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mrnoodle 05-10-2005 01:03 PM

hurried response while starting the day at work. in reference to the obligatory "yeah well what about the EUROPEANS" thing from magilla. cut-and-paste liberal response to any criticism of pigment-endowed humans. not the best example of it, though.

xoxoxoBruce 05-10-2005 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by magilla
Nope. But in my book, it disqualifies you from killing them for it.

Nonsense, it's the best reason...tradition. ;)

Evil does not exist as a tangible quantity innate in particular human beings and not in others.
Can't disagree more....I've know people that were pure, unadulterated evil. No socially redeeming quality whatsoever. Granted, they are rare...but the do lurk.

There is no FORCE forcing 'them' to commit acts we label as EVIL.
Is there any force stronger than societal and/or family pressure? Especially in a society where a fall from grace means death literally as well as figuratively. Then add religion and the force be with you, like it or not.
Sure you could break free...leave the village...leave the country. But that's a pretty tall order for someone with limited money and education. Turning your back on your family and what they have believed for a milllenia, ain't easy even when you have the means. Of course you probably wouldn't get such a strange notion in the first place being contrary to the beliefs of everyone you've ever met. :headshake

magilla 05-11-2005 08:48 AM


Originally Posted by mrnoodle
hurried response while starting the day at work. in reference to the obligatory "yeah well what about the EUROPEANS" thing from magilla. cut-and-paste liberal response to any criticism of pigment-endowed humans. not the best example of it, though.

Ah, what a relief. Some things are as predictable as sunrise and sunset. For example, calling attention to hypocritical statements by neocons: "White-hating librull antimerkin SCUM!"

You need a new scriptwriter, noodle.

lookout123 05-11-2005 09:43 AM

oooooh...aaaaaah......he said "neocon".

Troubleshooter 05-11-2005 11:29 AM

*sniffs the air*Is that a new corollary to Godwin I hear approaching?

capnhowdy 05-11-2005 06:46 PM

[quote] " Leave us alone" [quote]........Cap'n Howdy..............

magilla 05-12-2005 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
*sniffs the air*Is that a new corollary to Godwin I hear approaching?

That seems to have been coopted long ago (by Internet standards, anyway) when "liberal" became an insult.

Clodfobble 05-12-2005 09:28 AM

Psst... hey magilla, in many circles liberal was always an insult. It's just that those circles happen to be in power right now so you actually get to hear them say it. :)

mrnoodle 05-12-2005 09:39 AM

dangit, i missed a day. catch me up -- are we still on the "YOU guys suck. no, YOU guys suck." part?

friggin liberals. you guys suck.

Lady Sidhe 05-29-2005 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
God Damn It God Damn It God Damn It God Damn It God Damn It God Damn It. :mecry:

I couldn't have said it better. Fucking BASTARDS! I don't understand how someone could justify that. They could've waited. It's a given that soldiers are going to be attacked...but anyone who would not care that innocent children would be hurt deserves to burn. And I don't mean in hell. I mean set those fuckers on fire :flamer:...then dump some white phosphorous on them just to make it worse. THEN throw them in a vat of salt. What, Allah's gonna say, "You got a kid with some of those get a special place!"?

fucking bastards!

Lady Sidhe 05-29-2005 06:55 PM

Quote: "...they were mindlessly carving each other into sand-covered steaks 2000 years before the united states existed. they indocrinate their kids from the womb to kill themselves in the course of killing other innocents. the idea that they are forced by our actions to resort to this kind of behavior is about 50 generations late...."

Ok....I don't know if they were doing all that way back in the day. I don't care. The Middle East is drowning in religious fanaticism, and that seems to--for them--make killing ok. I do agree that the extremists are trained for suicide missions--after all, kill the infidel, go straight to heaven. And I do agree that we can't be blamed for what they do. We're not forcing them to kill children. They just don't care that children are around when they do their suicide thing. And that makes the suicide bombers lower than pond scum as far as I'm concerned.

I was in favor of the war--insofar as it involved cutting off the head of Osama and playing football with it...I'm glad we got Saddam. He needed to go. As to what's going on now--look, they need to get their shit together and work out a viable government that works for them so we CAN leave. We're not there for our friggin health. Our boys would LOVE to GTF out and come home. I mean, damn...they seemed to be thrilled to peices when we toppled Saddam. Time to rule yourselves, people. I know it isn't easy, especially when you've been under a dictatorship forever, but make an effort.


busterb 05-29-2005 09:06 PM

Wonder how many of the ones sharing their wisdom about the middle-east have been there?

Troubleshooter 05-29-2005 09:24 PM

I don't think that going to the Middle East is a requisite for understanding the situation on a basic level.

We know that the towers were knocked down. We had reliable, not infallible, as our gov't keeps reminding us in many differing ways, information as to who had done it. That sort of action should have been followed with a short, precise, and thorough action to capture and kill the person(s) responsible..

All of the rest we have been put through has been a waste and a sham.

busterb 05-29-2005 09:36 PM

Right, but perhaps it would help to understand the poor butt hole who's rideing the donkey, or camel, if he has the money to afford one.

magilla 05-30-2005 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
I don't think that going to the Middle East is a requisite for understanding the situation on a basic level.

We know that the towers were knocked down. We had reliable, not infallible, as our gov't keeps reminding us in many differing ways, information as to who had done it. That sort of action should have been followed with a short, precise, and thorough action to capture and kill the person(s) responsible..

All of the rest we have been put through has been a waste and a sham.

Do I understand you correctly, TS? It was clear from the very first that Saddam had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks, but our current administration conflated the two until many people believed he did, and also believed that Saddam and Al Qaeda were working together. Now Osama and the Taliban are another story. I supported the attacks in Afghanistan completely. As far as I was concerned, the Taliban were accessories before and after the fact to an act of war, so let 'em lie in the bed they made. I am furious that Bush threw all the good that was accomplished in Afghanistan into the toilet, along with a book some count as holy.

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