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billybob 05-09-2006 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by Shocker
That said, illegal immigrants here today are still in the process of breaking the law. They are breaking the law by being here.

Excellent. Rather than taking the blindingly simplistic approach offered by the sit's resident fuckwit, you have set your case out in a reasoned and measured manner. The argument, as you put it, boils down to the fact that your laws are being ignored by the incoming immigrants.

Talking to my American buddy, she confirms that the American indigenous had their own tribal justice systems and territorial concepts long before the white man arrived. The white man simply chose to ignore them, and on the rare occasion that they were driven out, the settlers simply returned and helped themseelves to whatever they felt they needed to remain on that patch of land.

Where neccesary, the settlers would trade with the indigenous in order to get what they wanted.The settlers brought with them many habits that would harm the indigenous culture - Tobacco, firearms, alcohol, and disease being the most common.

The settlers chose not to assimilate into the existing culture, preferring to retain their own language and habits. Of course, they weren't above fornicating with the indigenous women if the opportunity arose.

When attempts to secure land and resources by mass occupation or by trading failed, the settlers were quick to use violence to steal what they wanted...........

Now according to the anti - Mexican lobby, there is no statute of limitations on such behaviour. So presumably, the lands and resources stolen still belong to the indigenous. If I don't hear from you guys again Iwill assume that you are busy packing your computer away and preparing for the exodus East. Cattle ships will be made available to send you all back to your country of ancestry, the Green Card is not issued by American Indians, nor should they be obliged to recognise the offspring of illegals as citizens.

The Mexicans are following the example of the founding fathers of the USA. You should all be very proud.

billybob 05-09-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by MaggieL

You may not be interested in my opinion...but you're not actually the only person who matters.

I'm glad you think that I matter, dear, because I don't think you do. Now....theres a debate going on this thread that is well above the level of your intelligence, so can you please go do the ironing or clean the toilet or something until we're done talking? I'm sure you'de find it less stressful and more satisfying.

MaggieL 05-09-2006 07:04 PM

Dunno...where I live was bought from the people who were living here at the time by Penn...since he chose not to rely on his charter from the English Crown.

In fact attempts by Mexican illegals to claim territorial sovereignty within US borders--a concept called "Aztlan"--is one aspect of the recent demonstrations that generated the most negative reactions in the US public...go figure. Damn racists, won't play along.

“I have proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders.” -- Mexican President Zedillo, 1997

All the more reason to make sure they leave, I'd say.

I assume Billy will be giving NZ back to the Maoris. But I'd also guess we won't go as quietly.

MaggieL 05-09-2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by billybob
I'm glad you think that I matter, dear, because I don't think you do...

Well, I was trying to frame in a way you might understand.

Please remeber that "You aren't the only person in set X" does not validly imply that "You are in set X". It's that pesky "logic" thing again...

Have you switched from your former tactical mix of red herrings, straw men and slippery slope to a strict focus on misogynistic ad hominem? It may be easier to write, but it's less convincing as argumentation.

xoxoxoBruce 05-09-2006 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by billybob
Where neccesary, the settlers would trade with the indigenous in order to get what they wanted.The settlers brought with them many habits that would harm the indigenous culture - Tobacco, firearms, alcohol, and disease being the most common.

They had alcohol, they just hadn't figured out how to make the good shit. Tobacco was something they gave us, there was none in Europe until Columbus brought it back from the "New World".

Now according to the anti - Mexican lobby, there is no statute of limitations on such behaviour. So presumably, the lands and resources stolen still belong to the indigenous.
Every nation in the world is occupied by people that won and held, or just held, it, and there's damn few of the latter. Either way, the residents of every nation must protect their borders from interlopers or them will be over run by aliens.

Rome wasn't brought down by armies of soldiers but armies of vagrants they couldn't support.

Every other nation strictly limits aliens and there's no reason we shouldn't too.....not one. :headshake

If I don't hear back from you, I'll assume you're packing your computer and leaving your digs to the natives.

MaggieL 05-09-2006 07:26 PM

Oh yeah...this morning's news from "the state that's too far from Mexico to worry about illegals".

billybob 05-09-2006 07:27 PM

The Treaty of Waitangi was an inspired settlement for its day, and its principles remain at the heart of the New Zealand legal and political system to this day. I have no claim on this land, other than that of legal immigration, and my being here does not deprive any Maori of the right to anything. In fact, there was a shortage of skills in my chosen profession when I applied for residence, so the way in was streamlined and subsidised for me. Any time they want me to move on, I would have no problem with it, but we exist in a mutually-beneficial way....Much like the US and its mexican underclass.

MaggieL 05-09-2006 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by billybob
I have no claim on this land, other than that of legal immigration...we exist in a mutually-beneficial way....Much like the US and its mexican underclass.

Except for the "legal immigration" part.

billybob 05-10-2006 09:36 AM

No mention of 'illegal immigrants' anywhere in that article. The fact that you assume that they are speaks more about you than about them.

Happy Monkey 05-10-2006 10:28 AM

Also, as long as the girls weren't being held against their will (which seems somewhat unlikely, as two of them are being charged), I don't see why that article should be worrying in any way.

mrnoodle 05-10-2006 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by billybob
If I don't hear from you guys again Iwill assume that you are busy packing your computer away and preparing for the exodus East. Cattle ships will be made available to send you all back to your country of ancestry, the Green Card is not issued by American Indians, nor should they be obliged to recognise the offspring of illegals as citizens.

One problem with that....current Mexicans are by and large descended from their Spanish invaders. Shall we make room for them on the boat to The Continent?

I'll save you a spot, as well -- some Maori will be knocking on your door shortly, I'll wager. Unless he's already been sent back to some Polynesian island chain where his ancestors came from 3,500 years ago.

Exodus is fun.

edit: damn, I should've read the whole thread. Oh well. At any rate, even peaceful, lawful immigration takes potential resources away from "the natives", whoever they may be. Instead of dwelling on who is native to what, why don't we all just...I dunno...FOLLOW THE FUCKING LAWS OF THE COUNTRY WE ARE CURRENTLY WALKING AROUND IN and let our ancestors pay whatever eternal price they must for their own sins.

MaggieL 05-10-2006 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by billybob
No mention of 'illegal immigrants' anywhere in that article. The fact that you assume that they are speaks more about you than about them.

Like most newspaper articles about crime, that article was generated from a police report, and the police here are forbidden from asking if people they encounter during an investigation are illegals.

Are "hooker" and "pimp" on the list of scarce skills for which NZ will subsidize immigration? They won't get you an H1B visa here...yet.

MaggieL 05-10-2006 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
I don't see why that article should be worrying in any way.

I'm not opposed to legalized prostitution, but it doesn't currently exist in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Once you create an illegal enterprise, the pressure to branch out into sideline businesses is substantial.

Happy Monkey 05-10-2006 12:00 PM

Right, which is a major reason it should be legal, but still - the article wasn't about any sideline businesses, so I don't see what point the article was supposed to make wrt immigration. Hispanic prostitutes are taking away the jobs of our homegrown prostitutes?

MaggieL 05-10-2006 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey
I don't see what point the article was supposed to make wrt immigration.

billybob had been lecturing me earlier that since I live in Pennsylvania I couldn't possible encountered, have legitimate issues about or in fact know anything about illegals, since PA is so far from the Mexican border.

Maybe he's right...these folks apparently came down from Queens, which as we know is much closer to Mexico.

I'll keep an eye out for reporting on any court cases that arise from this, but I suspect there will be a plea bargain, so we may never have an authoritative word on the perps' immigration status. All I can say is: this is the same town where the mayor insisted that he needed to issue identity documents to the illegals so he could do a better job of delivering municipal services to them.

Usually only when something like this gets to court do immigration statuses get investigated...if then.

Good thing there aren't any illegals here.

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