The Cellar

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slang 12-05-2005 01:22 AM

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This man was fueling his taxi during one of my walks. It seems funny that the Coke bottles are used for most anything, even diesel fuel.

It wasnt clear where the bottles were being filled from. Inside a shop of some type.

slang 12-05-2005 01:26 AM

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One man's noise in another man's music. There was a band rehearsal here the other night and when you are playing in a band and someone is in range with a's just natural to want to be a star. :D

The volume inside was so loud I just wanted to shoot someone. To keep the peace and my freedom, I just left.

Pretty cool kids even though the sound wasn't refined quite yet.

slang 12-05-2005 01:32 AM

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This collection of photos includes many animals and most of dogs. The dogs here have tough lives like all the people.

This is the closest to starvation that I have ever seen an animal. Dehydrated and starving, it must be sick with something.

It sqatted to pee and left bloody urine. At that moment I only had one peso to buy something for that dog to eat and that was not nearly enough. After running back home for some money the dog was gone.

The locals didnt understand why I might be looking for such a sickly dog.

"to give it some simple comfort before it obviously dies a very painful uncomfortable death"

Griff 12-05-2005 05:48 AM

Thanks for this slangster. We often forget how good we've got it.

slang 12-05-2005 06:53 AM

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Here's one of my favorite dogs here. He's in this exact spot every day at the pet store.

Normally he's a friendly dog but the last photo he started growling at me.

slang 12-05-2005 06:55 AM

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The owner said that maybe I should not show up for a few days just to give this guy a little rest.

slang 12-05-2005 06:58 AM

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It's funny how the names at the cellar just stick with you even if you know that person's real name or even if you dont really follow that person's stuff.

These are two cellar names as businesses here.

slang 12-05-2005 07:01 AM

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Here is the view from the roof of the hotel. Notice the contrast in the high rise buildings and the squalid commoners homes.

slang 12-05-2005 07:07 AM

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The only way to stay cool aside from an air conditioner....wear wet clothes.

From the moment I get up until the time the sandman comes, this place is HOT and HUMID. What's the solution? A soaked shirt before going out.

No, this method would not work for all but aside from the concern that everyone has that I might catch cold, this works great.

slang 12-05-2005 07:12 AM

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The no smoking sign is not that surprising here but the Wendy's help wanted sign requires an applicant to be a second year college student and to be at least 5-2.

To serve food you must be a second year student. To serve food :eyebrow:

slang 12-05-2005 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by Griff
Thanks for this slangster. We often forget how good we've got it.

As bad as things are for the people here, the natives are very happy for those things that they have and tend not to focus on what they dont have (like a typical American would).

Most everyone knows someone or has a relative now or in the past that has been working in the US. They know from those people that it's work, work, work and very different from life here which almost no one seems to care what time of the day it is muchless have a list of things to do for this day.

It's appealing for a vacation to see this. Living like this and having so few things of living comfort and entertainment would not be fun.

Regardless of what China and India are doing now, the US is still the most desired country to live in. Will that change? Who knows, in time maybe.

slang 12-06-2005 06:34 AM

It's tuesday night now. I'm drunk. Not just drunk, piss drunk.

It's very cheap and easy to be drunk here. The exchange is very good. The Filipinos, very friendly and forgiving.

We took 80 or so new photos today but I was too intoxicated to process them.

We're having a great time here despite the rain.

More photos coming soon.

Sycamore, you are an ass. :)

Just kidding.

More soon.

Sundae 12-06-2005 07:43 AM

Wow! Fantastic pics.

As you brought up the topic of drink - what's the beer like there? As in what size bottles/ glasses is it served in & what strength? I've been amazed at how much a common drink like beer varies country to country.

I know you had the one that made you sick - have you acclimatised, or is there something else on the table?

Elspode 12-06-2005 01:55 PM

My hectic life pace lately has caused me to overlook the hottest thread on The Cellar until lunch today.'re a wild man. Great pics, and I hope you'll do us all the honor of stashing them somewhere online en masse so we can mull them over.

When are you coming back? Or *are* you coming back? How many of your camera recipients have you met face to face by now? Is the exchange rate as good as it is for everything else? Not that you'd have availed yourself of one or more, of course, but I figure you'd find out just to add to the big sociological picture.

Griff 12-06-2005 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by slang
. Not just drunk, piss drunk.

Do the locals steal from you when you get into your pints? Hmmm... sounds like a retirement scenerio...

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