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LUVBUGZ 09-22-2003 02:22 PM


Originally posted by Dagney

Trust me, have way bigger personal issues than to take offense...besides, what I said was meant to be a joke. And taken as such.

I'll go back to my reality now.

Whew, that was relatively painless, Thanks Dag:). I may need to "borrow" your new sig line and post it with everything I write.

You mean to tell me YOU have "personal issues". I don't believe it.

Have fun in your reality, wherever that may be:D

Leus 09-22-2003 02:27 PM

I can (almost) swear that LUVBUGZ smilies look somewhat different to the rest...


Undertoad 09-22-2003 02:31 PM


I do believe that if you got to know me better, I would really annoy you. People like me are very annoying to people like you. I... I don't know how to describe it, but we just are. People like me are really just an annoying pebble in your shoe, when you can't really stop to shake it out.

I mean look at what happened. I posted what I thought was a single, simple line of helpful advice, and you took it to mean that you remain geniunely and universally unliked.

I know that if I continue to post, I will end up HIGHLY annoying you... it's kind of inevitable. So we need to come up with some agreement, where you don't post on my threads and I won't post on yours, or something.

Please don't beg to differ as I know we will wind up simply fighting unproductively. I just know it.

LUVBUGZ 09-22-2003 02:34 PM


Originally posted by Whit
      Forget it guys. Telling Bugz to relax is never taken as 'friendly advice'. I'm really not sure why...
      Anyway, let it ride, she'll cool down in a minute and we can all move on and enjoy our posting expieriences...

Yeah, Whit is here. I feel loved again:p . I can't wait for Juju to show up so we can start the party:p . BTY, Whit, you spelled "experiences" incorrectly.

Els, the [joke] thingy is a good idea, but it already takes me forever and a day to post. I wish you guys could just see I'm joking to begin with so I wouldn't have to write 20 posts trying to explain that I was joking. I think I'll just steal Dagney's sig line..."This post was not intended to be taken in any offensive, condescending, or non-friendly light. However if YOU took it that way, have at it." What do you think???

Dagney 09-22-2003 02:36 PM

But UT, isn't it YOUR forum?

No need to hide IMNSHO.


Who is offering a free HIPAA shoot to anyone who wants to come and lend her the munitions.

Dagney 09-22-2003 02:39 PM


Originally posted by LUVBUGZ
Whew, that was relatively painless, Thanks Dag:). I may need to "borrow" your new sig line and post it with everything I write.

You mean to tell me YOU have "personal issues". I don't believe it.

Have fun in your reality, wherever that may be:D

Use my sigline, or don't, couldn't care less. It was written for you anyway.

By the way, it's DagNEY. Not Dag. I reserve that for people I like.

Who's got the needle buried on the Bitch-o-meter today (And is the FIRST to admit it)

Whit 09-22-2003 02:40 PM

      Yeah, I misspell occasionally. Because of this I never say anything about the misspellings of others. If you can find where I have I'll make a thread and beg forgiveness. So go ahead and look.
      Why do you choose to be mean to me anyway? I was trying to smooth things over for you. Ah well. By the by, I have nothing but love for you sweet 'ums.:D

Undertoad 09-22-2003 02:49 PM


Originally posted by Dagney
But UT, isn't it YOUR forum?

No it really isn't. It has no meaning whatsoever without everyone else's participation, and I regularly beg people to give me any special status. Like the "What's the Cellar" link at the bottom says, this place is not about me, it's about you.

Without that core principle in effect, the place is basically meaningless to me.

Dagney 09-22-2003 02:51 PM

Point taken and understood. (I didna know that!)

But I truly don't think you - or anyone else should feel the need to hide, censor themselves, or otherwise watch what they'd say because of one person.

LUVBUGZ 09-22-2003 03:02 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad

I do believe that if you got to know me better, I would really annoy you. People like me are very annoying to people like you. I... I don't know how to describe it, but we just are. People like me are really just an annoying pebble in your shoe, when you can't really stop to shake it out.

I mean look at what happened. I posted what I thought was a single, simple line of helpful advice, and you took it to mean that you remain geniunely and universally unliked.

I know that if I continue to post, I will end up HIGHLY annoying you... it's kind of inevitable. So we need to come up with some agreement, where you don't post on my threads and I won't post on yours, or something.

Please don't beg to differ as I know we will wind up simply fighting unproductively. I just know it.

UT, YOU DO NOT ANNOY ME. I was just suprised to see you make a post over such a stupid issue as no one being able to take a freakin' joke. I guess I assumed you of all people would be able to see I was joking with EZ, since you're the boss and have seen millions of posts. I quess I was mistaken. I interpreted your post as exactly what you said it was. A simple line of helpful advice. I appreciated it and am trying to take 'er down a notch, but I didn't feel it necessary to reply and share that with you, maybe I should have. I like you, I like Wolf, I like Els, I like Bruce, I like Jinx, I like OC, I like a lot of people here (sorry to any of you I have omitted) and I think they geniunely like me too (I hope). How the heck can we not post in the same threads, the Cellar is your baby, you created it and post in every forum daily (wait a minute, are you giving me a hint UT, am I getting kicked out?????):eek3: :eek3: :eek3:

Undertoad 09-22-2003 03:16 PM

I know - I don't annoy you NOW, because you know so little about me. As you come to know me, you will find that you call me an enemy.

LUVBUGZ 09-22-2003 03:16 PM


Originally posted by Whit
      Yeah, I misspell occasionally. Because of this I never say anything about the misspellings of others. If you can find where I have I'll make a thread and beg forgiveness. So go ahead and look.
      Why do you choose to be mean to me anyway? I was trying to smooth things over for you. Ah well. By the by, I have nothing but love for you sweet 'ums.:D

Now how the heck was I being mean to you Whit?????? Where's the "thick skin"?;)

LUVBUGZ 09-22-2003 03:30 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
I know - I don't annoy you NOW, because you know so little about me. As you come to know me, you will find that you call me an enemy.
Where the heck did you get that from, UT? I really don't think people like Whit, for example, hate me. I considered our "tiff", over and done with, but he apparently thinks I'm now being "mean" to him. You said in your post that, "...[i] took [your advice] to mean that [i] remain geniunely and universally unliked." I do not feel "geniunely and universally unliked", but how can you ignore the blatant hatred I get from people like DagNEY...[quote from her] "Use my sigline, or don't, couldn't care less. It was written for you anyway. By the way, it's DagNEY. Not Dag. I reserve that for people I like." And, "But I truly don't think you [UT] - or anyone else should feel the need to hide, censor themselves, or otherwise watch what they'd say because of one person [LUVBUGZ]." I don't think you can expalin that away as "helpful, friendly advise".

Dagney 09-22-2003 03:42 PM

Trust me, you've not crossed over to the point where I _hate_ you. But keep pushing me. Trust me, you WON'T like it.

You haven't bothered me until today. I've been able to ignore you. (Not really a HUGE problem, you've fallen off my radar)

However, out of the blue, you single me out as being MEAN to you, and I never was. I was polite, I was well spoken, well intentioned, and well thought out. I told you I'd drop it. And I did, never to be mentioned again. You said you would as well, but apparently you're not as good as your word.

But that still wasn't good enough. You had to bring it up, totally unrelated, on a thread I was NOT involved in. I refuse to have my name drug through the mud by someone who just wants/needs/craves attention. And I'm not going to apologize for saying what I'm saying right now, because I mean it.

And I'm going to do something I've not done here before.

Lower myself to your level.

Get a fucking grip girl. If you can't handle intelligent conversation without thinking it's about you. Log off and go home. If you can't deal with sarcasm and jokes without thinking it's a direct attack. Log off and go home. If you can't leave the past where it belongs, log off and go home. Like I told you before, AOL is taking new members daily. Perhaps that's more on your level. I even have a few free cd's I'll send to you, just to shut you up.

Sorry, I'm not going to fall on my knees and grovel for your forgiveness. Anyone who knows me, will know I do NOT do that. For anyone. Ever. Period. I DON'T like you, and I've done my best to not come out and say that. You are an arrogant, childish, self centered brat. And you NEED to grow up, get some thick skin, and stop thinking the world revolves around your little shit collecting life. Trust me, it doesn't. (And it doesn't revolve around mine, just so you can't come back and say that I'm claiming God-like powers)

Now, I'm done with what I have to say to you. Period. You've left my radar, my planet, and my universe. When you get a grip, I'll consider looking in your general direction. Maybe. If I've got nothing better to do. And my toenails always need painted. (Which is a nice way of saying that I'll ALWAYS have something better to do - Just so you don't get a little inkling of hope that I'll change my mind)

Now, that I've got THAT off my chest, I'm going to go deal with reality. Perhaps you need a dose of that yourself.


OnyxCougar 09-22-2003 03:46 PM


Originally posted by LUVBUGZ
I don't think you can expalin that away as "helpful, friendly advise".
oo! OO! expalin = dyslexic and advise is a verb: to advise while advice is a noun: to give advice.

***marks up the monitor with red sharpie and runs off screaming into the night***

WTF. Last time I saw a post was a few hours ago, everything was fine. I didn't even understand ED's post. Next thing I know we're on page 3 and Bugz went and forgot her [sarcasm] tags again. **pokes her** Got. To. Remember. Those. Luv.

I got married today, so everybody stop fighting about what everyone agrees is MELODRAMA for just tonight. Please?

And Luv, hunny, if UT wanted you out, you'dve never been able to post at all. So relax. Breathe, sweetie. 'Sgonna be okay. And I know you don't think you did anything wrong, and I know you see a double standard in who says what causing which ruckus, and that's ok, too. Remember. The. Tags. k??

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