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funkykule 03-15-2004 03:42 AM


Originally posted by Elspode

Our government can't even keep the fucking highways paved. I don't think they could make a conspiracy this large and keep it secret.

I find it very hard to believe that you really think that. I'n one way I'm jealous of your sense of security and your ability to trust that everything in your government is so..well innocent.
On the otherhand wake up and smell the coffee. Your roads arent up to scratch probably because your country's government are after spending more on war than any other presidency except for Lyndon Johnson, and wasn't that because he was over the Vietnam war? What do you think the CIA and the FBI spend their days doing?

CharlieG 03-15-2004 10:25 AM


Originally posted by Griff
That is an interesting reaction, especially considering how we Americans cowered in our houses after 9-11.
What do you mean WE? I was busy, VERY VERY busy post 9/11 - it didn't stop me, and I LIVE in NYC

CharlieG 03-15-2004 10:36 AM


Originally posted by sycamore

It isn't the first time the media has fucked up...won't be the last.

Your right - first the disclaimer - I work for one of the major media outfits, and in particular, on the morning of 9/11 I was working on the software that takes all the news wires into our company, and puts it into a database

Yep, there were reposts of a truck bomb on the mall. Eventually, it turned out to be nothing, so the news guys just moved on without saying anything (TOO much going on)

I've talked with the "old timers" here - it was the most confused day they ever saw.

Couple that with the fact that all the major NYC based networks lost their AP wire feed when the first building came down, it caused some crazyness. APs NYC office was in 1 World Financial Center if I remember right, but anyway, either in WTC or across the street in one of the buildings that got pretty well trashed, and ALL the phone lines in that area went through the WTC basement

One of those "funny in the aftermath" stories. The 1st building comes down, and about 5 minutes later, we get a phone call from the news room "The AP NYC feed is down, and we're on DC backup - You have to fix the feed" We just told the caller "APs NY datalines went through the WTC - that feed isn't coming back anytime soon" The caller KNEW that, but had not even stopped to THINK about it

ladysycamore 03-15-2004 11:14 AM


Originally posted by sycamore
I'm going to file this alongside "The Holocaust never happened" and "The moon landing was faked by Hollywood."
And don't forget: Hoffa, Elvis, TuPac and Biggie Smalls are in the secret basement of the Pentagon playing cards and drinking 40s. :D

quzah 03-15-2004 12:04 PM

Where's the black box?


Kitsune 03-15-2004 02:09 PM


Originally posted by quzah
Where's the black box?
In the hands of the NTSB, maybe?

Both black boxes from the hijacked aircraft which crashed into the Pentagon have also been recovered and turned over to the Federal Aviation Administration.

Beestie 03-15-2004 02:15 PM


Where's the black box?
Pssssssssssst. Its been teleported to Area 51. Quiet, they're watching... always watching... listening and watching...

dar512 03-15-2004 02:24 PM


Originally posted by quzah
Where's the black box?


Top people are looking in to it. Top people.

dar512 03-15-2004 02:27 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
i see stupid people
My first reaction was to laugh.

Then I thought what a true curse it would be if you were bothered by stupid people wanting help all day.

Then I thought, "Dang. That actually describes some people's jobs."

OnyxCougar 03-16-2004 09:59 AM

***raises her hand***

Troubleshooter 03-16-2004 10:13 AM


Originally posted by OnyxCougar
***raises her hand***
Me too. Twice...

Double T 03-16-2004 11:33 AM


Originally posted by ndetroit

so yeah... I think people were justified in being paranoid...

it would have been nice if they'd protested I guess... but ... what are they protesting? terrorism ? .... I'm not sure that's very effective.. .. I mean, you don't see a lot of pro-terrorism rallies... .. .... I'm not sure that they're getting their message to the right people by just having a protest..

I'm also pretty sure the city was in a lock down status, if there was no reason for you to be out of your home, you didnt leave. Thousands of New Yorkers protesting after a vital part of the city was demolished would only create even MORE confusion/chaos/problems

glatt 03-16-2004 12:00 PM

Yep, parts were blocked off for sure.

mitheral 03-16-2004 01:18 PM


Originally posted by Elspode
Well, I know that you and I didn't see it happen...but I'm still going with the least complex theory until someone gives me an explanation of why we would kill our own people and endanger our own military HQ. [...]
And incompently at that. You'd figure if the goverment wanted to take out part of the pentagon they would have targeted the section that hadn't been reinforced yet.

CharlieG 03-16-2004 01:46 PM


Originally posted by Double T

I'm also pretty sure the city was in a lock down status, if there was no reason for you to be out of your home, you didnt leave. Thousands of New Yorkers protesting after a vital part of the city was demolished would only create even MORE confusion/chaos/problems

The ONLY parts of NYC that were locked down was Manhattan below Canal

I _HATE_ when people forget that NYC is actually made up of 5 counties, and is QUITE large

There is

NY County - aka Manhattan + some small islands, and a couple of blocks on the mainland (a canal was moved - don't ask)

Bronx County - "the Bronx" - the only part of NYC on the mainland - all others are on islands (except for those few blocks)

Richmond County - aka Staten Island - NYCs most rural county

Kings County - aka Brooklyn - This is actually on "Long Island".

Queens County - aka Queens - again, on Long Island

When folks say "NYC", they are usually thinking "Manhattan", which is actually the smallest part of NYC by FAR (smallest county in the USA at 22 square miles)

If your in Manhattan, and someone says, they are going to "Long Island" - they usually mean Nassau or Suffolk, which are the 2 NON NYC counties on LI

If your on Long Island, and your going to Manhattan, your going to "the City" - Brooklyn and Queens are "forgotten"

NYC Government is VERY Manhattan centric - One of the past Mayors coined the term "Outer Boroughs" for the other 4 Boroughs of NYC, nad he would say it with distain

BTW A GREAT web site for NYC stuff
Forgotten NY

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