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Lamplighter 03-14-2012 02:05 PM

This is the latest ad in our area...

classicman 03-14-2012 02:07 PM


ZenGum 03-14-2012 05:30 PM

I like the idea of a war on women.

See, after thirty years of the War on Drugs, drugs are easily and cheaply available to anyone who wants them.

So after a few years of War on Women ...


BigV 03-14-2012 06:22 PM


it could be like teh GWOT, where the result is an infinite amount of money and energy spent resulting in no discernible effect. T-ism is neither easy nor cheap, in fact, there's *none* to be found around anywhere I go. And that would be bad.

ZenGum 03-14-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 801497)

it could be like teh GWOT, where the result is an infinite amount of money and energy spent resulting in no discernible effect.

Yep, sounds like my relationship with women, alright. :( ;)

Griff 03-14-2012 07:54 PM

If Bush had gone out with the stated intent of banning democracy it would have gone much smoother.

Spexxvet 03-31-2012 08:52 AM

Newt Gingrich: Job Killer


Newt Gingrich has laid off a number of staff members in a last-ditch effort to take his presidential campaign to the Republican convention.

Lamplighter 03-31-2012 09:44 AM


The staff got severance pay valued at one day's work at minimum wage
- a picture of Newt.

classicman 03-31-2012 05:49 PM

If you think that's bad, just wait till he drops out. Not a single media outlet will get a dime and heads will roll.

richlevy 03-31-2012 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 804690)
Newt Gingrich: Job Killer


Senior adviser Randy Evans said several Gingrich staffers have been let go to focus on technological improvements for the campaign.
Ooooh, sounds like somebody got a new IPad.

TheMercenary 04-01-2012 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 801441)

It is a load of political Bull Shit....

Lamplighter 04-01-2012 11:38 PM

Google News today listed this headline:

Sydney Morning Herald
"Primaries may put Mitt over the top"

It was startling because I first read it as:
"Primates may put Mitt over the top" :rolleyes:

Sundae 04-02-2012 06:09 AM

I thought Newt was one of the saner candidates. But I'm reading The Gay Metropolis by Charles Kaiser, which is technically a history of gay people in New York from the 1940s onwards, but is further ranging and quite fascinating. 'Cept I have to stop and keep looking up people and places which it is assumed I know about. Anita Bryant, Fire Island et al.

Anyway, I know Republicans are the anti-gay party (not Republican Dwellars, but that's what comes across from the party) but I didn't realise how far back Gingrich's homophobia was adversely affecting gay lives.

Still, it's all education - live and learn.

BigV 04-02-2012 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by TheMercenary (Post 804853)
It is a load of political Bull Shit....

You are living in a fantasy world mercy if you believe that a series of quotes of derogatory remarks made by lawmakers you favor is "a load of political Bull Shit" but the baseless assertion that "Obama owns the rise in gas prices" is "is really an important fact to hammer".

One is a fact, but unfavorable, which you dismiss. The other is an opinion, you feel is favorable, which you try to promote as meaningful and factual. But you can't tell the difference. A shame.

Lamplighter 01-18-2015 02:28 PM

Buy your tickets early, the circus is coming to town

Now that Jeb Bush has moved his first piece off pawn’s row,
and Mitt Romney has cleverly countered as Bishop,
I thought of starting a new thread for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination,
but then realized we already have that T-shirt.

So starting here…

The current prominent candidates:
Mitt Romney is deja vu all over again
Paul Ryan has decided to re-read the entire works of Ayn Rand
Ron Paul is body-snatching under the name of Rand Paul
Herman Cain is replaced by Dr. Ben Carson as the GOP’s token Black
Rick Perry still can’t name that 3rd Agency, maybe due to lead paint on his camp’s sign
and Rick Santorum who still believes ObamaCare is akin to apartheid

Other returning notables:
Donald Trump promises urban redevelopment on the National Mall in Washington DC,
with a multi-storied hotel and retail center to be named “Trump Mall USA”
Jack Felllure thinks it’s still 1919 and time for prohibition
Mike Huckabee managed to break his contract with Fox News
Sarah Palin promises to continue being Sarah Palin

Other notables( and not so much) from 2012:
John Huntsman has departed the building, but graciously left us with one
of his beautiful daughters, Abby, as tv hostess we can watch daily
Jimmy McMillan was the GOP’s most colorful, but he also jumped the shark
to run for NY City Mayor, endorsed Obama , and his rent is still too high
Thaddeus McCotter is still named Thaddeus McCotter
I’ve lost track of Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, the Ron Jeremy look-alike,
Jonathan Sharkey, and the Arizona Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, along with other GOP wannabes
who weren’t worth uncaging the ferret.

New presidential candidates for 2016 include:
Marco Rubio, but his sun has suddenly been totally eclipsed by his Governor
Jeb Bush will try to do better than his brother, who failed to do better than his father
Ted Cruz promises to shut down the Executive branch and will take over as President of the Senate
George Pataki promises a nationwide tax-free area for businesses
… zero taxes … no sales-, use-, transfer- or business- taxes, and no personal income taxes for employees
Carly Florin promises to eliminate the US debt with her golden parachute from HP
John Bolton wants to run, but can’t get out of his contract with Fox News
Scott Walker promises to demolish the European Union, the Union Pacific,
and all 18 “Union County” governments will be renamed as “Abstinenceonly”.
Bobby Jindal is the only GOP Governor told “…he was doing a good job…” by Barack Obama
Lindsey Graham promises to bomb everyone who…

And lastly there is Chris Christy who has told everyone to sit down and shut up.


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