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Carbonated_Brains 08-10-2004 02:11 PM

I would like to pipe in and reiterate that wolf is a big sloshy bint.

She's a four hairs from "soggy tart" status.

Your political convictions are your own, garnet. Although I hate PETA and most of it's methods, I sort of hope you joined because you believe in the more broad ideal of animal rights, rather than the practice of dressing up as a cow and getting dragged off by security.

Penn and Teller have a great show called "Bullshit" which did a lot to colour my views of the PETA.

But animal rights, and vegetarianism, are definitely noble causes, and most people here are just trying to rub your willies and raise your dander.

But you don't seem like a huge cantankerous bitch, so you're fine in my books.

garnet 08-10-2004 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by slang
[thinks to self] Hoooo-leeeee-shit batman.....we're gonna see Wolf activate the intellectual baseball bat here [/thinks to self]

Uhhh, yeah, I'm really scared of that "intellectual" baseball bat alright. I'm just shakin' like a leaf....

garnet 08-10-2004 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by Carbonated_Brains

But you don't seem like a huge cantankerous bitch, so you're fine in my books.

Awwwww.....You know, that is the NICEST thing anyone on this forum has ever said to me. CB, you're OK in my book too! :3eye:

slang 08-10-2004 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Carbonated_Brains
.....But animal rights, and vegetarianism, are definitely noble causes....

Stopping the abuse of animals? Sure. Giving them a social security card and Consitutional rights? ....Well, no.

Vegetariianism? Sure, if that's your deal, good for you. If you want to eliminate or reduce your own meat consumption, that's fine with me. If you want to join groups like PETA, I have no objection. Who am I to judge?

Hunting game animals and eating meat is still legal and popular though. And if that is disturbing to the extremist animal rights people, they should just go and have a vegetarian beer and relax. Try changing the culture incrementally instead pushing so hard for an agenda that the majority of people don't support.

And I don't think garnet is a cantankerous bitch. She might enjoy the cellar a bit more if she'd lighten up and just laugh at some of the humor here though. There are a wide variety of opinions and backgrounds here. Almost all have some pretty silly ideas, in one way or another.

slang 08-10-2004 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by garnet
Uhhh, yeah, I'm really scared of that "intellectual" baseball bat alright. I'm just shakin' like a leaf....

See, this is a good example. You arent supposed to be scared. This is the fucking internet for Christ's sake. Until and unless you show up at someone's front might you really be intimidating? I would guess that no one truly could.

You are just as defensive as I was when I first came here.

What do I know though.

garnet 08-10-2004 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by slang
See, this is a good example. You arent supposed to be scared. This is the fucking internet for Christ's sake. Until and unless you show up at someone's front might you really be intimidating? I would guess that no one truly could.

Slang, sweatheart--

I was being SARCASTIC saying I was scared. You know, facetious? Joking around? I thought that was pretty clear, but I guess not. Trust me, I don't get scared real easily, especially not of some hot-headed anonymous dumb ass on the internet.

slang 08-10-2004 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by garnet
........ hot-headed anonymous dumb ass on the internet........

I can remember when Radar was a "sweet talker" like you. He finally fit into the groove and we all think he's a good guy now. I look forward to seeing you find your own groove here in the future.

And Wolf is a dumb ass just like I am NYC liberal.

lookout123 08-10-2004 03:09 PM

Can someone give me a hand here?

*struggling to pull bleachers over so we can all sit and watch the scrap*

Garnet i don't know or really care what your deal is. like it has been pointed out this is the internet so take it all with a grain of salt. but before insulting people like you seem prone to do, you might want to spend a little bit of time and see maybe why someone has X amount of posts. how long did it take them to accumulate them? while you are thinking about that you may want to notice that there aren't hundreds of people posting on here every day. there are a few dozen folks that post regularly and have developed the internet version of respect for each other over the course of many discussions. each person here has a personality that the rest of us have come to know. you may want to read into a few other threads and realize that, in fact, many of these people know each other on a face to face basis and have friendships with each other that don't require typing.

so if you bother to acknowledge these facts it would be pretty easy to see why we all jumped on your shit. you show up on day one and start posting (that is a good thing, btw, welcome to the cellar) things that got somebody's craw that day. your posts were a little confrontational and this place is just full of confrontational people. so those who know eachother pretty much chewed you up and spit you out.

don't take it to heart though. hell, my first day here someone (i think it was LJ) took plenty of jabs at me. ( i still think he was just looking for an excuse ot increase his postcount). just relax and see what the cellar is all about. you may like it here. just be aware that we like to eat dead animals and pet living ones.


Carbonated_Brains 08-10-2004 03:11 PM

Sure seems like a few of you are just hackin' on her beliefs and attributing it to "humour" though.

And I'm totally against hunting where you don't eat the animal, and you use a high-powered rifle from your chair up in a tree, or some such.

If the animal doesn't have a sporting chance, it ain't hunting.

Although fishing is fine by me, as well as hunting with a bow and arrow ;-)

slang 08-10-2004 03:16 PM

Have you ever tried to fire a rifle from a tree while freezing your ass off...trying to sip some coffee? Believe me, they have a sporting chance.

Don't kill for the hell of it though. We agree on that one. There are some of those dumbasses here that "hunt for heads" but we've managed to reduce their numbers.

lookout123 08-10-2004 03:18 PM

garnet's going to be just fine in the cellar. she just came in and ruffled a few feathers before the system crashed.

i didn't see anyone personally insulting her the way she insulted wolf though.

slang 08-10-2004 03:24 PM

A lot of good members start that way.

Ok, maybe just a few.

lookout123 08-10-2004 03:25 PM

she'll be just fine.

slang 08-10-2004 03:34 PM

The deadline for out of state doe tags is this Thursday.

If you want to freeze your ass off in rural Pennsylvania while in a tree drinking coffee in hopes to shoot Bambi.....better get it in the mail!

( I couldn't control myself )

Carbonated_Brains 08-10-2004 03:35 PM

To me, personal insults are what make the internet a truly amazing place.


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