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russotto 02-16-2005 01:15 PM

How do we know the President isn't telling the lady off for breastfeeding in public? :)

Anyway, if women want to breastfeed in public WITHOUT COMPLAINT from men, they're going to have to let men do what THEY do with breasts (i.e. ogle them) in public WITHOUT COMPLAINT.

Yeah, that'll happen.

lumberjim 02-16-2005 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by 404Error
How about LJ instead. :p

(Sorry, quick and crude job but you get the picture.)

right on!

jinx 02-16-2005 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by russotto
Yeah, that'll happen.

It'll happen shortly after men are comfortable being ogled when they get out of a cold pool in a Speedo I think.
No one likes to be ogled when they aren't making a good showing, do they? I mean, what kind of response are you looking for when you ogle a breastfeeding mom?

undone 02-16-2005 03:27 PM

Doesn't it embarrass you as men to be staring at a stranger's boob? I have to question the maturity level of anyone who can't stop himself from staring at someone else's body part. I am baffled by anyone who would recommend a woman feed her child a man made powdered formula chock full of preservatives simply because he can't be a grown up and take the situation for what it is. A woman providing nourishment for her child. Geez, go get yourself a playboy and hide in the bathroom you are so fond of.

Nightsong 02-16-2005 04:00 PM

Personnally I have no problem with public breast feeding though I do admitt I can see a balance point that most women cover with a blanket while doing so. I actually find it far more rude in public to have unruly loud and obnoxios kids and not do a damned thing to curb them. I am not just talking the look we are haveing some fun at the store crowd. I mean those yelling, running up and down the aisles, knocking things over, screaming at their own parent types that you want to pick up by their feet and spank then give their parents a good swat for not teaching the kids any public manners.
TO the breastfeeding thing. SOmeone said it and it is the Deitys honest truth. Our country is obsessed with skin. what do you expect from the (generally speaking) decendents of a people thrown out of their England for being up tight.

garnet 02-16-2005 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by Nightsong
I actually find it far more rude in public to have unruly loud and obnoxios kids and not do a damned thing to curb them.

YES! Very good point...

capnhowdy 02-16-2005 04:55 PM

Breasts....... why are people so hung up about it? I'm rather partial to them, myself.

Tell me - Why can a male go around all day with no shirt and noone notices, and a female can flash a breast for a second and everyone wants to have a shit fit. Let's get real here. A breast is a breast, no matter how large or small it may be. And why is a woman's breast automatically corelated to sex? What do they have to do (directly) with the actual act of having sex? You fondle the breast to stimulate your partner. You don't "fuck" the breast, so what's the big deal? I reckon next some asshole will start saying a person's lip's are a vulgar sight. After all, you usually carress the lips as a stimulation also.
I've heard that a man's attraction to women's breasts is a subconsious longing to be cuddled by his mom, like in infancy. Maybe all men are really " Momma's Boys"........

Kitsune 02-16-2005 05:58 PM

You don't "fuck" the breast, so what's the big deal?

Who says? ;)

hampor 02-16-2005 06:20 PM

bottle is not as good.

Originally Posted by Kitsune
feed the kid some formula from a bottle. Whatever happened to that method?

The problem there is that babies can suffer what is called nipple confusion. The action is different, and some babies ignore the breast later on. On top of that, the mother can get pretty uncomfortable if you skip a feeding.

One thing that the books never mention is cracked nipples. Imagine the worst cracked chapped lip that you've ever had. Then imagine if it were on your nipple and someone chewed on it every two hours. Yeow!!!

xoxoxoBruce 02-16-2005 08:40 PM

Basics...Why do women’s breasts protrude more than men’s (generally) do?’s to attract men’s attention. Mature men’s attention.
Absolutely flat chested women can feed their children. The rest is for us. So don’t be ragging on us for doing what comes naturally. You wave ‘em and we’ll salute. :handball:

I was allergic to my mother’s milk. Damn near killed me before they figured it out.

lookout123 02-16-2005 10:25 PM


You fondle the breast to stimulate your partner. You don't "fuck" the breast, so what's the big deal?
never heard of "russian" i'm guessing?

capnhowdy 02-17-2005 06:27 AM

OK....... so you CAN fuck the breast. There are probably other orfices & crevices that would suffice. People don't freak out when they are in plain sight, though. That is my point.
FACTOID: It is easier to fuck TWO breasts. I got it on my first try............. :doit:

capnhowdy 02-17-2005 06:33 AM

I'd like for once to hear a woman say, as a topless guy sachets by, " Hot damn! ; look at the tits on that dude!"

LabRat 02-17-2005 09:07 AM

Personally I never got any responses (that I noticed anyway) good or bad when I nursed in public. I just covered us up with a blankie and away we went. I have a right to feed my child, who has a right to eat when she's hungry. But I also respected the right of others to not have to be subjected to something that makes them uncomfortable. Now, if fat women in spandex would only learn to cover up...

russotto 02-17-2005 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by jinx
I mean, what kind of response are you looking for when you ogle a breastfeeding mom?

You misunderstand, I mean ogling in general, not when they're breastfeeding.
Besides, unlike men coming out of a cold pool in a speedo (and any guy willing to go IN to a cold pool in a speedo is already a bit off, if you ask me), women's breasts don't get SMALLER when they breastfeed.

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