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xoxoxoBruce 12-05-2003 08:36 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad

So Bruce, still admirable?

stirring up a rash of trouble

heh, heh, heh. Sure Tony, Gotta admire the winner. And Jims been spending so much time in the Cellar, he may not make his quota and then the sparks will fly.:haha:

Kitsune 12-05-2003 08:47 PM


Originally posted by warch
Funny story, My friend was bathing her 4 year old daughter, got just out of sightline for a minute to grab a towel, returned to find Megan had not only pooped various floaty little balls, but was proceeding to carefully line them up by size on the edge of the tub.
I smell a new poll: "Do you defecate in the shower?"

But there's a drain right there!

xoxoxoBruce 12-05-2003 08:52 PM


Originally posted by Kitsune

I smell a new poll: "Do you defecate in the shower?"

But there's a drain right there!

Are you trying to start some shit?:p

ladysycamore 12-05-2003 09:07 PM


Originally posted by Riddil
I'm actually a recovering shower-pisser. I used to do it all the time, I actually preferred it since you just felt "free" when doing it.
Exactly what I was thinking! I haven't pissed in the shower in years. Not for any moral reason, but...just because I didn't have to. lol!


The pours in your skin are remarkably skilled at picking up odors. That's why if you spend the night in a smoky bar, even if you change your clothes and wash your hair you'll still smell like smoke.

Or if you're really daring, sprinkle some dehydrated milk into your bed and sleep on it. You'll smell like rotting milk for days. (The old practical joke is line someones bed with plastic or some non-porous layer, then a light layer of dehyd'd milk, then their bottom sheet. If they don't notice it when they go to bed they will wake the next morning literally smelling like rotton milk... and it won't wash off)

Anyhow... so if you do happen to let the yellow river flow in the shower then you are trapping some wonderful urea in your pours. (Of course it's arguable that it really won't matter that much since your sweat already contains urea, even if it's in a much smaller concentration than in your urine).
Wow, I never thought of it that way. Since my RRF (residual renal function) is gradually slowing down, there's not much to pee out in the shower anyway.

Plus, I normally go before the shower. :) Now, if you all will excuse me, I actually have to go!

lumberjim 12-05-2003 09:13 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: exactly!

Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
So if you won't kiss me, I better get a new brush? :D Do you come from a large family or is it a God given talent?
what she was referring to was the fact that if you don't shut the lid on the toilet, it sends a cloud of poop molecules 4ft high and 4ft wide when you flush......most peoples'toothbrushes hang well within that sphere. That's all it took to convince me to close the lid....

Griff 12-05-2003 09:17 PM


Originally posted by Kitsune

I smell a new poll: "Do you defecate in the shower?"

But there's a drain right there!

Dave used to shit in the shower.

lumberjim 12-05-2003 09:19 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
heh, heh, heh. Sure Tony, Gotta admire the winner. And Jims been spending so much time in the Cellar, he may not make his quota and then the sparks will fly.:haha:
no quota's...and lately, very very slow......

and jinx loves me for my daring whit and stunning good looks, not my money. Plus, I don't have a plate in my head.

xoxoxoBruce 12-05-2003 10:22 PM

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: exactly!

Originally posted by lumberjim

what she was referring to was the fact that if you don't shut the lid on the toilet, it sends a cloud of poop molecules 4ft high and 4ft wide when you flush......most peoples'toothbrushes hang well within that sphere. That's all it took to convince me to close the lid....

You really bought that story?:)

insoluble 12-05-2003 11:10 PM

I would like to know what exactly a "poop molecule" is.

elSicomoro 12-05-2003 11:19 PM


Originally posted by amoeba
Thank You!!! Brewcity = Milwaukee, home of Miller Brewing Company....mmmmmm
Milwaukee makes the worst fucking beer in the world.*

*--Do not be offended...this is merely a St. Louisan giving someone from Milwaukee a good-natured ribbing. And besides, it's not like A-B beers are that much better than Miller beers anyway.

Elspode 12-05-2003 11:44 PM


Originally posted by Beestie
I used to stand real close to the drain but got bored when my aim got so good that I never missed (a layup). So I started from a little further back (the foul line) till I got pretty good from there. Once I mastered the shot from the charity stripe, I moved back to the 3-point line (NCAA) and I can drain it from there (so to speak) about 50% of the time. If I am really 'feeling it', I'll back up to the NBA 3-point line (all the way from the back of the tub). I figure I'm about a 40% shooter from that distance.
Wasn't it Richard Pryor who used to do a bit about how, when you are young, you are so virile that you can pee and hit the toilet while still lying down in bed?

Yeah, I pee in the shower. Water, drain, soap...what everyone else says. I also find that, as one gets older, even if you whiz before getting into the shower, once the warm water gets you, that familiar tingly crawly feeling creeps over you again, and you discover that your bladder wasn't quite empty after all. It would just be too damn much trouble to do otherwise.

For the record, I also expectorate the worst of the morning nasties which result from my daily morning coughing fits while in the shower. All the moist air seems to make it work better...

Anyone care to discuss hemorrhoids?

Elspode 12-05-2003 11:48 PM


Originally posted by zippyt
Do you shit in your shoes as well ?:turd:
The dog sometimes takes care of that chore for us...

elSicomoro 12-05-2003 11:49 PM


Originally posted by Griff
One more piece of info for the keep Syc outa the state house committee.
The State House is for pussies anyway. I want to start out bigger and better.

Kitsune 12-06-2003 12:00 AM


Originally posted by insoluble
I would like to know what exactly a "poop molecule" is.
Be it poop molecule or piss vapor, the physics of the bathroom are really disturbing to me. Someone once noted that you should not be showering in the same room you use to evacuate your bowels, but I was in total shock when I heard of someone eating while on toilet. Reading? Okay. Drinking? You're pushing it. Eating? I couldn't believe it until I saw someone walk out of a stall at work with a sandwhich. Sure, he was holding it in a bag, but that just isn't right.

lumberjim 12-06-2003 12:16 AM


Originally posted by insoluble
I would like to know what exactly a "poop molecule" is.
ever smell a fart? well then, you've had them in your nose.

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