress had many fewer wackos, then long ago we moved on to the next problem - excessive hospital costs.

Adak 09-28-2013 08:15 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 877000)
So, Cruz read Green Eggs and Ham during his Fauxlibuster.

The moral of that story is that it turned out that green eggs and ham were delicious...

What REALLY happened was Senator Cruz said he wanted to tell a good night story to his kids, and read from Dr. Suez, for a few minutes. Then he said goodnight and "Don't worry, Daddy will be home soon".

If it had been Obama, it would have been a touching family scene, perhaps done with a split screen. One screen showing Cruz reading the bed time story, and the other showing the kids listening at home.

But Cruz is a conservative, so instantly this really touching few minutes, were reported by most media, as something crazy or very silly. It was neither. It was a father reading a short bed time story, to his kids, when he couldn't be at home to do it personally.

That's one of the big problems for the Republican party. They have plans to fix our health care system, and a lot of other plans as well, but no one is getting it out to the media. And when they do, it gets minimum, or slanted coverage.

As long as the media treats everyone who disagrees with Obama's policies as a racist, there's no basis for honest reporting. It's all reporting "stories that fit into our framework or theme", as the New York Times editor brazenly put it. When you have a propaganda campaign instead of honest reporting, it's a wonder you have anyone willing to stand up against it. That was the entire purpose of Cruz's over-night, speech. (It wasn't a filibuster, since it did not delay or stop the vote on any bill.)

So I salute Sen. Cruz for a bold stand, along with Senators Lee, Rubio, Rand, and all the rest. It wasn't always pretty, but he did get some media attention for the fact that many Americans are against Obama Care, as it's currently being implemented, and many are concerned about the repeating increases in our debt, caused by the excessive spending of Obama and Congress.

While fighting to stop ObamaCare may be the most popular cause among Conservatives, it would be more productive to force *some* cuts in spending, in return for raising the debt ceiling.

Getting something is a lot better than nothing, and as political leaders, they have to learn that compromise is the name of the game, ultimately. This is politics, not a gun fight at the OK Corral.

Griff 09-28-2013 08:37 AM

I do think Republicans get screwed by the media generally on this kind of stuff. I'm sure Cruz is not a conservative though. Conservatives like a stable environment for business and families. Obamacare seeks compromises with conservatives to promote those things. We don't want a system that ruins individuals with health issues, that is the situation we're coming from. To make conservatives happy, insurance companies were included in the system instead of being destroyed for the greater good. When Tea Partiers shut down government programs they send ripples through the economy in all kinds of unforeseen ways. My non-profit does special education services for a lot less money than the public school alternative, but we're going down the drain because of last years sequester. Cruz is no conservative. His radical policies destroy businesses, jobs, and individuals. Don't hide behind the single-payer fig leaf, Cruz would never support that and you know it.

Lamplighter 09-28-2013 09:13 AM


What REALLY happened was Senator Cruz said he wanted to tell a good night story to his kids,
and read from Dr. Suez, for a few minutes. Then he said goodnight and "Don't worry, Daddy will be home soon".
It was a father reading a short bed time story, to his kids, when he couldn't be at home to do it personally.<snip>
Geeesh Adak, do you really have to try to re-write everything to fit your own unique worldview.
Maybe the media coverage was a bit more than needed, but try taking a few things in politics with a grain of salt.

What you can not avoid is that Cruz's views were completely rejected by the Senate (100 to 0)
... he even voted against himself !

Like Gerald Ford bumping his head and being wrong about Poland,
Cruz likely will forever be linked to green eggs... and being wrong about them, too.

DanaC 09-28-2013 09:15 AM

Was this the same awesome speechifying in which he equated what was happening with healthcare in America to Nazi Germany?

Lamplighter 09-28-2013 09:18 AM


richlevy 09-28-2013 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 876508)
My medical records already contain that, and worse than that. This is nothing less than conspiracy theory. Stop the bullshit, it's beneath you.

Not really. He's already running pretty low to the ground as it is. When it comes to the barking dogs of the Right, he's pretty much a Dachshund.

As to Mr. Cruz, he has successfully leapt to the forefront. Since he was kind enough to open the Godwin Gate in his remarks, I would like to remind everyone what happened to the Nazi Party and the Iraqi Ba'ath Party.


During 1921 and 1922, the Nazi Party grew significantly, partly through Hitler's oratorical skills, partly through the SA's appeal to unemployed young men, and partly because there was a backlash against socialist and liberal politics in Bavaria as Germany's economic problems deepened and the weakness of the Weimar regime became apparent.

Hussein became President of Iraq, Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council, Prime Minister and General Secretary of the Regional Command of the Ba'ath Party in 1979, during a wave of anti-regime protests in Iraq led by the Shia community
I'm sure that Ted has read Mein Kampf multiple times and probably highlighted what he considers the good parts. So if he succeeds in his personal ambition, how many titles will he have?

Happy Monkey 09-28-2013 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877475)
What REALLY happened was Senator Cruz said he wanted to tell a good night story to his kids, and read from Dr. Suez, for a few minutes. Then he said goodnight and "Don't worry, Daddy will be home soon".


Cruz said after he finished reading the story that the book "has some applicability, as curious as it may sound, to the Obamcare debate," adding that Americans "did not like green eggs and ham, and they did not like Obamacare either."

DanaC 09-28-2013 02:24 PM

Is this the same guy who said entitlements once in place are never removed and that people become 'addicted' to those entitlements?

So...Americans don't like Obamacare, but if they get healthcare entitlements they'll like them so much they'll never want to give them up?

richlevy 09-28-2013 09:03 PM

Saw an interview with a Republican congressman who also happens to be a doctor. He stated that his opposition to the law was because it was flawed and that Americans deserved the more perfect, Republican supported approach to affordable and accessible healthcare that he implied was ready to be implemented at a moment's notice.:lol2:

It sounds like the kind of bullshit someone late on their rent would use with their landlord.

"Look, I know that the rent's due and it 750 dollars, but all I have is 695 and I really think that you deserve all of it considering this really great apartment. I couldn't even imagine insulting you with a partial payment, so if you come back in two weeks you will get what you really deserve."

I don't think that there is anyone who believes that the party in the majority in the house had an effective health care proposal they were fully willing to support that they just happened to fail to bring to the floor.

Adak 09-29-2013 02:10 AM

If you saw Cruz reading Dr. Seuss to his kids, all the way through, you would have to agree:

It was a touching family moment. I don't care WHAT your politics are, this rose above it. Of course, Senator Cruz is the "Conservative devil of the month", so he is to be vilified by all the media, and the loyal non-thinkers who honestly believe:

* wealth is made by the gov't.

* and since the gov't prints the money, the more bills we print, the higher our wealth will become.

I nearly fell over when Nancy Pelosi was explaining that food stamps were "an excellent stimulus for the economy".

And not ONE* reporter questioned the madness of that statement, although it was widely covered by the media.

*that I heard about

Today on CBS news I was listening to how the Republicans were trying to "destroy" the government, with their latest resolutions, etc.

Not one word of anything fair or impartial about the Republicans. Nope, they're the devils, and we're going to slander them until the cows come home, and then get up and do it again tomorrow.

Because they know that making one party, hate the other party, makes for great compromises in Washington. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

tw 09-29-2013 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 877592)
It was a touching family moment.

A politician was wasting everyone's time. Even Cruz could not define what his purpose was. It did not matter. He was promoting himself to the naive who ignored he was filibustering without purpose. He had no strategic objective. And still some foolishly praised him for wasting time reading about green eggs.

Eventually even he voted to do what he said he was trying to stop.

Even the Geico Gecko speaks with a purpose.

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