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classicman 12-27-2012 12:24 AM

Adak, please do not quote me and then go off on some tangent completely unrelated to what I posted. thank you in advance for your cooperation.

DanaC 12-27-2012 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by classicman (Post 845436)
Adak, please do not quote me and then go off on some tangent completely unrelated to what I posted. thank you in advance for your cooperation.

That made me laugh.

Ibby 12-27-2012 07:18 AM

Minors regularly own shotguns and plinking rifles in Vermont. I don't believe Adak's version of events in the slightest; it was straight up murder by every reading of the facts I can muster, and I'm as certain that his conviction is upcoming as Adak is sure it isn't. Anyway, I was being facetious; either way, you never hear the NRA arguing that more PoC, that more people in poverty, that more people in high-risk gun-violence areas or groups should just pack more heat.
On top of that, our white-supremacist, patriarchal criminal justice system is very good at punishing anyone who isn't a cishetwhitemale for the very self-defense so much of the cellar takes for granted - see Marissa "20-years-for-warning-shots" Alexander, CeCe "defending-yourself-from-a-nazi-is-murder" McDonald, et al.

Spexxvet 12-27-2012 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 845404)
If a lawabiding citizen likes to carry with 13 in the magazine and 1 in the chamber why does that matter to you? If a lawabiding citizen likes to target shoot with his AR-15 at his local range why does that matter to you?

Guns aren't the problem. Lawabiding citizens aren't the problem. The evilminded and the insane are the problem. Tightening restrictions on those who follow the law will have no effect on those who care nothing about the law or the consequences.

The problem is that many gun carriers are law abiding citizens right up until they go on a shooting spree. How do you stop shooting sprees before they happen? I suggest that one of the easiest ways would be to limit the "spree" part of it.

Trilby 12-27-2012 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Ibby (Post 845423)
But even Vermont has limits.

With no intention of derailing this thread, I slap you with my white leather glove and tell you, sternly, madam, Vermont HAS NO LIMITS.

and you know it.

Griff 12-27-2012 03:14 PM

David Gregory shows the effectiveness of DC's gun laws.

classicman 12-27-2012 03:26 PM


“NBC contacted [D.C. police] inquiring if they could utilize a high capacity magazine for their segment. NBC was informed that possession of a high capacity magazines is not permissible and their request was denied.

Gregory appears to have used a large-capacity ammunition magazine anyway. A police official said detectives will try to determine whether it was real, how it was obtained and whether the segment was filmed in the District. The official said the investigation will entail questioning NBC producers and could conclude this week.

NBC News, through a spokeswoman, declined comment.

The situation presents authorities with an unusual decision: file charges in a crime that is infrequently prosecuted or appear unwilling to enforce the District’s gun laws.
And therein lies part of the problem. Too many laws which are not enforced.

classicman 12-27-2012 03:37 PM

Additionally, he is a friggin hypocrite who sends his own children to a school protected by armed personnel.

"Gregory’s kids attend Sidwell Friends School that has about a dozen security officers on staff, some of whom are police officers and some who are armed.

The notable parents who send their children to that school also includes Obama. Interesting how they apparently think its OK to protect their own children but not yours.

Ibby 12-27-2012 03:43 PM

There's a huge difference between "the solution isn't to put armed guards in every school in the country" and "there is no school at-risk enough to warrant armed guarding". Strawman. The difference is that schools in, say, DC, are at risk from the high level of violence in DC, whereas it is nearly impossible to identify regions or schools at risk for mass murder.

classicman 12-27-2012 04:00 PM

Blah blah blah... their kids are protected, the rest of us schleps? Not so much.

Adak 12-27-2012 10:00 PM

Had to laugh at another far-left liberal who's always speaking out for the "common man", blah, blah, blah.

They were discussing Michael Moore's armed bodyguard being arrested in New York awhile back, for having a concealed sidearm, without a valid New York CCW permit (which are of course, difficult to get).

Sure Michael - you lecture us on the need for gun control - while you keep your armed bodyguard close at hand.

Damn hypocrite! :mad:

sexobon 12-28-2012 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 845451)
The problem is that many gun carriers are law abiding citizens right up until they go on a shooting spree. How do you stop shooting sprees before they happen? I suggest that one of the easiest ways would be to limit the "spree" part of it.

Perhaps not so easy. There's an age old saying in law enforcement that the fastest reload is a second gun.

DanaC 12-28-2012 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Adak (Post 845538)
Had to laugh at another far-left liberal who's always speaking out for the "common man", blah, blah, blah.

They were discussing Michael Moore's armed bodyguard being arrested in New York awhile back, for having a concealed sidearm, without a valid New York CCW permit (which are of course, difficult to get).

Sure Michael - you lecture us on the need for gun control - while you keep your armed bodyguard close at hand.

Damn hypocrite! :mad:

I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that Michael Moore has probably received considerably more death threats in a single year than the average American is ever going to receive in their entire life.

Perhaps if your country was not awash with firearms, public figures with controversial views would not need to take such extreme precautions to defend themselves.

henry quirk 12-28-2012 11:40 AM

"Perhaps if your country was not awash with firearms..."

But America *'is' awash in firearms, Dana.

The only solution that might come close to ending that flood is confiscation of every weapon (and corresponding ammo), from every person.

Simply banning guns and ammo will not work.

Imagine: tomorrow, all guns in America are banned by way of law directing every one to deliver all weapons and ammo to local law enforcers.

No criminal will abide.

Many law abiders will not abide (converting them into criminals in a single stroke).

No, total confiscation is the only answer and that will be a long, bloody, expensive process with no guarantee of success.

Reality: Pandora's Armory opened for business ages ago and all the debbil guns flew'll never be rid of 'em (or the folks who'd use 'em to do nasty things).

*a wonderful word, 'is'...(what) 'is' always trumps wishes and fishes...sure, (what) 'should' (be) is a grand starting place for reformations, but too grand a vision inevitably leads to failure...again: Pandora's Armory opened for business ages is what it 'is'.

infinite monkey 12-28-2012 11:47 AM


Originally Posted by henry quirk (Post 845590)

But America *'is' awash in firearms, Dana.

First thing that popped into my head was Whatever Happened to Baby Jane:

Blanche: You wouldn't be able to do these awful things to me if I weren't still in this chair.
Jane: But you *are*, Blanche! You *are* in that chair

(It sounds more like "but y'are in that chair Blanch.')

This is not commentary, except on the way my brain works.

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