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9th Engineer 12-04-2006 08:14 PM

I'm not going to read back over more than 30 pages of posts (how long did this issue go on??) to find out things from before I really caught on to things around here, but it sounds like a vauge pattern is emerging again. Mari brings up an innocent enough topic and may have a good point (in this case it was substandard food being donated), but it manages to morph into something entirely different and almost always hostile about something directly or indirectly related to her.

Mari, I did PM you, check your messages. I'd at least like to know whatever background I can get before committing myself to any opinions.

I can see a second trend developing secondary to Mari's influence as well, but I'm going to watch a little longer and see how it develops.

JayMcGee 12-04-2006 08:15 PM

with Danac and Ali on this one.

I have a RL friend in very much the same situation as the marichick, and like her, she is vilified and attacked whenever she posts on the boards (if your so poor, how come you can afford broadband etc...)

Keep your chin up, mari...... some of us do care.

9th Engineer 12-04-2006 09:41 PM

The same situation? That's alot to judge from someone's text, communication over a board (even PMing) is never reliable. I see ALOT of holes in Mari's story and she's got some serious explaining to do to offset the fact that the math on her posts points to pathological scam artist rather than victim. That's what's sitting on the board, until I hear news that makes me reconsider I have no sympathy for this person.

(I've browsed a few more posts since last comment, that attitude is waning fast)

JayMcGee 12-04-2006 09:51 PM

TBH, nineth placed, I can't remember acknowledging that I valued your opinon in this or indeed any other matter.

9th Engineer 12-04-2006 10:23 PM

And I can't remember that ever having any effect on what I think and how I say it.

marichiko 12-04-2006 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by tw
Did I miss something? Where does hyperbaric therapy apply? Or was it only uses as an example?

Hyperbaric therapy if administered in time can undo or even prevent further damage after carbon monoxide poisoning. Essentially, the CO binds preferentially with the hemoglobin in the blood which transports O2 throughout the body. Its like being suffocated from inside. Instead og getting a nice dose of O2, the cells of the body get a dose of deadly poison. The heart and brain require themost O2, so the damage is usually in these two organs. The parts of the brain that are standing at the end of the chow line, so to speak, suffer the most damage. That is why some parts of the brain can be severely impacted while others are relatively unharmed.

Hyberbaric therapy sort of super oxygenates the blood system and can save cells that might otherwise have died.

Orthodoc, sorry about the typo - I meant anoxia. My brain does that now - it creates new and amazing words. Sometimes I catch 'em and sometimes... Oh, well.


Originally Posted by Labrat
BTW, my hypothesis was that her posts/stories are full of holes because her brain is. (see "moth-eaten") It was a bad joke, sorry

LOL! I loved that! Its so damn true! My life has become as tattered as my moth eaten brain. Labrat, I'm sorry I got mad at you, I just get so tired of feeling the need to defend myself to people who have no idea and don't care what I'm talking about.

Dana, you're a dear! And so are you Aliantha, as well as that Cardigan guy.

9th, I'll PM you.

I did NOT want to get into this big fight, I was just fed up with the diet the poor are expected to live on in my county. I didn't mean to start WWIII.

Sure, I mention my life now and then. Everyone on the Cellar does from time to time. Consider me your correspondent from the other side of the looking glass - sometimes.

Now let's go write a poem about Labrat's ass. ;)

LabRat 12-05-2006 10:56 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha
... She has schizophrenia. She hears voices. She's vague sometimes. She lives in her own world half the time...

Which is why, to this point I have never really paid much attention to Mari. I think she's full of BS. Due to Co poisoning or not, I don't care and can't get inside her head to find out what the truth really is.

Keeping your friend in your life despite her problems is your choice Aliantha. I neither condemn or salute you. Ignoring Mari, and those I know like her IRL is mine. I prefer to surround myself with people who, depite the gravest of situations, try to look at the good things they still have going for them and focus on that.

I only have time/space in my life for so many people. I'd rather it be spent with positive ones. Am I a cold heartless bitch? That's for you to decide for yourself, and is entirely your opinion.

Shawnee123 12-05-2006 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by LabRat
I only have time/space in my life for so many people. I'd rather it be spent with positive ones..

Hence the really positive post. ;)

LabRat 12-05-2006 11:10 AM

1:1000, Not such a bad ratio, methinks.

Shawnee123 12-05-2006 11:14 AM

But how many of those were of or about your ass? Hey, I'm just joshin' couldn't resist. :)

rkzenrage 12-05-2006 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Aliantha
I'm really surprised at some of the responses here.

I suppose everyone gets to a stage where they feel they can't give any more. Maybe that's why some people have been so heartless. That's the only thing I can think of.

I'll share a story with you and hope it helps.

My best friend is very self absorbed. Everything is always about her. She hardly ever considers how her actions might affect someone else till after the fact, and then she cries tears of remorse. Begs for forgiveness and all that stuff.

On the other hand, she is the most generous and loving person you might hope to meet. Sure, she gets insecure sometimes and lashes out at the people around her. Accuses them of not loving her. Tells her husband she wants a divorce and that she's sick of him, accuses him of having affairs on her, then next week she's ready to start a family with him.

How do I feel about all this?

Sometimes it hurts. Sometimes I get really angry. Sometimes I don't feel very compassionate towards her at all. Sometimes I wish she was just 'normal'.

Unfortunately that's not an option for her. She has schizophrenia. She hears voices. She's vague sometimes. She lives in her own world half the time.

The medication she's on every day of her life keeps her straight most of the time, but she's still pretty flighty and hard work a lot of the time.

Do I feel like life would be easier without her? You bet it would be, but then I'd miss all the fun times we have together. I wouldn't have her to make me smile when I'm down, and I wouldn't know that no matter what, there's a friend in the world who will always be there for me, even if she is a bit crazy.

Some people need more patience than others for reasons that may not be of their own making.

What benefit is there in denigrating them?

Just shut the fuck up if you don't have something constructive to say. You don't know what their life is like.

I am never discussing anything to do with my situation again & asked that my thread be removed. The request was denied and I understand why... I'll just ignore it now. This will be my last post on the subject.
You cannot know another's pain, limitations or how those things interact with their immediate surroundings. Each state, town; even, neighborhood is different. What it is like to sit in a room alone with no contact with new people for five months may make you have a different opinion about the "importance" or "priority" that an Internet connection as you lose your mind from loneliness and pain.
Regardless, you just cannot know, and therefore are talking out of you ass if you throw that stone. If you don't like someone, fine, argue with them...
Other than that, let us have a thread about how each of us spends all of our money and then we can bitch about how much each of us spends on XXX and how much so-&-so does not give... bla, bla, bla... She comes to us, sometimes, because her life is hard, sure, some of that is her doing, guess what, all of our hardships are a tiny fraction of what the world does to us and the rest being how we respond to it...
Perhaps, so many jump on her because we see something of ourselves that we don't like and want to change... but it seems a lot easier to change it by trying to change someone else?
Sorry for the rant and I am not saying that I agree with all she has said and done, I am saying it is not my place to judge her so openly for it without a modicum of support as part of it (I try not to at all, but my expectations are not that high yet on this stage on my Path).
I care for you all, but I am going to take a break for a while talking about my situation.

LabRat 12-05-2006 11:58 AM

Everyone here has a right to post whatever they want (within the mod's/owners consent, of course). I am not asking anyone to stop posting. In fact, I think that is a very BAD idea. In general, talking about your situation to anyone who will listen is extremely good therapy for someone in emotional or physical pain. How other than by posting/talking can we find others in our situation so that we can share ways of coping with that situation?

I just think Mari blows her conditions out of proportion, and I have chosen not to pay attention to her. It's not a matter of liking or disliking her. It's about trust. I just don't trust her stories.

Rkzenrage-I have read but not posted to your thread. I feel it would be an extreme waste to lose it, or for you to stop participating because it is a good resource for those of us who would like a view into what it is like for someone that has to go through what you are.

The same goes for anyone posting about any life situation, divorce, death, job loss, marriage, pregnancy, what have you.

Shit happens to all of us, self inflicted or not. What matters how you REACT to it.

rkzenrage 12-05-2006 12:02 PM

I never questioned anyone's "rights".
I may have, personally questioned what was right.
There is no way for you to know how severe her condition is.
That is no different than the ignorant shits that say to me "you don't look sick".

LabRat 12-05-2006 12:07 PM

:::giving up trying to explain myself:::

glatt 12-05-2006 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by LabRat
It's not a matter of liking or disliking her. It's about trust. I just don't trust her stories.

Over the years, I've slowly come to the same conclusion. I don't dislike Mari, but I tend to ignore her posts, especially about her personal life because there have been one too many that just seems a little too fantastic. I think it was around the time of the dynamite story that I decided to stop paying attention to her posts.

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