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elSicomoro 08-13-2003 06:06 AM

True, but you make me look like Adonis.

xoxoxoBruce 08-13-2003 04:04 PM

A doni's what?:p

headsplice 08-14-2003 05:30 PM

Bruce, that was like daggers in my brain.


BobB 08-18-2003 11:44 AM

The current Legislature in dominated by special interests — trial lawyers and labor unions — that benefit from the current oppressive workers’ compensation system. Court decisions have made it easy to get into the system by hugely stretching the meaning of "work-related" as applied to injuries. Lots of uninjured people are making money from the system. Not an environment for business.

xoxoxoBruce 08-18-2003 02:27 PM

Welcome to the Cellar, BobB.:D
Yes workman's comp is screwed up. Some people a fleecing the system and some people are getting screwed. The apparent general incompetency of the people that run it seems to be at the root of the problem. In fairness to them though, I don't know how they're hamstrung in trying to do their jobs.

Undertoad 08-26-2003 10:44 AM

On the campaign trail, traditionally, making any personal statement about your opponent is considered really, really bad form. More people will lose respect for you and not vote for you, than will be persuaded to vote for you.

So today they report that Arnie said on talk radio:

It's like one newspaper pointed out, Bustamante is Gray Davis with a receding hairline and a mustache. It's the same person. Same philosophy.

It's pretty minor, but Arnie just put down his opponents' looks. I'm guessing he can't get away with that any more than any other pol can. I would smack his wrist and tell him, bad candidate, no power bar today.

Griff 08-26-2003 10:50 AM

Does anyone know where the "Your Papa was a Nazi!" story came from? It seems the gloves are off out there.

elSicomoro 08-26-2003 11:27 AM

Haven't read a whole lot into it, but as I understand it, Arnie's dad was a member of the Nazi party. However, the Simon Wiesenthal Center cleared his dad of any wrongdoing/atrocities.

xoxoxoBruce 08-26-2003 03:30 PM

The Nazi party was the popular and dominant party, after all, for a long time before this little old World War faux pas. ;)

warch 08-27-2003 10:33 AM

Remember: Dont mention the war.

xoxoxoBruce 08-27-2003 04:35 PM

Here, Griff.

LUVBUGZ 08-27-2003 11:21 PM


Originally posted by Undertoad
On the campaign trail, traditionally, making any personal statement about your opponent is considered really, really bad form. More people will lose respect for you and not vote for you, than will be persuaded to vote for you.

So today they report that Arnie said on talk radio:

It's like one newspaper pointed out, Bustamante is Gray Davis with a receding hairline and a mustache. It's the same person. Same philosophy.

It's pretty minor, but Arnie just put down his opponents' looks. I'm guessing he can't get away with that any more than any other pol can. I would smack his wrist and tell him, bad candidate, no power bar today.

I preface this post by saying that I don't pay much attention to politics because I figure no matter who's in charge I'm gonna get screwed anyway (NO comment required Bruce:p ). So, my opinion may be representative of the ignorant voter's.

I'm considering voting for Arrrnald, not solely based on this comment, but I was thinking the same thing. Why would anyone want to vote for Bustamante when he's been there w/ Davis and has gone along w/ Davis so far. What makes anyone think anything would be different w/ Bustamante as governor? :confused:

Arnie may not be that skilled as a politician, but I think that's part of the reason why people will vote for him. Because he isn't your typical blood-sucking politician. Hopefully, if he does get elected (assuming the recall goes through), he will at least be smart enough and rich enough (so it won't come out of my pocket) to surround himself w/ people who will know how to guide and direct him so he can, maybe, make at least some positive changes for California.

elSicomoro 08-28-2003 08:31 AM

Did you vote in the gubernatorial election last November?

Undertoad 08-28-2003 10:53 AM

Separately, I was browsing around yesterday and found that the Libertarian Party of California has failed to run a candidate in this circus, but they are endorsing the Smoker Party candidate who is running on, amongst other things, smoker's rights.

The LP of CA was once the star in the party's roster. Our boy Radar's words to the contrary, it's almost dead now. Stick a fork in the LP, it is done.

Undertoad 08-28-2003 11:46 AM

Separately, I just watched Bustamante, live, pick his defining issue and it's very, very, very, very, very important that this man never be elected dog catcher, much less Governor.

Bustamante (roughly): Gas prices are higher in California than in most of the nation even though we have refineries. We are being gouged. They're using every excuse in the book to raise prices. I recommend changing the state constitution to make gasoline a public utility. Then we can control the prices.

If this man wins, start building houses in Vegas and Reno. Hell, start building houses in Philly too, because the East Coast is going to be the West Coast of the 2000s.

California has the third-highest gas TAXES in the USA.

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