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Beestie 04-07-2006 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by Elspode
Will you be starting by picking a man and subjecting him to humiliation and degradation until he begs for mercy? If so, I'm free next weekend...




W.HI.P 04-07-2006 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna
I disagree. The people here know me really well and I've only been here about two years. They give me sage advice and tell me things that i am too afraid to tell myself. You guys, you AGer's, are not interested in getting to know anyone or being known. Your main obsession seems to be to prove how very, very unique you all are. You are all fucking boring. And, yes, I have tried to like you.

Hello Brianna. Sage is great and effective like no other.
Its to be used when neccesary, and with specific AGer's, swiftly.
I have one problem with what you've stated above.
It's your generalization of AGer's.
I've been at AG for 7 years now, and although I've been posting beside a lot of users for many years, I've failed to meet them all on a conversational level. Yet I have quite a few which I have communicated with since the start. AGer's are not a group of like-minded people at all.
One of the reasons you got a few of the worst kinds here is because no other place would have them, or because they support a forum of their own and wish to infect any competitive sites with problems so that others will avoid and go to their creations.
Now I've stated before that there are plenty of class A people at AG that are either already here or that are looking in, contemplating entry.
This AGer bashing although it may seem just, is simply not, as others that respect the place enough to either watch before entering/posting to see how this place works will now be more hesitant than they should be.
You should welcome each and every user that comes in here wether they be from AG or somewhere else equally.
I despise more AGers than any of you, that's for sure, but also have grown attached to other AGers, and feel very privledged to have met them, as will you if you get a chance to meet them, but allow the door to be open for them. I see some have recently entered! :love:

W.HI.P 04-07-2006 12:25 AM

Oh, and Flint is alright in my books...certainly not a jerk ...just different.

Cheyenne 04-07-2006 12:30 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna
I disagree. The people here know me really well and I've only been here about two years. They give me sage advice and tell me things that i am too afraid to tell myself. You guys, you AGer's, are not interested in getting to know anyone or being known. Your main obsession seems to be to prove how very, very unique you all are. You are all fucking boring. And, yes, I have tried to like you.

Quite the contrary. I was at AG for 4 years. Many ager's met in real life, some were married, some are great friends. We have had AGer's die and we mourn. We ask one another for advice, we cry on one anothers shoulders. We are a family. We give birth we share, our kids do something cute...we share, our children get ill...we share.

You know, we lost our site. We came here and we are trying to get to know you people, Yet many of yourself want to throw rocks and call names and treat us as if we are non human. How do those of you who are abusive expect human beings to react? I for one have gotten a bit tiffed but refrain from outright name calling.

Granted there are some people at ag that I am glad did not come here, and I hope they don't. All sites have their "Trolls", even this one.

The fact that we are taking your abuse and still trying to fit in speaks a lot about us.

the fact we are still being abused speaks a lot about some of the folks here.

I would post an AG Family Photo site that one of our favorite members made, but out of respect for the memory of our Karlos I will not. I don't think I could stand the thought of you people name calling and pointing out physical aspects that just "don't measure up" to your (not lumping, those in particular know who you are) elevated level of self worth.

A Poem I wrote for Karlos:

Come fly come fly into the sky
above the blue way up high
free to roam forever more
no pain my sweet now you can soar
say hi to those who you will see
they also mean so much to me
a smile i have with you to send
along your journey which has no end
sadly missed you will be
selfish tears flow from me
they trace a path where smiles live
at times were there which you did give
to you i give a hearty hug
a kiss i send… with all my love…

Bye Karlos xoxo!

So who does not want to get to know one another?

Rock Steady 04-07-2006 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Cheyenne
... So who does not want to get to know one another? ...

We could not tell all that from the first 10,000 posts. It just seemed like a bunch of guys that wanted to see if they could collectively impose their will on a 16 year old forum.

I told you honestly about my DUIs, jail time, and new plan. Yet, I know nothing about you. Thanks alot.

Cheyenne 04-07-2006 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Rock Steady
I told you honestly about my DUIs, jail time, and new plan. Yet, I know nothing about you. Thanks alot.

I can tell you things about me, but not on demand. :p

skysidhe 04-07-2006 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna
You guys, you AGer's, are not interested in getting to know anyone or being known. Your main obsession seems to be to prove how very, very unique you all are. You are all fucking boring. And, yes, I have tried to like you.

I happen to agree with this with all my heart.

There has been many people that have left AG WAY before it ever went down. I looked into this site a couple months back but only sighed up when I saw agers Like a flock of vultures smelling of carrion bringing their crap here. :D

and do I think what's his name is a jerk? I don't think my personal opinion is the important thing however obvious it is. but I sure as hell think karma is grand right about now and enjoy watching skewed ideologies getting flushed.

Cheyenne 04-07-2006 09:34 AM

skysidhe is 2owls and was on the boards for years. you are an ager. just one that very few cared for.

skysidhe 04-07-2006 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Cheyenne
skysidhe is 2owls and was on the boards for years. you are an ager. just one that very few cared for.


Originally Posted by Cheyenne
~What Flows From Your Fingertips Is A Reflection Of Your Heart~~ Chey~~

Cheyenne 04-07-2006 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Cheyenne
skysidhe is 2owls and was on the boards for years. you are an ager. just one that very few cared for.

one can have a good heart yet still recognize those who stab others in the back. ;)

Beestie 04-07-2006 10:35 AM


[greenVisor] Step right up and place your bets! [/Visor]

perth 04-07-2006 10:36 AM

What the fuck happened to this place?

SteveBsjb 04-07-2006 10:48 AM

I remember the name 2owls. Well, I'm sorry if you didn't like me there, sky, hope things go better here. I don't remember you being good or bad or whatever on AG. I don't think you and I ever had any problems though. I never let anyone bother me, so to me there were no "bad" AG'ers.

We really may all be jerks, but we had a weird symmetry on AG.

I find that people like myself, that have a bit of an inflated ego (compensating for a hidden inferiority complex) don't do well when I'm just being myself on a message board. I do like to kid around and be sarcastic, and I get along with the other "easy going" people; but, the ego thing fixates me on me. I really only am interested in my little world. When other people want to talk about my stuff, I like that. But I don't go into too many other threads. Here it's been a little different, because the topic of AG is part of MY world, so threads about AG interest me.

Anyway, I'm trying to be a little more open. It's hard for me to "care" about other people's thread topics when I don't know them. Just screen-names to me. But I see that the threads do well enough, and don't need my input.

So maybe I am a jerk too. I don't mean to be rude to others in the process though. I'm just a bit egocentric.

I may put a more detailed biography in my profile, if people want a better picture of me. Maybe I'll post a picture too. :)

Elspode 04-07-2006 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by perth
What the ---- happened to this place?

There's been a large influx of Internet refugees due to the recent collapse of a nearby (Audio)Galaxy. We're still assessing the situation, and have tentatively requested UN Humanitarian Aid and Peacekeepers to be on standby.

Elspode 04-07-2006 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by SteveBsjb
We really may all be jerks, but we had a weird symmetry on AG.

FWIW (which is very little, I'm sure), here's my most current observation:

When AG'ers first arrive, it is almost as though they are hopped up on some sort of "Internet Forum Crack" or something. However, those who have spent a few days here and done some serious reading and attempted to interact in a manner that is conducive to what The Cellar has historically been about seem to be slowly coming down off of the buzz. From my Cellar-centric point of view, this is an improvement. From the point of view of those who find The Cellar "boring" or otherwise deficient, I can only repeat this: why stay somewhere that bores you or which you dislike? There's lots of Internet ye something more attuned to your liking.

Maybe we're not being sympathetic enough to the cold turkey process. We should have set up a halfway house or something to ease the transition, I guess. I can say that I am at least starting to get a little more substance out of the AG'ers who have been here for the longest. I like the trend, anyway.

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