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JBKlyde 04-22-2012 10:30 PM

It is by grace I have been saved so that I cannot boast in my own works...

promoting qwerks: "simulation terminated"

monster 04-22-2012 10:41 PM

There is not a Christian cell in your body. i think you're a closet muslim.

JBKlyde 04-22-2012 10:50 PM

and you've met me how many times???

monster 04-22-2012 11:08 PM

one too many

how many times have you met Ibram?

Ibby 04-22-2012 11:17 PM

We both need to stop feeding the troll til the banhammer hits, mon. As hard as that is.

classicman 04-23-2012 12:20 AM

JB ... I called you out on your BS from almost day one.
Others were more lenient and wanted to give you time.
All you have done since then is repeatedly proved you are not fit for society.
God willing, I hope they lock you up with the ghey version of Mr T as your cellmate.

Ibby 04-23-2012 12:31 AM

Classic: Rape is NEVER funny. not even prison rape. Watch it.

DanaC 04-23-2012 02:57 AM

The religious crap I can stomach. The odd communication style I'm fine with. But this rampant homophobic nastiness is horrible and it has no place on this board.

We have, JBKlyde, been very tolerant as a community of your particular foibles and problems. The flipside of that is that we expect some tolerance from you.

Ibs is a valued, and I would even say much loved member of this community. I feel sickened and insulted on her behalf by the things you've said here.

I no longer wish to accomodate your peculiarities. I want you gone.

[eta] Fucking Christofascist.

TheMercenary 04-23-2012 07:58 AM

ZenGum 04-23-2012 08:06 AM

JB, I'm not happy.
You've been going on about searching for the truth.
You must remember that your answer is an answer that works for you, but it is not a universal truth and it doesn't work for a lot of other people. You believe it on faith because it provides you with an answer to live by. But faith is a personal thing and so your religion and your answers are personal too.
Which means none of us can expect other people to take our religions as seriously as we do. And that means that you can't expect other people to live by your religion's rules.
But when people make a society, as they go along they agree to certain rules. One of the rules of most modern societies is that hate speech is not okay. and using your religion as an excuse for abusing, threatening or insulting people is not okay.
I'm pretty sure that applies here in the cellar.

Please apologise to Ibram.

Ibby 04-23-2012 08:28 AM

please don't apologise, jbk. we're a little past that. if you apologise it will only be forced and hollow. I'm still just waiting for the banhammer to drop.

BigV 04-23-2012 08:33 AM

jbk can (and he should) apologize any time he likes. forgiveness for the being offended by his remarks is yours to grant or not; your choice.

I'm curious, will you feel better if he's banned?

Ibby 04-23-2012 08:48 AM

Yeah, actually, I will. People who threaten violence like that have no place in this community. I would say the same if it was niggers or spics or towelheads he was after instead of us faggots.

We've often used the example of the pub or coffeeshop for our community. Someone comes in, knocks over everyone's drinks, pukes everywhere, whatever the metaphor was, we say no, not in our cafe. We have a standard of decorum and social atmosphere that, if you come in here and shit all over, we reject.

This isn't some asshole coming in and being an intolerably annoying oaf. This is some asshole coming in and telling us all how he wants to literally kill people. Some asshole coming in and spreading violence and hate. Some asshole literally threatening domestic terrorism. He admitted himself that it was a threat. I think that's solidly in bannable territory.

BigV 04-23-2012 10:06 AM

I hope you feel better, regardless, Ibram.

By your own assessment about *not* being an intolerably annoying oaf, he's not breaking that cellar rule. We do have standards, I agree. We have a very wide range of interactions and opinions here. And according to those standards we have wide range of responses to those comments. It's important to use the right response for the right situation. I don't believe banning is the right response for what I've read from JBK.


I feel compelled to add that I find homophobia, racism, hatred, prejudice, deliberate ignorance and intolerance wrong in word and in deed. My position in this current situation is not in any way support for what he's saying; I am supporting his opportunity to say it.

JBKlyde 04-23-2012 11:36 AM

I think your all just over reacting. If America is the melting pot why do people get so mad every time I stir it.

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