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elSicomoro 06-17-2003 07:01 PM


Originally posted by Elspode
I don't think being an asshole is a racial issue. I think being an asshole means just that, and race really doesn't enter into it. And yes, Syc, I know you are being over the top on purpose, and it is okay. I just don't want anyone to think that I'm some sort of a toothless throwback to the days of Jim Crow.
That's already least to the people that read the Cellar and your posts on a regular.


Oh, more thing. If I burned a popsicle stick cross on his porch, made KKK threats or showed a noose, you can bet I'd find my ass up on federal civil rights violation charges a hell of lot faster than that kid would find himself in trouble for duking my boy.
The popsicle stick cross or a noose, perhaps...but as far as any KKK reference, you're pretty much covered. First amendment grounds. If I just wanted to call some black guy on the street a "dumb nigger," I can. However, if I call some black on the street a "dumb nigger" and then throw a punch, that could be considered a Federal hate crime.

Bitmap 06-17-2003 11:24 PM

SO Esplode has there been any change in the situation? Has the Punk done anything new? last i heard, you said he had dissapeared. Do you know what happened to him?

Elspode 06-17-2003 11:38 PM

He's around...I've seen him, and the kids have seen him, but no interaction. We're being pretty stringent about not letting the kids out on their own. Only in groups, and we have to know where they are going and all.

I don't want them to be prisoners of this kid's attitudes, but at the same time, they need to be safe, and there's safety in numbers.

It is only a matter of time before someone pulls the punk's chain, and he'll feel the urge to pull someone else's. Wish he'd read Animal Farm; maybe he'd learn something about the futility of all that shit.

ladysycamore 06-18-2003 12:58 PM

Kids are evil fuckers

Originally posted by dave
I don't believe that violence is out of the question. Put up signs that say
No Tresspassing
Violators will be shot.
Survivors will be shot again.

and then act appropriately. :)

Awesome, I love it!

Lobby the police even more intensely. Use a camcorder and record the kids doing what they're doing, then use it against them. While you're doing it, tell them. Let them know that you're getting them on tape, to provide evidence of their crimes to the judge, and that if they don't want to spend their next couple birthdays in juvenile hall, they might want to think about ceasing their activities.

Brilliant! I like this scenario too. Like they say, "the camera does not lie". Best of luck with the little turdmonger and his minions. :mad:

Elspode 06-18-2003 01:34 PM

Thanks, has been a relatively quiet summer so far, but we are prepared to kick ass and take names.

Odd_Bloke 06-18-2003 03:59 PM

What are the laws on electric fencing in your are a of the country?

Also, use pink, fluffy handcuffs. ;)

Elspode 06-18-2003 04:26 PM

As luck would have it, those are exactly the kind we've kept in the drawer next to the bed all these years!

My current financial situation won't allow the installation of electric fencing. Bullets are a lot cheaper, anyway.

Bitmap 06-19-2003 08:01 AM


Also, use pink, fluffy handcuffs.
then you can dress him up like a girl and take photos. Print about 200 of them and post them arround the neibor-hood- Public humiliation Galores.

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