The Cellar

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xoxoxoBruce 01-01-2004 06:11 PM

Nice work, Dr.

Happy Monkey 01-01-2004 08:16 PM

Island at Dusk
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At the wide area of the C&O canal below Great Falls.

Happy Monkey 01-01-2004 08:25 PM

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Near Great Falls.

Nothing But Net 01-01-2004 09:11 PM

Happy Monkey those are awesome shots
Especially the <i>Island at Dusk</i>.

You have some true talent.

lumberjim 01-01-2004 10:34 PM

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I thought that photo looked familiar, so i checked my mailbox and found this:

elSicomoro 01-01-2004 10:35 PM


xoxoxoBruce 01-01-2004 11:41 PM

TOP 5 MODELS!! :eek: What kind of philandering cad do you think I am?

elSicomoro 01-02-2004 01:59 AM

The Dirty Ol' Man™

dar512 01-02-2004 12:05 PM


Originally posted by sycamore
One of my favorite photos...I took this photo of the Sears Tower in Chicago while laying on the sidewalk on South Wacker Drive (February 1998)...
Nice shot. It's my view on weekday mornings. I work in there.

xoxoxoBruce 01-02-2004 12:41 PM

Dar, it's been mentioned as a terrorist target. How do the people that work there feel? Do they talk about it? Joke about it? Has the mood changed with the passage of time since 9/11/01?

dar512 01-02-2004 01:48 PM

People were a lot more anxious right after. It's mellowed out somewhat since then. The reaction varied a lot by person. Some folks were really freaked out in the beginning.

But the city and the building owners have been great about improving security. The city no longer allows flights over the loop area and the owners put in metal detectors, card readers, and barriers on the outside, not to mention the raft of security people. They've got the metal detectors set so high that even small change sets it off.

I'm not worried too much personally, because the place I work is on the 10, 11, and 12th floors. I figure that's too high to be gotten by a car bomb and too low to be immediately affected by a plane. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

When I think about it, like now, I do wonder if I'm acting like the Atreides in Dune. There's a section where the author remarks that they lived with danger so long that they failed to notice a change in its intensity. I hope we don't get to be like that.

But, I don't worry about it often enough to consider changing jobs. Plus it's a great company and I've got a great commute. My house is three blocks from the train station and the Sears tower is just across the river from Union station. It's about a half hour from door to door when I get the express - and I spend most of that playing The Legend of Zelda on my GBA.

zippyt 01-02-2004 02:01 PM


LJ said clay

....gray clay. i say its gray clay. i say it today. I say its gray clay today. Oh by the way, it's gray clay today, I say. I wouldn't have it any other way, than gray clay today.

Jinx i think LJ lost his meds again he is going all Sieusical again !!!

lumberjim 01-02-2004 03:12 PM


Originally posted by zippyt

Jinx i think LJ lost his meds again he is going all Sieusical again !!!


Happy Monkey 01-02-2004 05:36 PM

Spiky Tape Ball
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Just a little something I made this vacation:

Happy Monkey 01-02-2004 05:38 PM

NBN - Thanks, I was especially pleased with that one, too.

xoxoxoBruce 01-02-2004 05:39 PM

How long did that take?:confused:

Happy Monkey 01-02-2004 10:14 PM

Probably 12 hours or so, while watching a bit of TV.

Sun_Sparkz 01-05-2004 11:55 PM


Originally posted by Happy Monkey
Probably 12 hours or so, while watching a bit of TV.
what do you do with them? are they a coffee table docoration or something of the like?

Happy Monkey 01-06-2004 06:43 AM

Essentially. I first posted a picture of them in "Dodads"...

ladysycamore 01-07-2004 01:35 PM


Originally posted by Kitsune
Only decent picture from my recent "stupid night explorations" -- the theme was "security" or "bad security". I thought the rust was kinda cool.

Excellent detail on the lock and nice depth of field. :)

ladysycamore 01-07-2004 03:42 PM

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Here are a few B&W shots that I took roughly btwn 1999-2001:

This was taken when Sycamore and I lived in MD. He worked in Bethesda, and I was waiting for him to leave work. There was a couple of pieces of artwork on display outside of a small gallery:

Elspode 01-07-2004 09:50 PM

*Nice* sculpture, Rho...what's the media, exactly? Very nice pic as well.

elSicomoro 01-07-2004 10:00 PM

The sculptures appear to be some sort of metal.

Michael Roth 01-07-2004 10:10 PM

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some photoshop painting I did while bored one evening... smudge smudge smudge.

xoxoxoBruce 01-07-2004 11:02 PM

And then you went to sleep?!?!:worried:

Michael Roth 01-07-2004 11:03 PM

Some might say I'm a bit of an odd duck. I slept well :>

ladysycamore 01-08-2004 02:46 PM

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Originally posted by Elspode
*Nice* sculpture, Rho...what's the media, exactly? Very nice pic as well.
Thanks! Here's another B&W shot. This is Sycamore while we were driving around DC/MD one day:

lumberjim 01-08-2004 02:51 PM

thank you rho!!!!

i have saved that pic, and will be using it against syc in the very near future! got any more?!

ladysycamore 01-08-2004 06:53 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
thank you rho!!!!

i have saved that pic, and will be using it against syc in the very near future! got any more?!

I did, but I can't seem to shrink the photos enough to upload.


elSicomoro 01-08-2004 07:44 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
i have saved that pic, and will be using it against syc in the very near future! got any more?!
*laughs heartily*

Oh confused soul!

Before you think about trying to run against the Sycamore, keep this in mind: You work in a public place, and I could easily come in there and give you 73 kinds of hell.

That's what I thought. :)

The CIA 01-08-2004 08:46 PM

the above threat
Sycamore has been incarcerated and will be held until we can determine whether or not he presents a threat to lumberjims national security. that is all.

elSicomoro 01-08-2004 08:50 PM

Dear CIA,

Nice work on 9/11.



The CIA 01-08-2004 08:57 PM

Hey! That was the FBI, man! they didn't tell us!

wolf 01-09-2004 12:51 AM

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lumberjim 01-09-2004 01:17 AM

I have no fear,
now that wolf is here
so i'll just drink my beer
and be of good cheer

i've also decided
to not be a dick
as you'd not be delighted
If I fucked with that pic.

Although I did bluff,
I think the mere threat
should be just enough
To make El Sicomoro sweat

the end

wolf 01-09-2004 01:21 AM

My word you are lyrical this morning ...

lumberjim 01-09-2004 01:27 AM


Originally posted by wolf
My word you are lyrical this morning ...

wolf 01-09-2004 01:32 AM

Just to counteract the coke all you sales-types do, I suppose ...

Don't you ever sleep? I have an excuse for being up right now, but you have a real job, man!

Gwennie! 01-09-2004 01:46 AM


Originally posted by wolf
Just like a Referee - You missed the original foul and flagged the retailiation. :D

lumberjim 01-09-2004 01:48 AM

I don't know anyone that does coke. Do people still do coke? what happened to coke? you never hear about it. it's all heroin and x and crack nowadays. One thing you can count on not going out of style though ---> :blunt:
it's like blue jeans and tshirts.

wolf 01-09-2004 01:51 AM

Coke is still around, it's just more expensive than crack, and the rush isn't as intense.

More people seem to be shooting it rather than snorting it, though.

wolf 01-09-2004 01:56 AM


Originally posted by Gwennie!

Just like a Referee - You missed the original foul and flagged the retailiation. :D

Ah ... but it's often the retaliation that counts ...

(If you want to be really, really bored, you can read this.)

elSicomoro 01-09-2004 06:36 PM

And you all think I'm nuts...shit...Wolf, Jimbo and Slang make me look normal by far.

wolf 01-10-2004 01:13 AM

Oh SHIT. You know I really fucking hate it when you're right ...

Happy Monkey 01-11-2004 09:42 PM

Tape, tape, and more tape...
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One more spiky tape ball. This time you can see the process.

1) Fold a piece of tape about 60 degrees.
2) Fold one end over the triangle. If it doesn't line up, peel both folds back and try again.
3) Continue to fold the ends over the triangle until there isn't enough to make another triangle, and cut the extra off.
4) Color the triangle with a permanent marker.
5) Repeat steps 1-4 120 times. ;)

6) Tape 5 triangles in a row, with an extra triangle's worth of tape on each end. Tape the non-colored side.
7) Tape a triangle to the middle one of the 5, with an extra triangle's worth of tape on both the sixth triangle and the other side of the row of five.
8) pull the middle three of the row of five up into a pyramid, fastening with the extra tape flap.
9) Connect 5 pyramids into a star, cutting off flaps or adding new ones as needed.

Happy Monkey 01-11-2004 09:44 PM

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10) Continue adding pyramids around the edge. It starts to curve back in on itself.

Happy Monkey 01-11-2004 09:48 PM

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11) Attach the last pyramid by sliding it in, then sticking a paperclip in the joint and pressing the flaps until they stick.
12) Cover the outside with tape. Otherwise it is too fragile.
13) Recolor it with permanent markers, since the last step obscured the color.

Happy Monkey 01-11-2004 09:49 PM

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And here it is, backlit.

Elionwyr 01-13-2004 11:39 PM

Does writing count?
I have a short story in the current issue of Cthulhu Sex Magazine, which is the first bit of creative fiction I've had published in some time.

(My mother is so proud..) - "Cursed" be the tale.
(There's no actual link to the story on the site, dang it all, but if you click on my name, the story *is* on my website..)

xoxoxoBruce 01-14-2004 06:12 PM

Great story, Elion. I think I was married to her.:)

Elionwyr 01-14-2004 07:03 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
Great story, Elion. I think I was married to her.:)

Nothing But Net 01-15-2004 12:54 AM

Figure out the source image
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and win an ear

wolf 01-15-2004 12:58 AM

Re: Figure out the source image

Originally posted by Nothing But Net
and win an ear

Nothing But Net 01-15-2004 01:12 AM

wolf, of all people, you should have known
It was yours!

<img src="">

...and the ear thing was just VVGish, you know!

wolf 01-15-2004 01:20 AM

Tee hee ... gotcha!

(i recognized the bricks immediately, wanted to let some other folks have a chance. But my TRUE triumph here was to catch you with the old "make you repeat yourself when you make some refererence to ears or hearing". This was a geek-amusement from my college days. We were very good at it, and would always reprocess a statement when someone said "what?" before a repeat to make sure we hadn't been caught. One of the best gotchas involved a trip to a drive-thru safari park where someone pointed out a herd of antelope, was "whatted" and repeated. hmm. guess you had to be there, and it is a lot funnier in a verbal exchange).

Your image is VERY cool.

lumberjim 01-18-2004 09:03 AM

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Originally posted by lumberjim

I have a pine bookcase all cut awaiting time in my schedule to assemble and glue it up. It's a big one though, and I'm afraid that if I put it together in the basement, it will never come out. I built a "treasure chest" for the kids' costume collection this xmas....I'll try to get a good pic of it up here later.

lumberjim 01-18-2004 09:04 AM

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lumberjim 01-18-2004 09:06 AM

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and the bookcase/ it's 7 1/2 ft tall by 45" wide

i'll be painting the sides and trim around the front " queen anne's lace" ( offwhite) today while i watch football.

lumberjim 01-18-2004 09:07 AM

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the bottom

Undertoad 01-18-2004 09:15 AM

Man, that's proper. Good work.

Do you just get the lumber at the nearest HD?

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