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Happy Monkey 02-23-2004 03:35 PM

I'm still not a fan of deleting threads, but it's UT's decision, and dave crossed a pretty severe line. No skin off my nose, since I only barely skimmed the thread myself.

lumberjim 02-23-2004 03:50 PM

LEAVE?! are you fucking kidding me? It's just getting good!

sycamore! hey! you ! sycamoooooooooooooore!

get back on the bike!

have some understanding. cant you see this is all MY fault?!

Tony, you do what you NEED to do. warch, you didnt need to hang it out there...well, you SHOULDN'T have had to, anyway, but i admire it. now delete it.

this is largely my fault for picking the scab anyway. i spoke to tony when my confusion reached an irresolvable level, and when i was satisfied, i tried to convey it to the rest of you, but i couldnt go into detail, and it kept on growing. i have faith that tony will act appropriately. he needs to protect his personallife from this one, and that has got to be tricky. its a shame that we(myself included) couldnt leave well enough alone, but when push comes to shove, im glad to see that UT has a pair swingin. kudos, tony.

sycamore and juju, dont take it personally.....well, maybe juju.....



never a dull moment, hey?

xoxoxoBruce 02-23-2004 04:18 PM

warch- I was right about you. I can see the glow off your halo from PA.:angel:
Syc- Stop being a cunt and put the Manifestos back up so I can abuse you again.:p
UT- I put my money where my mouth is. :)

elSicomoro 02-23-2004 04:38 PM


Originally posted by xoxoxoBruce
Syc- Stop being a cunt and put the Manifestos back up so I can abuse you again.
I respect Tony as the owner of the Cellar, and appreciate him hosting the Manifestos for the past 2 years. That being said, I do not feel comfortable continuing the Manifestos here with the possibility of censorship hanging over them.

richlevy 02-23-2004 04:42 PM

Well, I'm just glad it was personal and not related to any political or religious threads. One thing I respect about this place is that there can be intense disagreements on gun control, abortion, gay marriage, and any other current and ongoing hot button topics, and in most cases, people can attack the arguments and not the people behind them.

In other words, debate.

I know that Tony and I are not on the same wavelength on a lot of issues, and for a second I thought that he might have suddenly woken up and said to himself "Wow, John Ashcroft was RIGHT!"

I'm relieved to see that his post was in response to behavior that was truly out of bounds.

Elspode 02-23-2004 04:51 PM


Originally posted by sycamore

I respect Tony as the owner of the Cellar, and appreciate him hosting the Manifestos for the past 2 years. That being said, I do not feel comfortable continuing the Manifestos here with the possibility of censorship hanging over them.

I now must mourn the loss of the Whale Penis thread...sniff...RIP, Whale Penis thread.

Is that taps I hear softly in the distance?

lumberjim 02-23-2004 04:52 PM


Originally posted by sycamore

I respect Tony as the owner of the Cellar, and appreciate him hosting the Manifestos for the past 2 years. That being said, I do not feel comfortable continuing the Manifestos here with the possibility of censorship hanging over them.

ok, sycamore, i can see your point. But as a friend I want to tell you that this is a particularly sensitive moment on the cellar, and although your feelings are hurt right now, this too shall pass. UT was not "censoring" you per se. he was removing content that could be harmful to him and his site. you knew when you put that thread up that it could start more shit. I had already made the mistake, and you chose not to learn from it, and basically repeated it. you had your chance to defend your honor 3 months ago when it would have ben appropriate. your manifestos aside, i'd hate to see you pull a "da:censored:e" and bail out.


Undertoad 02-23-2004 04:56 PM

Really man.

Bruce: Syc, stop being a cunt.
Syc: No.

ladysycamore 02-23-2004 04:57 PM


Originally posted by Elspode
I also forgot to point out that Freedom of Speech doesn't apply to privately held entities...the owner can choose to allow whatever content suits him or her. Similarly, those who object to such moderation are free to a) start their own board, b) find another or c) quit being online altogether. How much freedom do you want? Shit, UT even offered to sell The Cellar in order for someone to continue to allow *their* conscience, or lack thereof, to rule the day.

I've been on boards where absolutely anything goes, no matter how harsh. They all end up turning into cesspools filled with tiny little minds calling each other names, making ongoing ad hominem attacks, and completely stifling any real discussion. Juvenile tripe.

I have to agree. When things tend to get "too free", then it ends up being abused by some and the tone of the board tends to change, and in most cases, not for the better. No one is saying that we all have to be "friends" or be sickingly sweet to one another, but how hard is it to be civil? :confused:


It boils down to good manners. I'm not perfect at that, but at least I try, and most of my posts are not overly cutting, even when I'm at my most cynical. I think some people have no other form of expression, and that sucks, especially when it is fairly clear that said people obviously have an intellectual capacity to show some reasonable restraint, and instead choose to spew bile and venom, or to project superior attitudes and be utterly condescending.
Well put. Quite honestly, when it comes to people being nasty online, I tend to be highly suspect of their motives, and I try not to sink to their level.


Ick. Give me moderation any day over that crap.
Amen to that.

To Tony, for the record, I think you are doing a great job running this board. I'm an advocate of the administrators of message boards having the final word on how their boards shall be run. I've learned this during the 6 or so years that I have been online, and now I co-admin. a board of my own. I let it be known that uncivil conversation is not allowed...period, end of story. There is always a way to say things to people without being an asshat about it. If someone doesn't like that, then oh well, get your own board and make your own rules.

As far as what you are doing now, hey, everyone has the right to change their minds about things. :)

elSicomoro 02-23-2004 05:01 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
Really man.

Bruce: Syc, stop being a cunt.
Syc: No.

Are you suggesting that I'm being a cunt about this?

elSicomoro 02-23-2004 05:13 PM


Originally posted by lumberjim
he was removing content that could be harmful to him and his site.
I don't see how my thread in particular was harmful to him or the Cellar.


you knew when you put that thread up that it could start more shit.
Agreed, though I thought the shit was going to come from Dave...and maybe FNF and a few others.


I had already made the mistake, and you chose not to learn from it, and basically repeated it.
We'll have to agree to disagree...I don't think I made a mistake at all.


you had your chance to defend your honor 3 months ago when it would have ben appropriate.
When the situation first occurred, I had hoped to keep it to a mild roar on Cellar. You might recall that I posted a small blurb on one of the threads encouraging anyone that wanted to know my side of the story to PM me. But after seeing one of Dave's posts over the weekend, I decided that it was time to finally say something. Again, we'll have to agree to disagree.


your manifestos aside, i'd hate to see you pull a "da:censored:e" and bail out.
Though I considered it, I'm just going to hang back for a while and see what transpires.

mrnoodle 02-23-2004 05:25 PM

My unsolicited (as usual) opinion is that y'all need to talk about this stuff in person. On here, you don't get the facial cues, the voice inflections, any of the stuff that makes face-to-face conversation preferable when discussing personal matters.

warch, maybe you should consider deleting your post. it explains a lot, but seems awfully personal. Yes, the privacy is gone, but you can mitigate the damage. Undertoad, you should IP ban this dave joker posthaste. If you have any fault in this, it's in allowing him any air time at all, after you found out what he was.

Fuck you, Dave, for almost spoiling a cool place. Everyone else, just kiss and make up please. Sheesh.

Skunks 02-23-2004 07:12 PM

Jawohl, mein Fürher!

I'm still sort of in the dark about this whole debacle, but the more I see, the less I want to keep digging.

The Cellar is an idle hobby, somewhere for me to waste my time. I like the IoTD, I like the funny posts, and I like the source of political commentary, because I'm too cheap and lazy to find it anywhere else. It bums me out that people who're core to the attributes I like might leave. But, what the hell. I'm not going to call it quits because they've threatened to leave (look at dave; he's still here, I gather). Until this place no longer interests me (and a few threads of late have admittedly gone in that direction), I'll be around.

And Syc? Yeah, you're being a cunt. A sandy cunt, made out of construction paper and talking in a funny voice.

The reasonable thing to do would be to say, "Hey, Tony? I dig how you didn't like that thread, but I don't dig how you deleted it for me. At the same time, I dig that the situation was out of the ordinary. I had fun doing the Mainfestos, and I want to keep it up. In the future, could you let me know before deleting a post?"

Hissy fits are unbecoming of tall trees. Go find a shopvac, or a can of compressed air, or whatever it takes to de-sand your cunt.

(factual errors or misrepresentation of people's opinions/actions can be attributed to me being more interested in my bowl of pasta than in this thread.)

warch 02-23-2004 09:16 PM

I own no halo and I wont delete anything. I should have done that sooner. but I thought it would end. appologies to all. I appreciate the kind words. I hope its over. New privacy boundaries are firmly installed.

If syc leaves I'll be mighty, mighty, mighty saddened. I hope he decides to manifesto again. Mighty saddened.
I need humor. please.
Oh and Syc is not a cunt. He's a funny, sharp, verbose, liberal who says what needs to be said, like whale and penis.

BrianR 02-23-2004 09:52 PM

Just for the record, I have pointedly steered away from controversial topics and have yet to post a single thought on the whole dave debacle. I did not abuse April or anyone else who may or may not have deserved it.

That said, I respect Tony for his honesty and stand behind him on his decision. I will continue my policy on controversy for now.

RIP flamewars


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