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BigV 03-05-2012 07:20 PM

me, me ME ME ME, it's all about me, this post is.


Originally Posted by sexobon
Addicted To Us

Your PC's on, but you're not home
Your mind is not your own
Your keyboard rattles, your mouse shakes
Another post is what it takes

You can't read, can only write
There's no doubt, you're uptight
Your body's fixed, you can't leave
Another post is all you need

Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah
It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough
You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to us

You see the signs, but you don't heed
You're postin' at, a different speed
Your heart beats, in double time
Another post, and you'll be fine a one track mind
You can't be saved
The Cellar is all you crave
If there's a clone left for you
You don't mind if you do

Whoa, you like to think that you're immune to the stuff, oh yeah
It's closer to the truth to say you can't get enough
You know you're gonna have to face it, you're addicted to us

Might as well face it, you're addicted to us
......Might as well face it, you're addicted to us
............Might as well face it, you're addicted to us ...

DanaC 04-23-2012 11:53 AM



Originally Posted by BigV (Post 808073)
Good question, here's why.

When you say stupid shit, you attract attention to yourself. When you say really stupid shit, repeatedly and loudly, you attract LOTS of attention to your stupid comments. When you drape yourself in stupidity, people can't see anything else, even if there is a reasonable person underneath.

And when I say "you", I mean anybody. But in this case, I mean you. That you say you're would "off all the people at a gay pride parade", that qualifies as really stupid shit, and you repeated it, you've draped yourself in stupid shit. What else is there for us to see? What *should* we be reacting to?

BigV 04-24-2012 12:43 AM

From ZenGum the Droll:



Originally Posted by BigV
I just want to ask... how do you know?

Here we go again.

I teach students, but do they call me Zengum the Teacher? Nooooo.
I do first aid, but do they call me Zengum the first-aider? Nooooooo.
I read lots of books, but do they call me Zengum the reader? Nooo-ooo-ooo.

But you sniff one butt, just one little butt, just once, just to see what it's like, and from then on ...

DanaC 05-01-2012 10:15 AM

Beautifully put.


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 809665)
Right, and we weren't talking about the Joe Bob with a Job family down the street who have an inground pool.

At least I wasn't: I mean the "have to get more more more more more and don't care about your less less less less less." It's a sickness, and it's detrimental to more than just the sickie.

But those who consider themselves 1% (though really only the 40 or 50%, which is pretty funny) love to twist it around that we're all envious of Joe Bob with a Job for having that pool.

infinite monkey 05-10-2012 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by tw (Post 810863)
It frames the tea party, Fox News, and Limbaugh disciples as advocates of hate, useless confrontation, and wacko extremism. And creates a problem for a moderate like Romney. He must now side with extremists or demonstrate the moderate he really wants to be.

Hateful extremists always need a bogeyman. bin Laden is gone. So gays make an easy target. Hate is necessary to recruit and rally extremists. And to even attack moderate Republicans who are openly condemning the hate and confrontation advocated by wacko extremists.

regular.joe accurately exposed the contradiction. The most hateful do not think for themselves. Are told that conservatives use government to impose religion and their morals on all others. The most naive are told how a conservative must think. Then parrot the propaganda. Do not even understand an obvious contradiction.

What minority will become the next extremist's target? We know extremist gain power by promoting hate. No decent, educated, or informed person has a problem with gay marriage. Those who promote hate need that bogeyman.

BigV 07-12-2012 10:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is so awesome! Such great work. Happy Birthday Mav! Way to go Aliantha!

Attachment 39590

Griff 07-13-2012 07:22 AM

Ha nice!

BigV 10-08-2012 03:11 PM

Happy Monkey rebuts the assertion that the time has come to end affirmative action. And he does so succinctly and brilliantly. Wow.


Originally Posted by Happy Monkey (Post 833200)
The mantra against affirmative action is "equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome".

But if you don't get equality in outcome, then there are two choices:
1) There was not equality in opportunity
2) One group is inherently inferior

I don't believe 2), so I'll support affirmative action until we've had a few generations of equality in outcome.

Spexxvet 10-19-2012 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 834905)
I don't. But anywho...

Our country is not a business. That's the problem with promoting a businessman to run it. Running our country isn't about making money for the stockholders/elite and squeezing the most out of the employees/working folk in order to do it. Unless you are an elite, then maybe that IS what it's all about?

Our country is supposed to be about ensuring the future of our children and their children. Are we educating our children? Are we creating an economic model that will keep the working people happy and working for generations to come? Because when they become disillusioned, you will have revolt against the powers-that-be. Are we treating 50.8% of our population like second-class citizens or recognizing their right to be in charge of their own bodies/destiny? Are we teaching future generations to be tolerant of cultural/religious differences or are we teaching them hate and bigotry and intolerance? Because that won't end well.... Are we cultivating positive relationships with other countries or are we playing my military/penis is bigger than yours with everyone? Because our children have to deal with the consequences of this. We will be dead and gone while they send THEIR children off to die. Are we raping the limited natural resources of the only planet we have to live on? Or are we protecting them so future generations will have clean air and water and a healthy ecological cycle? It's not just about spending, although that matters too. History has shown that the economy is healthiest when taxes on the top earners is highest. Why is that such a sticking point? Taxing the Rich Clearly, because the richest and most powerful don't care about the economy/the rest of us in the long run, they care about their dollars, right now.
It isn't just about profits and sadly, that's what too many "businessmen" type politicians are focused on. How can I maximize the profit for me and my buddies? Use natural resources? Increase military spending? Remove financial regulations? Force working class to do more for less so my net income goes up? (ie: no minimum wage, no safety regulations, no unions, no benefits).

What I look for in a politician/leader is a vision for the future. How are their decisions going to impact future generations? What sort of world will my grandchildren be forced to live in?

If Mitt Romney and the religious right have their way, the future I foresee is incredibly grim.

DanaC 10-19-2012 10:22 AM

Yeah, I really loved that post.

I've never understood the obsession with 'business' as a model for all else in life, from running the country to running a school.

BigV 11-05-2012 10:59 AM

There's a discussion about the attack on our embassy in Libya and the murder of our Ambassador during which sexobon held forth on the subject, especially regarding the difference in the United States' actions toward a foreign government and a foreign population. It is brilliant. The thread and his post all deserve to be read but this part is pure epiphany for me. Thank you sexobon.


Originally Posted by sexobon (Post 837354)
In countries with dictatorships, the general population may not have that influence on their leaders; so, we've decided that other governments can be segregated from their general populations and targeted separately. We didn't win a war with Iraq, just with its government.

Ibby 11-05-2012 10:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
BigV here:

Originally Posted by BigV

(img'd because I posted it on Tumblr (anonymously with the name blanked out of course) for my friends to love too)

BigV 11-05-2012 10:53 PM

:tips cap:

thanks, :)

DanaC 11-08-2012 02:22 PM

I've been really loving Sam's posts just lately. She's been on excellent form. How's this for an image:


Should someone mention to our hero that maybe he should pay the same amount of taxes that he paid back in 1999 and the mouth of hell opens up and a million tea party members boil out to take a stand on his behalf.
The whole post is excellent, but that bit really stood out. I really love her writing style.

From here:

SamIam 11-08-2012 03:29 PM

Why, thank you, Dana! I blame my recent posts on the fact that the inept doctor at my local clinic completely befuddled my prescriptions for strong drugs. Since that happened, I have been smoking medical marijuana to counter the nasty, drug induced, zinged state of my brain. I couldn't have written that but for medical malpractice and the laws passed by Colorado voters. ;)

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