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Lady Sidhe 01-24-2004 09:18 PM

They ought to make weed legal, sell it in packs for say, $30 a pack, which is generally what a quarter would go for, and if you're caught driving on it, slap you with a DUI, just as they would a drunk driver. That way they make their money, and there will be something out there less dangerous than alcohol which gives kinda the same feeling (except you don't toss your cookies, and you don't have a hangover the next morning...and best of all, you can't KILL yourself by ingesting it, as you can with alcohol).

Of course, I grew up in a family that had a problem with alcohol, so It really irks me when people talk about how "bad" weed is, when they go out and get drunk every weekend.


elSicomoro 01-24-2004 09:32 PM


Originally posted by Lady Sidhe
Why is alcohol, which is highly addictive, physically dangerous (it can cause long and short term memory loss, cirrhosis of the liver, retrograde amnesia; and, due to lowered inhibitions, is a cause of drunk driving, murder, spread of STD's, alcohol poisoning and interpersonal abuse) legal, when a drug such as marijuana, (which can cause short term memory loss; is not a statistically significant cause of violence in users; which can have at least as much of a medicinal application as the cocaine sometimes used in dentist's offices; and whose overdose isn't fatal as alcohol overdoses can be) is not?
Because Anheuser-Busch has a lot of money.

farfromhome 01-24-2004 09:42 PM

"Been there,done that."
Lady Sidhe:I bow to you.There is nothing more I could add to your comments.Read what she says,folks.

xoxoxoBruce 01-24-2004 10:06 PM


Originally posted by sycamore

Because Anheuser-Busch has a lot of money.

So do the drug lords but they don't spend it on lobbyists and Super Bowl commercials.:)

elSicomoro 01-24-2004 10:15 PM

Exactly! That's the problem with the illegal drug industry...

Lady Sidhe 01-25-2004 07:36 PM

Re: "Been there,done that."

Originally posted by farfromhome
Lady Sidhe:I bow to you.There is nothing more I could add to your comments.Read what she says,folks.
OMG! Someone actually agrees with me? *all choked up* I don't know what to say...*has an emotional moment*:D


Troubleshooter 01-25-2004 08:01 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim

your sample group must be quite limited. I know several people who would contradict your stated trend. Snoop Dog. Cheech and Chong. Bill Clinton.

People aren;t gonna tell you if they smoke every day. how do you know your boss doesn't fire up the bong on a nightly basis? You have never tried it, therefore your opinion is somewhat weakened. You may have the ability to observe and deduce, but if you have never tried it, I question your exposure to it, and the validity of your conclusions about it.

oh, and welcome aboard.

My sample is quite varied, but like any form of statistic, it is subject to being skewed by the environment in which it is taken. Also, considering the size of the purported smoker's pool, they would be considered outlyers. Also, statistics are only a trend and should always be subject to revision.

While I'm quite sure that Snoop Dog smokes regularly, he is just a rapper, just because a lot of people like something doesn't mean it's good.

I like Cheech and Chong too. Cheech Marin looks to have gotten a semi-serious acting career and we have no way of knowing how he chooses to entertain himself. Did you see where they busted Tmmy Chong for the first time ever just recently? All he supposedly had was a bunch of pipes and an ounce. Just because his son runs a headshop.

And Clinton is a cretin. And again we don't know if he fires up regularly or not.

I also find it amusing that everone who smokes comes back to the argument that because I haven't tried it I don't have any basis on which to argue, but if you look at the point I made previously I didn't say that the weed was the cause. I'm trying to see if it is the cause or if it is just another symptom of a greater issue. But I say again, everyone I've seen who smokes reglarly is stalled.

Just to clarify my exposure. Sadly, most of the people in close proximity to me smoke. I attend college. Also, regardless of my opinion, I have never been of the notion to report anyone who smokes or does acid, and all of the people around me know that.

I'm a lot more exposed than people give me credit for. : )

And thanks for the welcome.

lumberjim 01-25-2004 08:28 PM


I'm trying to see if it is the cause or if it is just another symptom of a greater issue. But I say again, everyone I've seen who smokes reglarly is stalled.
ok. so now you've met someone who bucks the trend.

So. you're in college. These people that are stalled are also in college? or are they the friends you have that do not attend, and instead of studying, they go to work during the day, and then tune in at night? What i'm wondering is how old you and these stalled people are. Not so I can say you're too young to kow anything, but because I want to differentiate your impression of their being "stalled" from their choice in how they spend their free time.

It comes down to perspective. You may see them as stalled. They may feel that they have arrived. Your goals are your goals. You choose to do without drugs, and I absolutely respect that, but how can you be in a position to refer to someone's life as stalled?

I think you hit the edge of it in the quote above. There definately are stalled people in the world. Many of these, I'm sure, get high a lot. They probably also drink and do whatever else they can get their hands on as an escape from their unsatisfying existence. However, there are plenty of people ( oh, and the examples I used last time I said this were meant to be humorous) that DO smoke regularly, yet hold important and respected positions, provide for their families, and hold sway with other people's lives.

Troubleshooter 01-25-2004 09:19 PM

Just to put me in perspective...

34, male, capricorn, heterosexual

GED because I screwed around too much.

4 years in the US Navy, two of them spent on board a 688 class Fast Attack Submarine (SSN 705).

1 year as part-owner of a role-playing game store

Several of the past ten years have been spent doing computer/technical problem solving.

I've spent a year working in a psychiatic facility as a psychiatric aid.

Presently I'm in college majoring in sociology and working on the school's computer network.

I've seen many different perspectives as to what comprises success and achievement. One of the things I've seen is that, regardless of what your measure of success is, it almost invariably includes continuing to grow, whether it's through formal education or simply personal growth. I see a dearth of that in the people I'm referring to.

wolf 01-25-2004 09:43 PM

Cool ... you're a nutwrangler too?

What kind of facility are you working in?

Troubleshooter 01-26-2004 09:45 AM


Originally posted by wolf
Cool ... you're a nutwrangler too?

What kind of facility are you working in?

Um, define nutwrangler please... : )

I work/attend Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond.

I maintain 4 labs with about 120 PCs total.

And you?

wolf 01-26-2004 09:53 AM

When you were working as a psych tech, you were a nutwrangler. Sorry I interpreted that as Past rather than Present ...

lumberjim 01-26-2004 09:55 AM

everybody loves a good nutwrangler.

wolf 01-26-2004 10:05 AM


Originally posted by Troubleshooter
And you?
I commit people.

Troubleshooter 01-26-2004 10:05 AM


Originally posted by lumberjim
everybody loves a good nutwrangler.
You and me both...

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