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hot_pastrami 04-16-2004 11:36 AM

I used to be a huge PC gamer, but in recent years it's waned quite a bit. In my eyes, the golden days of gaming were Doom II, and Duke Nukem 3D. My good friend and I used to play Duke3D deathmatch over dialup into the wee hours, it was great. And we'd get together for big 8-player LAN games at the WordPerfect building whenever possible.

After playing Duke3D for a few months, I began to design new levels, and became pretty well known in the map building world for my Nukecity series. If you search for my name online, many of the matches will be Duke Nukem 3D download sites hosting my old maps. Later on, I was actually hired to build a level for an addon to 3D Realms' Shadow Warrior called "Twin Dragon," but the addon got canned before release (though it was completed). A shame... I was really pleased with how that map turned out.

Games I've thoroughly enjoyed over the years... StarCon 1 & 2, Wolf3D, the Doom series, Duke3D, Starcraft, UT, the old Rainbow Six series, Deus Ex, GTA3 & GTA-VC, Medal of Honor, Call of Duty, Splinter Cell...

...and most recently, Far Cry. Far Cry is a video card killer, but if your system can run it playably, that game is awesome in single-player. I've yet to try it multiplayer, but I'm guessing it'll be funner than a barrel of monkey spit. The graphics and sound are beautiful, the gameplay is fun, and the vehicles are great. There are lots of other new games I haven't even looked at yet.

I have System Shock 2 that I tried playing a long time ago, but I think at the time my computer couldn't run it too well, and I haven't tried it since. Maybe I'll have to install it and give it a whirl.

I'm not a big console person, myself. I like having the mouse, and high-res. But that's just me.

Chewbaccus 04-16-2004 05:49 PM


Taken from
As one moves among the booths of E3 this year, taking in all the glitz and shine of new games, one is bound to find some serious nostalgia in the air. Announced by Intellivision and organizers of the Classic Games Expo, a 2,000 square foot museum of video games is going to be present in the Kentia Hall of the Los Angeles Convention Center this year during E3.

This won't be a "breathe on the exhibit and you're ejected from the building" museum, though. Interactivity is the governing word with the museum, featuring such exhibits as a circa 1980's American living room where attendees can sit and play with an Atari 2600. Other highlights include over 30 classic arcade cabinets, a display of home computers like the Apple II and Commodore 64, and a chance for gamers to see the granddaddy of them all - a Magnavox Odyssey.

"Intellivision is extremely excited and proud to be the sponsor of the History of Video Games museum," said Keith Robinson, president and cofounder of Intellivision Productions. "The guys at the Classic Gaming Expo have a deep affection for the history and the games that started it all and have always been a strong supporter of Intellivision Productions. We are thrilled to give attendees the opportunity to learn how this whole video game craziness started, as well as give them the opportunity to play the original games that are now the forefathers to the ones they play on today's consoles."

Look for media from the museum, and oh-so-much more from E3, right here at the Café.
God, I fuckin' love my job.

Clodfobble 04-16-2004 06:43 PM

I assume you're going then? I don't get to go because my company won't pay for anyone not directly making a presentation. Is yours paying your way or are you on your own?

wolf 04-16-2004 08:24 PM

I played Prince of Persia for a bit on Xbox last night ... may have to get this for PS2. (oh damn, before I get really hooked I should check to make sure it's out for PS2....

Chewbaccus 04-16-2004 09:30 PM


Originally posted by Clodfobble
I assume you're going then? I don't get to go because my company won't pay for anyone not directly making a presentation. Is yours paying your way or are you on your own?
Yeah, last year the hotel was covered, but this year, I'm paying airfare, hotel, and on-the-ground expenses.

Bullitt 04-30-2004 12:35 PM

You crazy essay!
Ok so you might think im kind of a strange gamer after this...
I am personally addicted to my Sega Genesis/Nomad... yeah thats right i still got one that works... my Game Gear, which i still think says whats up to Gameboy... and my xbox... oh what a marvel of consol gaming.
I've never taken interest at all in the ps line or nintendo for some reason... except conkers bad fur day for n64... oh man what a game....

smoothmoniker 04-30-2004 03:03 PM

Morrowind is slammin.

Does anyone know of a similar game that's built for mac? I'm done with PC's and the only think I miss are the selection of games.


plthijinx 04-30-2004 03:28 PM

i'm a UT3 and half-life junkie! i still have to go rip, i mean buy, 2k4 and i have the entire Half-Life series. kinda dissapointed with the rest of the series of HL tho. too short.

mrnoodle 04-30-2004 08:04 PM

Online, I'm on a Rogue Spear (an R6 sequel) kick at the 56k won't let me play anything better. I would be addicted to BF1942 online if I had cable.

Nobody but me liked Ghost Recon (another R6 title). I liked the big maps and the fact that you had to plan your way out of situations more than just blast your way through.

All the Doom/Halflife stuff was fun, but to this day, my favorite shooter was Outlaws :D It was this old-West themed game with cruddy graphics, but the gameplay for the 100 or so of us who played it online was fabulous. Lots of stupid but fun mods like zero-gravity and one where all the character skins were saguaro cactus. Nothing like spending a whole game dressed as a cactus, shooting at other cactus in a field of cactus.


richlevy 04-30-2004 09:41 PM


Originally posted by mrnoodle
All the Doom/Halflife stuff was fun, but to this day, my favorite shooter was Outlaws :D It was this old-West themed game with cruddy graphics, but the gameplay for the 100 or so of us who played it online was fabulous. Lots of stupid but fun mods like zero-gravity and one where all the character skins were saguaro cactus. Nothing like spending a whole game dressed as a cactus, shooting at other cactus in a field of cactus.


I played the demo of that game. I've always regretted not getting the retail version. I keep hoping to find it in a bargain bin somewhere.

DanaC 05-01-2004 09:47 AM

I used to play a few strat games ( civ mainly ) on the pc way back when...I also at various times owned a commodore vic20 ( I know aintthat cute?) and an amiga 500....

A few years ago a couple of friends started playing this dinky little online game called Ultima were out the arc but the depth of gameplay and level of community building took me quite by surprise....since i didnt know any better i went straight to the veteran shard (Siege Perilous) cause the rules sounded more fun than the other shards....Played for nigh on 4 years...was a member of several guilds...led a couple. Was a peaceful non fighting type then became a playerkiller....always with a roleplay backdrop. If you are going to fuck with someones gaming day by killing their avatar I always felt it was good manners to do it in a stylish way swhich was sympathetic to the gameworld. If its a fantasy game make your killer a fantasy character and make the death they take feel more like they got killed by a gamevillain rather than PKed by some jerk.....I was pretty good at fighting but I was also really really good at getting killed......Attacking a small crowd of enemies solo wasnt always the best thing to do....and dungeons are places I always die in no matter whatgame.....

The game eventually dropped off the interest scale for me as my life was taking up my attention....Sice then I have tried many games mainly as a beta tester but I have yet to find one that has anywhere near the depth of possible gameplay that the original UO had...Still I keep an eye out...I follow the development process of most of the current crop of in dev games. I find the concept of persistant state worlds as a playground utterly fascinating. ...But it has ruined me for other games. I dont play any single player games now.

wolf 06-01-2004 12:01 AM

I went looking for microwaves and couldn't find any to my liking, so instead I bought the equivalent dollar amount in video games.


I'm playing CSI: Dark Motives first. Slang and I had a lot of fun playing through the first CSI game, so I decided to try to recapture the moment.

I get frustrated with the point and click interface from time to time, but overall, it's fun, even if it doesn't involve any shooting.

richlevy 06-03-2004 07:44 PM

Clive Barkers Undying (PC version)
I just picked this up new from the game store for the whopping price of $3.50.

Maybe it's the background music, or maybe it's the animation, but this game just gives me the creeps. It makes Resident Evil look like Pee Wee's Playhouse.

Nice gimmicks include a 'true seeing' spell which, when you invoke it, shows you the 'real' family portrait. The individual monsters are ok, but its the overall effect that gets creepy.

I'm playing it on 'Medium', and I've already watched my character die a few times.

One or two of the puzzles have me stumped. One thing I like about playing games is that there are plenty of walk-throughs out there if I give up.

elSicomoro 06-03-2004 08:02 PM

I bought a PS2 in November...finally. Had a PSOne, but sold it to Dave. I also have a Genesis somewhere around here. Back in St. Louis, my brother has the 2600, Intellivision, NES and Sega's Master System II.

I'm normally a sports game fan: I have NHL, Madden and NBA Ballers. But I recently bought Def Jam Vendetta and got GTA3 from Jim back in the fall...good stuff.

Chewbaccus 06-04-2004 08:20 AM

I just picked up Def Jam as well for Cube, along with Rogue Squadron 3: Rebel Strike. Sexiful games, the both of them.

On the horizon, I saw the video for Def Jam: Fight for New York in LA, but I couldn't find an actual demo station anywhere. Looked pretty tight, though. And from what I've read of GTA: San Andreas, I'm really hoping Rockstar will port it over to Xbox like they did for GTA3/Vice City, if not release it outright. I've gone this far without wanting anything to do with Sony when it comes to video games, I'd hate to break an impressive record.

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